Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 998: Revengeful Monkey

After recording the general situation of the Numu people, Rubik's Cube sent the video back. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw many Numu people pulling out several huge wooden instruments from the forest. After analyzing the appearance of the instruments, the computer concluded that these things were used to build bridges. Yes, it seems that their technical level is not low, at least they know how to use wood to make equipment to build bridges. It is a pity that those saplings were cut down.

Take photos and send them back, the Rubik's Cube is ready to return...

Suddenly, two Numu people walked under the tree and talked, which attracted Rubik's Cube's attention. He had copied the soul data of a Numu person before and could naturally understand their conversation.

"Why did our tribe rush to the front this time? The other tribes were watching the joke behind us. So many tribesmen died in the battle, but no one helped us at all. It is said that those blue-skinned monkeys have begun to prepare for the attack. The devil is above, I don’t know if I will die in agonizing pain. It’s okay to die in agonizing pain, but it’s hard for me to accept it.” A certain Numu man cursed, and the blue-skinned monkey was referring to the Na’vi people.

"Keep your voice down... If the leader hears this, he will eat you! There is no way, the swamp is occupied by those damn giant beasts. If we don't occupy the territory of the blue monkeys, then where can we occupy it? There are so many beasts in the forest and we cannot compete with them for territory. "

"Then we can't let our tribe fight alone!"

"Who knows, when the time comes, be careful to stay back and let those idiots rush forward. We can just stay behind to save our lives."

The two patrolling Numu people walked away under the tree. Rubik's Cube analyzed the information that the other party had just said. First, the swamp where the Numu people were originally living suddenly came and giant beasts had to come out to seize the territory again, and then there were others behind it. Tribe, this news is definitely not good news for the Na'vi people. Their peaceful life is about to be broken, and it may be difficult to restore peace within the next year or two.

After informing Nissa of the news, Rubik's Cube retreated slowly, killing several patrols it encountered along the way...

After the Rubik's Cube killed more than 20 Numu people, it finally attracted the opponent's attention. A group of more than a hundred Numu people screamed and ran all the way to the river. They did not notice that there was a pair of miscellaneous animals in the grass beside their feet. Grass, it’s really because there were ants crawling outside the weed pile that I didn’t take a second look at it.

The kind of ants that are numerous in number and move quickly are particularly sensitive to living things. Even crustaceans will be eaten up. There is no way for an ambush to occur when there are ants. Moreover, those ants look very leisurely and do not look like they are encountering food.

A group of Numu people ran past. The ant pile raised its gun and was slightly shocked. The last one in the running Numu people fell to the ground. However, because the Numu people were too excited and waved their weapons while running and screaming, they were not noticed. Behind him, his companion fell down and disappeared into the dense forest. The Rubik's Cube stood up in the ant pile in the grass and disappeared silently into the grass regardless of the ants on him.

When the little leader of the more than a hundred Numu people discovered that several of his men were missing, he finally realized that the opponent was no longer in front but following him. He spread out to search. He might find the opponent quickly, but he would also be assassinated by the opponent at the same time. , it’s safe to stay together, but you can’t find each other, it’s very confusing...

I had nothing to do and decided to play with them for a while with the Rubik's Cube. I made two sharp boomerangs and threw the two boomerangs with a flick of the robot hand!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

A series of boomerangs flew towards the dense forest with a sound of breaking through the air. They passed through some broad-leaf herbs with extremely sharp edges. They circled half a circle around the team of Numu people and turned to the other direction of the Rubik's Cube before starting to spin and fly towards the Numu people. The wooden team, attacking from another direction will not reveal the location of the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube believes that they will definitely rush towards the direction where the boomerang appears.

The boomerang as big as a bowl quickly pierced into the Numu team, grazing the throats of several people one after another. Finally, the two boomerangs pierced into the chest of the little leader. The seven Numu people covered their throats and tried in vain to block the spray of blood. , and finally fell down slowly.

The Numu people, who had lived in extreme environments since childhood, were angry. They rushed towards the dense forest opposite the Rubik's Cube brandishing various weapons. They took the opportunity to secretly shoot and kill the unlucky Rubik's Cube behind them before turning around and returning to the Na'vi tribe.

The route of the Rubik's Cube is very simple, just go to the areas with poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. The violent poisonous weeds will make the skin of living creatures ulcerate but have no reaction to metal. The same is true for poisonous insects. They don't even look at the steel passing by. The poisonous mosquitoes are flying around in dense numbers. No pursuers would dare to enter this area.

An easy ride all the way back.

As the saying goes, carelessness leads to accidents. It makes sense. As we walked, two six-legged monkeys appeared on the intricate trunks of the trees. The Rubik's Cube didn't pay attention, and didn't notice the two monkeys looking at the Rubik's Cube with fierce eyes...

I had beaten a group of monkeys when I first landed on Namei Star. These two monkeys were the ones involved. Now I see the enemy again and the memories of being beaten are definitely not friendly. When the Rubik's Cube was boring and rushing, the two monkeys jumped down...

"What the hell are you crazy about!"

He bent down hard and threw the two monkeys away from his back. At the same time, he punched a certain monkey in the face. He punched it several times in succession. He turned around and kicked the other monkey away. Then he punched the monkey's head with another hard blow. Smashed into the pile of fallen leaves, and then beat the other monkey violently...

When Nisha saw the Rubik's Cube again, she found that there were a lot of colors on the Rubik's Cube's face. They were hit by the monkeys with unknown fruits. The Rubik's Cube did not kill the two monkeys but only knocked them unconscious.

"Did you offend Currymon?"

"That monkey is called Currymon? No wonder it deserves a beating."

"You must have made enemies with them before. Kurili beasts are the most vengeful. There was once an old man who beat a Kurili beast when he was a child. However, he was beaten half to death by the Kurili beast when he was old. You will suffer from it in the future. "

"It is very rare to be so concerned about by a monkey. I wonder if the mechanical army will confuse them." Rubik's Cube said in a bad way. The mechanical soldiers are exactly the same. When the time comes, tens of thousands of mechanical soldiers will appear on the two monkeys. Will the two of them have their brains broken in front of them?

"Thank you for the information you brought back. You have helped us a lot. Come on, I will take you to see our holy land."

The Rubik's Cube Machine's eyes lit up! Holy place! Most of the places generally called Holy Lands hide many secrets. The Holy Land must be related to the Na'vi people and the mother goddess of all creatures on the Na'vi planet! Anyway, it is impossible for the Na'vi people to call anything else a holy land!

"Wow~ I'm so nervous~ What should I do to look like a veteran who often goes to the Holy Land? Will I become famous all of a sudden? What should I do if it's too ostentatious? Is going to the Holy Land now too fast? I'm so nervous. What should I do if I’m so excited that I really want to eat a few screws to celebrate?”

Nisha rubbed her forehead and waved her hand towards the Rubik's Cube.

"Don't talk to me. I have never noticed that you are so verbose. You should be grateful to the Mother Goddess for not letting me shoot you!"

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