Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 999: Holy Land

It stands to reason that a place like a holy land should at least be heavily protected or built to be extremely sacred, inlaid with gold, silver and pearls and emeralds. What's more, it would be wasteful to waste people and money to create a stunning work, and at the same time, make money by selling tickets for future generations. However, the Holy Land of the Na'vi Tribe completely overturned the Rubik's Cube's understanding of the Holy Land. There are no grand buildings, no ancient ruins, and no heavy soldiers or strict protection. At most, it can be regarded as a lush forest with various small animals jumping up and down happily. Beautiful birds decorate the world like a fairy tale world. There are no animals to kill here, and there are no animals that will kill here. It is so peaceful and gentle that even computer fires feel calm.

There is a big tree in the forest. It is so big and beautiful that it even makes Rubik's Cube think it is not a tree...

The big tree has a huge root system. Many of the roots are exposed and hug a huge rock. The composition of the rock should be exactly the same as those of the suspended mountains. The big tree sheds slightly swaying branches like a willow tree. Miraculously, the whole big tree exudes a light white color. Fluorescent, the branches are translucent. Several Na'vi people are using the nerve tissue on their braids to connect those branches. They close their eyes, happy and peaceful. Maybe they can't hear any language but they can feel the tranquility.

Nisha gently walked to a transparent branch that emitted light, connected the braided nerve tissue to the branch, and closed her eyes as well.

"This is our sacred place. Other tribes also have sacred places and mother goddess trees. She is not only our mother goddess but also the mother goddess of all creatures in the forest."

"It looks very sacred. To be honest, I didn't expect to see such a magical scene."

Rubik's Cube looked at the Mother Goddess Tree of the Na'vi and said with emotion, Dragon Star, Earth, Shenwu Continent, Rubik's Cube has seen many plants, but this is the first time he has seen such a magical plant. The countless energy in its root system is To communicate, in the eyes of Rubik's Cube, this Mother Goddess Tree is like various servers in the computer network, and huge data is communicated through the root system.

"I have told the Mother Goddess what you have done for us."

"Uh... Please try not to be so aboveboard next time when you make a report. Can I establish contact with the Mother Goddess Tree? No matter what I did before, I couldn't find a way to contact the Mother Goddess."

"The Mother Goddess is not found but discovered. Feel it in another way."

"You are talking more and more like those philosophers on earth. I can't understand it, but it makes sense." After saying that, the Rubik's Cube stretched out its mechanical hand and attached the energy tentacles to slowly touch the tree of the Mother Goddess. There was no rejection, and the energy The tentacles quickly connected with the nerve signal transmission system in the branches...

Three minutes later.

"I still failed, maybe I haven't found the right method yet." Rubik's Cube gave up helplessly. Rubik's Cube couldn't feel anything except complex signals. He couldn't feel tranquility, mystery, or anger, as if he was gently stroking a branch. , it is better to stand under the tree and feel more while doing nothing.

"There will always be a way to feel the Mother Goddess. Don't worry, you won't die in a while."

Nisha learned the teasing tone of the Rubik's Cube and felt that the effect was good after speaking.

"Thank you for the compliment. I feel deeply blessed."

Just when the Rubik's Cube was looking around, the computer suddenly locked onto something! At the core location in the middle of the Mother Goddess Tree! The box is locked and then the screen is zoomed in. What finally appears in front of the Rubik's Cube is... a leaf? The tree of the Mother Goddess also has leaves? Why do the leaves look so familiar? The Rubik's Cube began to search the database, and soon found the exact same leaf...

Fang Die gave him such a leaf at the beginning, but it changed the energy characteristics and pushed the human female Wang Ziyan down! It’s actually the leaves of the Tree of the Mother Goddess?

Everything seemed to be related somehow. The leaves of the Mother Goddess tree changed me. Not long after, I came to find the way to become a god. Everything seemed to have some unexplainable connection. The Rubik's Cube had a certain kind. I have a hunch that the key to further improving my strength lies in Namei Star!

"Are you looking at the leaves of the Tree of the Mother Goddess? The leaves of the Tree of the Mother Goddess grow slowly. This leaf has been growing for thousands of years. Similarly, the leaves cannot be obtained by anyone who wants them. Only after passing by the Mother Goddess Only those recognized by the tree can obtain its energy.”

"We are really... as close as a family..."

I deeply feel that the Tree of the Mother Goddess, or the Rubik's Cube calls her the Mother Goddess of Na'vi is more appropriate. The God here exists in another way. She has integrated herself into every corner of this beautiful planet and is everywhere. …

Just when Rubik's Cube and Nissa were feeling the Mother Goddess of Na'vi under the Mother Goddess Tree, several Na'vi people came from a distance. One of them happened to be Nisha's boyfriend, the hunky young man who was almost certain to become the next clan leader. The young man had just appeared. I saw Rubik's Cube standing under the Tree of the Mother Goddess, stroking the branches coquettishly!

"Hiss!! Stop!"

The macho man with exposed fangs screamed and roared, and quickly appeared in front of the Rubik's Cube with a few followers. He was nearly three meters taller than the Rubik's Cube's nearly two meters tall. He stared down at the Rubik's Cube angrily.

"This is not the place where you, an alien monster that cannot communicate with the Mother Goddess, should come! Nissa! How can you bring it in? You are blaspheming the Mother Goddess!" the macho man yelled.

The Rubik's Cube noticed that the opponent's heartbeat was accelerating, his muscles were tensed, and his mental energy was high. He was really angry. He shrugged and expressed helplessness. Your mother goddess is everywhere on the planet. Is it possible for me, an interstellar air crasher, to jump out of the atmosphere?

"Gaya! It was the priest and the clan leader who agreed to let the Rubik's Cube come to the Mother Goddess Tree! Besides, the Mother Goddess Tree welcomes the Rubik's Cube's arrival. How can you shout here?"

Nessa, who has the character of Little Pepper, was very annoyed at being yelled at by her boyfriend Gaya, but she did not dare to argue under the Mother Goddess Tree for fear of disturbing the peace of the Mother Goddess Tree. Many Na'vi people nearby came over to express their displeasure with Gaya's roar. Dissatisfied, regardless of the fact that Gaya is the candidate for the future clan leader of the tribe, no Na'vi people will care about his identity in front of the Mother Goddess.

"You're scolding me? Don't forget we're the same kind! And it!"

The angry Gaya pointed at the Rubik's Cube with his hand. The Rubik's Cube was straightened and he spread his hands to show that he really did nothing.

"It's an outsider! It doesn't belong to our forest or our world! It's just like those weirdos from the sky!"

"You are wrong! As long as the Mother Goddess recognizes any life, it is the same as us! Gaia, don't continue to quarrel in front of the Mother Goddess Tree!"

Rubik's Cube felt quite embarrassed when he saw that his opponent's boat turned upside down at the request of him, especially since the core of the quarrel between the two of them was himself. Just when Rubik's Cube was thinking about how to stop the quarrel, he suddenly saw an incredible scene and immediately reached out to push it. Pushing Nisha and Gaya, they were almost thrown away by the two angry Na'vi.

"Stop arguing...I think I saw your mother goddess..."

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