Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 1 Researchers of R'lyeh Culture

Gulu gulu——

The bubbles rubbed against the skin, and an itching sensation spread from the inside out to all parts of the hands and feet.


Biting coldness swept through his body, and his head felt like a heavy hammer.

In the only remaining memory, a strange whisper enveloped his ears, and the entire dark world fell silent.

It is an indecipherable language that can induce the deepest darkness and fear in the human heart.

Si Wei himself seemed to be thrown into the cold sea water and enveloped by the strange liquid.

This is a feeling that cannot be described in words. It is wonderful and makes my hair stand on end the moment I recall it.

It's like... death is approaching.

Suddenly, he gained control of his body and opened his eyes suddenly.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dilapidated wooden wall. A dilapidated calendar marked with bright red paint hangs on the mottled wall. The dark brown wall paint has peeled off, leaving behind a hideous and terrifying pattern.

Pushing himself up from the ground with his hands, Si Wei felt the stinging pain in his head while observing the surrounding environment.

There was only a few tens of square meters of space, and the glassless windows were covered with a few black and white newspapers. The biting cold wind blew in from the outside, like the roar of a beast.

This wooden house has only one floor, one room, and not even a toilet. Next to Si Wei, there is a pattern similar to a spell, and the paint is bright red, as if it was painted with blood.

The wooden house also looked a bit old. There was a set of tables and chairs directly in front of Si Wei, which were covered with dust and showed a gray color. There is a wardrobe of the same style next to the wooden table. The door on one side has fallen off, revealing the spider webs covering every corner inside, as well as the leftover food eaten by the spiders.


Taking a breath of cold air, Si Wei stood up from the ground. Before he could brush off the dust on his body, he noticed that behind him, there was a floor-length mirror as tall as himself. But this floor-length mirror is a little out of place with the surrounding scenery, because it is brand new and spotless.

Through the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Si Wei saw himself now. The face is obviously Westernized, and the black eyes are slightly blue. The short black to brown hair has some natural curls, which is quite different from Si Wei's perception of "himself".

Even the attire has completely changed. In Si Wei's last memory of himself, he was supposed to be wearing plain casual clothes and jeans, but now he was wearing a sharp, expensive black suit and a pair of shiny leather shoes.

Faced with this situation, if it wasn't a dream... there was only one possibility.

time travel.

Covering his forehead with his hand, Si Wei did not expect that he would encounter such a thing again in his lifetime. After all, in his only remaining memory, he should still be in the city library, preparing to go to work in half an hour.

After flipping through the books he wanted to read, Si Wei was about to get up and put the books back where they were. Unexpectedly, his brain suddenly swelled, and an indescribable feeling filled his body. Although he closed his eyes ...Then we encountered the current situation.

Si Wei maintains a sanity that is unimaginable to normal people, and his ability to process information is like a cold machine completing a set program.

Since elementary school, Si Wei's emotional processing ability has begun to weaken sharply, and rationality has gradually eroded sensibility, causing him to maintain this monster-like way of absorbing and processing information no matter what the circumstances.

His classmates in high school all made fun of him, saying, "In the myth of Kesulu, you must be the person who is least likely to have his SAN value reset to zero."

From this, Si Wei became curious about "Cthulhu Mythos" and conducted some research.

But he didn't really think that he would be summoned by the evil gods for this kind of thing. After all... that would be too evil...

"Let's first look around for anything that can provide information." Si Wei gave himself the order, turned around and looked at the set of tables and chairs just now.

On the table, two or three pieces of white letter paper were placed randomly. Si Wei picked up one of them. The handwriting was neat, as if it were written by a machine, but there was only one sentence written on it.

[You are the one who answered the call, holding the key to the truth and wandering around unknown. Untainted by ignorance, unfazed by madness, this is the key to open the door. We have captured your soul and come to another world. I hope you will use my name to bring truth to the world and cut off ignorance and ignorance. 】

What's this?

Si Wei asked this question in his mind. After all, there is a long paragraph written here, and it is impossible for a normal person to understand it.

The person who answered the call... was he called here? Moreover, the other party seemed to hope that he would use the other party's name to bring something to the world. This was the only clue Si Wei Er could extract from this string of words.

At least, this corroborates the fact that Si Wei traveled through time.

On the other piece of letter paper, the handwriting was obviously much crazier than the previous one. The force of writing was as if he wanted to pierce the letter paper, using all his strength.

[Liars are all liars! We have all been lied to! 】

What does this sentence mean?

A thoughtless sentence can disrupt the normal thoughts the most. Si Wei is not a stupid person, and precisely because he is not a stupid person, it is easier for his thoughts to be disturbed.

Giving up on delving into the contents of this piece of paper, Si Wei pulled out the last piece of paper. The handwriting on this piece of paper was very familiar to Si Wei.

Because this is his own handwriting!

But when Si Wei woke up, he was lying on the ground. He found himself here. How could he write a note to himself and leave it here?

And there was not even a pen around. Who wrote these three pieces of paper? What are these spells around him? What happened to the original owner of the body that led to his crossing?

While thinking about these questions that came into his mind, Si Wei looked at the content of the last piece of paper.

[Don't stay here for too long, look out the window, follow the moonlight... that's where you should go]

The moment Si Wei finished reading this sentence, the red flames instantly devoured the three pieces of paper in his hand. It was like magic, choosing a perfect time to make Si Wei lose the clues in his hand!

"What's going on?" Si Wei, who lives in the real world and has never encountered such supernatural phenomena, subconsciously asked this question, "Is it some kind of magic trick?"

No matter what conclusion Si Wei came to in the end, it seems that he must act according to the content of the third piece of paper.

Si Wei looked out the window after uncovering the newspaper that was hanging in the wind. The bright full moon hung high in the night sky, shedding cold moonlight. The sound of the wind gradually weakened, like a beast that had lost its temper, gradually retracting its fangs and lowering its tail.

In front of the window, a gravel path appeared in Si Wei's field of vision.

Si Wei was definitely not a person who would sit and wait for death. After confirming the location of the gravel path, Si Wei pushed open the door of the wooden house and stepped onto the path.

Without a reference, it is difficult for humans to walk in a straight line. However, Si Wei was obviously helped by someone. The surrounding trees stood on both sides of Si Wei like guards, leading him in the right direction.

The night deepened, and the moon rose above the willow branches.

Si Wei walked in the fresh forest for about ten minutes, and then saw a very obvious light spot in front of him, which should be a searchlight device such as a flashlight.

If there were no reminder on the letter, Si Wei would definitely not go up and say hello to others. Strangers met in the wilderness were either lost hikers or criminals who came to dump corpses.

"Hello." After walking in, Si Wei tried to greet the other party in his native language.

The man holding a flashlight in the forest at night was a man in police uniform. He looked ordinary, but he looked particularly kind.

The moment he saw Si Wei, he showed a happy expression, "Oh! Mr. Si Wei, I finally found you!"

Hearing that he actually called out his name, Si Wei was a little surprised, "Do you know me?"

"Of course!" The man was a little puzzled by Si Wei's reaction, "You are a famous R'lyeh culture researcher in our town, how could I not know you?"

R... R'lyeh culture researcher?

When the three words "R'lyeh" are mentioned, most people will be confused, some people can associate it with Cthulhu, and a small number of people know the concept of the Old Ones.

But that is something from a novel after all, why did he become a researcher of it?

"Then... do you know Cthulhu?" Si Wei asked tentatively, wanting to understand the extent to which this world understands the concept of the Old Ones.

Unexpectedly, the man showed a puzzled expression when he heard these three words, "Cthulhu? What is that? I don't quite understand... Is it your new paper?"

"No... forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Si Wei rubbed his temples. Now he suspected that the guy who summoned him was the evil gods. "Since you are here to find me, please go back with me. I was injured in the forest just now, and many things are confusing."

This excuse is not very clever, because Si Wei now has no bruises or scars on his body, but anyone who is smart enough can hear the contradiction in Si Wei's words.

But the police officer was not so vigilant. His purpose of coming to the forest was to find Si Wei. Now that he has found the person, he still has so many doubts. Isn't it just adding trouble to himself?

So he did not doubt it and took Si Wei on the road back to the town.

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