Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 2 Dream Eater

"This is your temporary residence," the police officer led Si Wei to the entrance of a hotel in the town. "Your room should be in Room 306 on the third floor. Your assistant is still waiting for you. "

This hotel looks large in scale, and the decoration is full of luxury. The five characters "Tyndale Hotel" in front of the door are even covered with fluorescent tape.

There were very few cars on the street, and most of them were horse-drawn carriages. They seemed to be from modern times, and there was a big gap between them and Si Wei's original era.

After saying goodbye to the police officers, Si Wei walked into the hotel and came to the reception desk.

The staff at the reception desk was a young and beautiful woman, and she seemed to know Si Wei. "Professor Si Wei, may I help you?"


Si Wei felt that this title was a bit awkward. After all, his virtue was not worthy of the title. His research on the so-called "Cthulhu culture" only limited to novels and some fan works.

If this could be called a professor, then there were not many people who could become professors in his original era.

"I lost my room card. Can you help me get a new one?" Si Wei gave a reliable reason, "I got lost in the forest before, and my room card seems to have been lost along with my sense of direction. ”

In response to this cold joke, the woman just twitched the corner of her mouth politely, and then said: "Professor Si Wei, your assistant has taken the spare key from us, and the only thing left for you can only open it." Master key to all rooms.”

Her meaning is obvious, I don't have the key to give you, so go directly to your assistant.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble." Si Wei nodded and did not bother the woman. He turned around and walked up the stairs.

The woman at the reception desk tilted her head and asked a strange question, "Professor Si Wei was still such an eccentric person before he left. Why did he change so much when he came back? Did he hit his head?"


On the third floor of the hotel, in front of room 306.

Si Wei hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door gently.

"Who?" A female voice came from behind the door, with a clear voice.

"I'm Si Wei." Si Wei didn't know what the right reaction was in this situation, so he chose his own customary response.

After a brief silence, the door lock clicked, and then someone pushed it open from the inside.

The person in the room, who could also be said to be Si Wei's assistant, was just a girl who looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old.

Si Wei himself is twenty-two years old, and he looks only five or six years older after time travel. At this age, the girl should still be in college, so why would she become his assistant?

The girl's appearance is quite outstanding, her long brown hair is scattered casually behind her, her complexion is fair, and her eyes are as clear and translucent as emeralds.

The only flaw is...she has no expression.

It's not that the girl has no face, but she feels like a robot, always maintaining this listless and unsociable expression.

Very similar to Si Wei before time travel.

"Are you back?" The girl made a way for him and signaled him to hurry in. "If you don't come back, I will suspect that you are going to die in the forest."

Si Wei apologized, "I'm sorry, I just fell down in the forest and I'm a little confused. If I hadn't been discovered by someone, I might have died in the forest."

Having said that, Si Wei also emphasized that "I am not very clear-headed" and it is understandable if there is anything suspicious.

So what if the girl becomes suspicious? Even if there are identification methods such as DNA, fingerprints, and iris in this era, it is still impossible to find out that he is not "Professor Si Wei" himself.

However, the girl didn't seem to care about this. Instead, she walked to the bedside table and brought out a notepad with a vermilion cover.

While she was taking the notepad, Si Wei took a look at the structure of the hotel room.

Entering the entrance hall from the door, the bathroom is on the left. There were only disposable utensils such as towels, toothpaste, and toothbrushes prepared by the hotel.

There were no water stains on the floor or the washbasin, which meant that the girl had not washed up yet. It could also be seen from her clothes, which were obviously casual clothes.

Directly opposite the entrance is a small green sofa that can accommodate one person. On top of it are piles of books and documents that are 15 centimeters high. The covers are of different colors, but the material looks relatively expensive.

There are two single beds in the room, with only a gap of about thirty centimeters between them.

On one of the beds, there was a suitcase that could hold a lot of things. It was not opened and rested quietly against the head of the bed.

There is a bedside table on both sides of each single bed, and two night lights that are not turned on are placed on both sides.

"Here." The girl came to Si Wei and handed him the notepad, "This is the information you want me to check."

Si Wei was startled for a moment and opened the title page of his notepad.

It has the girl's signature on it to prove that it belongs to her.

Gia Greenwell.

"Sit down first." Jia returned to her bed and crossed her legs, revealing her smooth and slender legs, as if Si Wei was not a man at all. "I have a strong feeling for your adventure tonight." interest."

Si Wei sat on the other bed. He didn't speak yet, but flipped through his notepad, reading this knowledge that he had never been exposed to before.

Jia said: "These are fragmentary articles published by Professor Curtis Brandt in a scientific magazine thirty years ago. They roughly introduced the R'lyeh culture to people and introduced a concept beyond human cognition, missionaries."

She recited it word for word according to the contents of the notebook, and Si Wei must have seen this.

What surprised him most was that the so-called R'lyeh culture mentioned in the article was not "too" different from what he read in the novel.

Missionaries refer to people who have the power of grace and are responsible for recruiting believers and strengthening the power of faith for unknown beings.

If Si Wei understood correctly, this "power of grace" is a superpower in a sense.

There is a drawing on the notebook, with a pattern like an ancient tree in the sky.

Starting from the starting point, it is divided into nine strands, each of which has nine nodes, and the last node of the last nine strands extends out and converges together.

"This diagram is named the Balem Web," Jia explained. "Balem is the ancient language of Professor Brandt's birthplace, meaning truth. In Professor Brandt's article, she believes that the missionary's gift power can be divided into nine categories, each with nine different stages.

"When the gift power reaches the top, reaching the point where the other eight gift powers converge, it can transcend the concept of 'human' and embrace the truth."

Si Wei nodded and asked, "Under what circumstances can one have the gift power?"

Jia thought for a while and leaned forward. "In theory, people with too high inspiration may awaken the gift power. But in your investigation, it seems that you have to face the 'unknown'."

Unknown? Are you talking about the Old Ones?

Inspiration is too high? I just crossed over, do I have the so-called gift power?

A series of questions emerged in Si Wei's mind, but he still chose to solve the most serious problem first, "How can I be sure if I have the so-called gift power? "

The letter said that he "holds the key to truth". If he doesn't even have the power of grace, he really doesn't know where the key is.

Jia heard it and pointed to the suitcase at the head of Siwei's bed, "Open that thing."

Siwei did as he was told. There were only a few sets of clothes in the suitcase, as well as Siwei's and Jia's underwear.

In addition, there was a round stone slab with the same patterns as the notebook.

"This is the Balem slab. Although it is just a replica, it is no different from the real thing." Jia yawned, seeming a little sleepy, "If you have the power of grace, when you drop your blood on the bottom node, the blood will automatically flow to the corresponding circuit. "

"The real thing?" Siwei felt something was wrong, "Is there a so-called real or fake distinction between this thing? "

Jia didn't seem to be confused by Si Wei's many questions today, but explained everything diligently, "The name of Balem's Net is not made up out of thin air. The real Balem Slate came to the world with a meteorite more than 30 years ago. It is precisely because of the appearance of the Balem Slate that the concepts of Balem's Net and missionaries came into being. "

Si Wei nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

In this case, he could not wait to take out a carving knife and a fake Balem slate from his suitcase, cut his finger, squeezed out a small drop of blood, and dripped it into the Balem Net.


At the moment of dripping, the blood moved.

It moved forward all the way, without any force driving it forward, but it flowed to one of the circuits.

Finally, it stopped at the first node of a circuit.

This also means that Si Wei is a "missionary" and has the power of grace.

And the name of his grace is... Dream Eater.

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