Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 3 The Old Parliament

Si Wei was very tired after experiencing time travel, so after confirming the power of his gift, he didn't have much verbal communication with Jia, but just lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

It was precisely because he fell into sleep early that he did not miss... the next good show.


"Is everyone here?"

What is this sound?

"We're all here, but it seems like the newcomer doesn't quite understand the situation yet."

What's the meaning? Newcomer? Are you talking about yourself?

"It doesn't matter, even a newcomer has his own merits. The meeting will start immediately. Let's wake him up first."


Si Wei suddenly felt a heavy hammer hit his chest, and his heart seemed to pause for a second.

But it was also because of this heavy hammer that he regained control over his body and opened his eyes.

"Hello, newcomer."

The person who said this was a man shrouded in darkness, and it was impossible to tell the difference between male and female just by looking at his voice.

Si Wei was in a vast starry sky world, surrounded by stars and red balls of light. A bronze round table with a radius of about five meters appeared here.

Four bronze thrones surround the edge of the round table, and four figures shrouded in black gather here.

One of them is Si Wei.

"Welcome to the Old Council, Apostle of Cthulhu." The figure opposite Siwei opened his arms, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Apostle of Cthulhu?" Si Wei pointed at himself, "Are you talking about me?"

The figure on Si Wei's right said: "Except for you, no one else has been chosen by Cthulhu."

Si Wei looked around blankly and came to the conclusion based on his previous memories, "Am I in a dream now?"

"Yes, the vast majority of the Old Ones are either sleeping or imprisoned in the depths of the universe, conveying information through possession or dream speech. So... the Old Council also takes place in dreams. "The man directly in front of Si Wei put his elbows on the table, folded his palms, and supported his chin, "I am the apostle of Azathoth, and my name will not be revealed. "

The figure on Si Wei's left introduced himself: "I am the apostle of Yog-Sothoth, and my name will also not be revealed."

The last person's voice was a little weak, but it could still be heard by everyone present, "Apostle of Hastur."

Si Wei felt that he might have gotten into something big. He was actually summoned by the Old Ones, and the guy who summoned him had a lot of background.

After taking a breath, Si Wei asked: "Then what powers does this old parliament...mainly exercise, or what does it do?"

The apostle of Azathoth said: "Eliminate ignorance and reveal the truth; embrace the unknown and answer the mystery."

At the same time, he made a gesture: crossing the finger joints of his hands in front of his chest, and then pushing his palms out as far as possible.

Okay, that sounds pretty nice, but I didn’t understand a word of it.

"I can understand your incomprehensible mood. After all, we were in the same state as you when we first arrived at the Old Parliament." The apostle of Yog-Sothoth comforted, "All you have to do is accept, absorb, and Extract and complete the mission of the unknowns.”

The unknowns...are you talking about the Old Ones?

Si Wei nodded, indicating that he understood the setting, "So... what do I need to do?"

The apostle of Azathoth said: "Although you are an apostle of Cthulhu, you are still a newcomer. Only when you complete your mission will the unknown people recognize you. This is also the reason why we opened the Old Parliament this time.

"Apostle of Cthulhu, you are now required to perform a mission full of mystery and unknowns. Go to the dock in Akela Zhong, board the ship heading for truth, and complete your mission."

Everyone present listened silently to the words of Azathoth's apostle, and the air in the starry sky world seemed to freeze.

"Uh...that's it?" Si Wei didn't mean to express his disdain, he just wanted to ask for a hint. Is that this?

Apart from place names and boarding the ship, doesn’t this mean nothing was said?

The apostle of Azathoth nodded and replied, "That's it."

Well... I had too high hopes for you Riddlers.

"Now that the newcomer's mission has been assigned, the next step is to exchange information between the three of us, right?" the apostle of Yog-Sothoth said, "Recently, the pagans over the North Sea have been taking some actions, and they seem to be spreading False information has caused panic everywhere.”

Hastur's apostle was still concise and concise, "punishment... and that's it..."

"Of course we can't do this," Azathoth's apostle maintained his previous actions, "Assimilating others through violent means is not the style of our old council. Apostle of Yog-Sothoth, I hope Beihai I can leave things over there to you."

The apostle of Yog-Sothoth nodded slightly, "Leave it to me. Truth will last forever, but ignorance will perish."

Si Wei felt that he was out of place with them now, almost like a primitive man who had strayed into modern people's academic discussions.

They exchanged some more information and intelligence, and after basically determining the next direction of the entire world, the apostle of Azathoth looked at Si Wei again, "So... the apostle of Cthulhu, at the end of the council, Is there anything else you want to ask?"

At this moment, Si Wei finally asked what he wanted to know most.

Even if some information related to himself would be exposed, Si Wei didn't care so much, because he vaguely felt that... these three people were the key to him getting in touch with the core of the world.

"I want to know... what are the abilities of the Dream Eater?"

"Oh?" the apostle of Yog-Sothoth said with great interest and meaning, "I didn't expect that the apostle of Cthulhu is actually a dream eater..."

The apostle of Azathoth said: "The so-called dream eaters are missionaries who cannibalize and control dreams. You can control your own dreams, or sneak into other people's dreams, or even... you can kill people in dreams."

Kill someone...

Si Wei stroked his chin, "Then the other eight branches in the Balem Network, what abilities do the missionaries represent?"

Quan Dangsiwei, the apostle of Azathoth, had just come to this world and knew nothing about it, so he explained very patiently: "There are nine types of missionaries, namely: Dream Eaters, Night Walkers, and Astrologers. The Arcanist, the Mystic, the Sleeper, the Beastmaster, the Judge, the Outsider, and the Fallen.

"You probably won't understand the abilities of these missionaries when I explain them to you now, so I personally think that it would be better for you to get a clear understanding of these ability people after you meet them during your travels, and it will also help you. memory."

Since the other party made it clear that he didn't want to tell him, it was impossible for Si Wei to force the other party to tell him.

So, he asked another question, "Can we call it something else?"

The remaining three apostles were all stunned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it would be too cumbersome for us to call each other an apostle. So I think we might as well use a simpler title, which is more convenient."

The apostle of Azathoth pondered for a moment, "This is a good suggestion. What do you two think?"

Neither the apostles of Yog-Sothoth nor the apostles of Hastur had any objections.

"So, Apostle of Cthulhu, what title do you want to use?"

Si Wei thought for a moment and gave his answer, "Why don't you just call me 'Professor' from now on."

Although this might reveal Si Wei's identity, it was the best title he could think of in these few seconds.

"Professor..." Azathoth's apostle chewed the word once, "Hmm... it's interesting, then I'll call him priest."

The apostle of Yog-Sothoth shook his head and gave his own answer, "Call me Historian."

The one who remained silent for the longest time was Hastur's disciple, "Obsidian."

Most of these titles were unclear, and Si Wei didn't care. When everyone's titles had little to do with themselves, they would naturally subconsciously think that Si Wei's titles had nothing to do with him.

This is what he wants to achieve: to prevent these people from realizing their true identity.

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