Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 10 Intervener

The streets in the morning were bustling with people, especially in one place where a lot of people gathered.

A circle of police cordon separated the area around the crime scene. Police officers who had not finished their work in twos and threes were still busy. The police chief of the town stood on the edge of the cordon and silently lit a cigarette for himself. .

"Uh-" He exhaled a puff of rising white smoke, turned his gaze to the broken mirror stained with the blood of the victim, and thought to himself, "It is impossible for the corpse to move on its own. Someone must have deliberately manipulated the corpse or put on makeup. , or it may be because the woman saw it wrong in the dark. Moreover, she was in a state of being threatened at the time, so it is understandable that she saw it wrong..."

The judgment made by the police chief was different from the information Jia told Si Wei. The police did not immediately identify the case as being committed by the missionaries. After all, there were too many uncertain factors in it.

"Chief Morton!" A police officer trotted over and stood in front of him and saluted. "There are two people who want to enter the scene. They said they know you, so I'm here to ask for permission."

Morton was stunned for a moment, and the long cigarette ash on his fingertips fell on his fingers. Morton didn't notice it, "Who knows me?"

"A guy who calls himself Professor Si Wei, and his assistant."

"Professor Si Wei? That's great!" Morton was like a child who had received a surprise gift. "Let them come in quickly. I have something to talk to them about."

The police officer didn't know why Morton was so surprised. Could it be that Professor Si Wei was a well-known detective?

Si Wei himself didn't know that he could get close to Morton. After all, when the police asked him to show his ID, Jia took out his ID.

This couldn't help but make Si Wei even more curious about how sloppy and lazy the original "Professor Si Wei" was.

"Oh! Professor Si Wei!" Morton smiled when he saw Si Wei walking towards him, and faced the latter, "I heard rumors before that you were coming, and it's really hard not to be able to visit you. My fault."

Si Wei pretended to smile and quickly shook hands with Morton, "It doesn't matter, I'm just a professor and I won't let you do this."

Morton laughed and patted his head, "That's good. I heard before that you are a very arrogant and eccentric person, and you will be extremely angry if you receive any unreasonable reception. Now it seems that the rumors are indeed rumors. Are you that kind of person?" What a very generous gentleman!”

In a sense, Si Wei's secret was also exposed. After all, Jia should be the assistant who knows Si Wei best, and it is impossible to be confused by his change in personality.

But at least now, she has not expressed any doubts.

"You must be here to investigate this murder case, right?" Morton's expression became serious. Once he talked about the case, he would not be vague at all. "To be honest, our current investigation has reached a deadlock. The only thing is The witness claimed that he saw a moving corpse, and her current mental state was also very bad, making it difficult to extract any effective information. "

"A corpse that can move?" Si Wei pretended to lower his head and think, and made his request, "Can I go to the crime scene to have a look? Just discussing it here will definitely lead to no results."

Morton said: "Of course, we just need professionals like you to analyze the scene."

Jia, the only one who did not participate in the conversation, looked east and west, not knowing what she was observing.

Si Wei and Jia followed Morton to the scene of the crime. It was okay if they didn't come, but once they arrived at the scene, Si Wei's face became even more ugly.

The broken mirror, the familiar pattern of blood, the way the deceased collapsed by his own hands... wasn't this what he saw in his dream?

"It's over," Si Wei whispered in Jia's ear while Morton wasn't paying attention, "It seems I really did it, what should I do?"

Jia glanced at him sideways, "Do you still want to shirk the crime? You did it yourself. Although you saved a woman, the fact that you killed someone cannot be changed."

Upon hearing this, Si Wei's head became even bigger. He must not surrender now, otherwise the next thing would be even more troublesome.

After a formal "on-site investigation", Si Wei asked Morton: "Chief Morton, can I go see the only witness?"

Morton glanced at Jia, who was lowered in thought, then at Si Wei, and replied: "Yes, yes, but the lady's mental state is not very good. Are you sure? She may return without success. "

"No problem. It is my rule not to let go of any possible clues. Otherwise, what qualifications do I have to get involved in R'lye culture?" Si Wei replied.

This answer obviously suited the young police chief's appetite. Morton nodded and handed the witness's address to Si Wei.

The police have collected as much information as possible from this lady, and given her mental state, they certainly cannot let her stay in the narrow and depressing environment of the interrogation room for a long time.

After Si Wei and Jia got the address, they left the crime scene and prepared to find the woman who was saved by Si Wei in his dream.

"I think something is wrong." Jia suddenly said, "Don't you think so?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, why do you think I feel the same way?"

Jia frowned slightly, "Do you still remember where your dream ended last night?"

Si Wei mobilized his remaining memory of the dream. It is strange to say that most people will soon forget the content of their dreams after waking up, but Si Wei can even remember many details. Perhaps this is also a manifestation of the dream eater's ability.

"The last scene in my memory is that after I killed the man, I saw my face in the mirror. Then I woke up, it was that simple."

"So, where is the body?" Jiya raised a key question, "If your memory stops at this clip, it means that your abilities have also stopped functioning, and the body is also left at the scene. But the body is missing. ,why is that?"

Si Wei realized the answer, "In other words, there is another person behind the entire murder case?"

Jia nodded, "As a dream eater who has just awakened the power of the gift, you cannot control your own actions. In other words, there may be another person behind you who possesses the corpse and then controls the corpse to kill you. He killed that man and made you think you had killed him."

"Hey..." Si Wei's brain must be running faster than Jia, "Then the other party's idea is to have me arrested by the police or surrender, so that I can be put in jail, and then delay the time?"

"Yes, plus we are currently investigating the secrets of Osins Street, we can definitely conclude that there is indeed a person behind Osins Street controlling everything, and he has now noticed us."

Si Wei also chose to share his information at this time, "Actually, I had already entered Osins Street last night, but this morning I suddenly found myself on the bed in the hotel room."

"Have you already entered Osinth Street?" Jia looked quite surprised, of course, but a little more surprised than her usual poker face, "I didn't expect you to be so lucky, No wonder the other party noticed us."

During the conversation between the two of them, Si Wei had to doubt a few people he saw last night. The first one must be the old man who gave him coins. The other person's arrival was very strange, and he also gave Si Wei coins. The opportunity to enter Oshins Street was a very suspicious guy.

The other one is the owner of the hotel on Osins Street. The reason why the other party accepted him into the hotel may be to better influence him.

"It seems that I have to go to Osins Street tonight." Si Wei touched the coin in his pocket. Even the key to the hotel was still in his pocket. "And There are many puzzles waiting for me to solve.”

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