Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 13 The Fallen's Failure

"What are you going to tell me about? Why do you have to pick a time when Chief Morton is not around?" Si Wei asked this question to Jia as he watched Morton leave the bedroom and go to talk to the police officer.

Jia raised her head, and her tone sounded a little surprised, "How did you know I had questions to ask you?"

"You are my assistant. Don't I know what my assistant is thinking?" Si Wei found an excuse to put it off, "Tell me, what is going on?"

Jia held her chin and did not move her eyes away from the psychic ritual, "Do you still remember that among missionaries there is a kind of gifted ability called the Fallen?"

"I know, what's the problem?"

“Ordinary people usually have three results after gaining the qualification to face the ‘unknowns’.

"The first is success. Become a missionary and gain the power of grace.

"The second type is failure. Falling into madness, losing your mind, and finally spending the rest of your life in fear and confusion.

"The third type still fails. But he will gain the power of the gift, become a 'fallen', and live in the world as an out-and-out monster."

Si Wei asked: "Then what do you want to explain? Ms. Mullin actually wanted to be a missionary? But she failed, almost became a degenerate, and finally chose to commit suicide?"

Jia shook her head, "Of course not, I just said that this may be a way to confuse our hearing and hearing. It is difficult to buy ebony wood that has been transformed by mystics on the market now, and the one in Ms. Mullin's wardrobe That wooden frame is made of ebony wood.”

"You mean... that wooden frame was probably placed in Ms. Mullin's home recently to create the illusion that Ms. Mullin committed suicide after facing the 'unknown' and failed?"

"Hypothesis, this is just a hypothesis." Jia emphasized her point of view, "After all, I don't know who designed this psychic ritual. In short, it cannot be that Ms. Mullin figured it out by herself."

Si Wei expressed his understanding and said: "I will adopt your opinion. Judging from the information we have obtained so far, we can basically conclude that there is a missionary who is causing trouble behind the scenes, right?"

Jia said: "Yes, I just don't know what the other party's current purpose is, otherwise the real murderer should be identified very quickly."

"Then there's no need to worry so much. Let's go have lunch first. I'm so hungry right now that my chest is touching my back." Si Wei said, "Let's leave Ms. Mullin's matter to the police first. , can I try to enter Oshinsi Street again tonight, maybe then I will gain something new? "

Jia never expected that Si Wei would still be in the mood to eat after seeing such a tragic suicide scene. However, she herself did not have much reaction to this, and her appetite even increased slightly.

After explaining to Sheriff Morton, the two left Ms. Mullin's apartment and found a restaurant on the street to enjoy today's lunch.

While eating, Si Wei was also sorting out the information he had obtained. Now it is basically confirmed that there is a missionary behind the entire town who is controlling everything. The secret of Osins Street has not yet been revealed. The other party has obtained a coffin-sized piece of ebony wood and does not know what to do with it.

The most critical point is... now I am in the light, and the enemy is in the dark. The other party has a clear grasp of his whereabouts, but he knows nothing.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

After lunch, Si Wei and Jia wandered aimlessly in the town for a while, waiting for the sun to set.

The town has beautiful scenery and rich cultural elements. It is really a good place to take a rest and vacation. Unfortunately, the secrets about Osins Street and the continuous casualties have caused panic among the people.

Dusk fades and dark night falls.

The stars gather around the moon, and the sunset creates a new mirror.

Jia said that she couldn't lack sleep, and Si Wei entered Osins Street alone last night. She didn't want to break this rule, so she chose to go back to the hotel instead of staying with him at night. Shopping outside.

Si Wei didn't refuse. Rather, it was better to say that his actions alone made him feel freer.

The night in the small town is as peaceful and quiet as ever. There are very few pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, I see a few people who are in a hurry, eager to return to their warm homes.

Homeless people do not appear on the streets of the town, because the town has a special shelter to provide a place for these poor people to live.

So Si Wei might be the only one left wandering around so late at night, but I don't know for sure.

Taking a look at the watch on his wrist, Si Wei found this watch from the owner's suitcase. The strap was of high quality and expensive. The dial is surrounded by white gemstones. It looks somewhat like a diamond, but it's not the same.

Si Wei usually didn't care how expensive these decorative items were, so he didn't take very good care of the watch and just put it on his hand and went out.

The time now quietly came to 1:21 in the morning. Si Wei found a bench and sat down, relaxing his sore legs.

Maybe it's because the master's physical fitness is not very good, or maybe it's because Si Wei hasn't traveled long distances for too long, so his legs are like lead and it's difficult to take another step.

During the break, Si Wei took out the bronze coin again and looked at the pattern on it.

The patterns on both sides are the same, both are eyes that have been split by lightning. It's just that the lines are distorted and the composition is weird, so Si Wei can't catch the normal place.

Maybe... this is art, which cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Si Wei shook his head and put the coin in his pocket. At this time, he had basically rested enough, so he stood up and prepared to continue wandering in the street for a while.

But... as soon as he stood up, he felt his head hit the iron railing.

There was a tingling pain in his head. From the time he crossed over to now, Si Wei's head has not experienced any good treatment. Either a headache all night or hitting a hard object, even Si Wei doubted whether his head was not adapted to this world.

Looking up, Si Wei's mouth corners unconsciously raised.

Because he saw the familiar words and the familiar street again.

Oxins Street.


It is rumored that Oxins Street is a street full of unknowns, and there is a monster who loves music and playing living in the deepest part.

Whenever people on Osins Street want to go out, they must play songs that please the monster, otherwise they will not have good luck when they go out.

If there is any day when Osins Street is not filled with music, the monster will play the song himself and make the people of Osins Street... fall into absolute madness, and never reach... the truth of death again.

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