Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 14 Dark Clouds Over the City

Siwei felt that something was wrong with Osins Street today.

It wasn't that Siwei saw something of concern or touched something strange, but he suddenly had such a feeling.

Osins Street last night gave Siwei a mysterious and strange feeling.

Osins Street tonight seemed to be filled with the breath of death.

He frowned. The surrounding scenery had not changed at all compared to last night, and even the gravel embedded in the floor tiles had not changed in any position. But the atmosphere of the whole street had completely changed.

The buildings on both sides of the road could not be opened, just like last night, as if they were locked from the inside.

In this case, Siwei's only goal was only one place. That was the hotel where he stayed on Osins Street last night.

There were still many unsolved mysteries in the hotel. At least Siwei had to investigate the shop owner he saw and the person playing the violin in the attic.

And Siwei was more careful. Today he wore a watch, which could be used to confirm whether the time passed in Osins Street was the same as the outside world.

Unfortunately, the facts told Si Wei that his approach was useless.

Because since the moment he stepped into Oxins Street, the pointer of the watch on Si Wei's wrist has never changed. The second hand has never left its position, as if time has stopped on Oxins Street.


The cold wind blew on Si Wei's face, and he wrapped his brown windbreaker to block the cold wind outside.

It is now late autumn, and the cold at night is understandable, but only the temperature in Oxins Street is particularly low.

Si Wei looked up at the brilliant starry sky. The night sky above the town is clean and beautiful, with stars and moons.

Under this perfect and beautiful picture, Si Wei suddenly heard a strange sound.


The sound was dull and not too far away. It felt like something was knocking on the wooden board.

Si Wei turned his head and looked at the endless streets behind him. There was nothing lurking behind him.

A bad premonition gradually grew in Si Wei's heart. He felt that something was watching him from the moment he stepped into this place!


The sound rang again, this time from the place directly in front of Si Wei. He turned his head again, and all he could see was the lonely street.


Si Wei's center of gravity sank, and he quietly moved his steps little by little, retreating towards the house behind him, leaning his back against the wall.

There was a closed window on his left, which was also completely locked. Si Wei had tried to open it.

There was no light in the window, and there was no light on the first floor of the surrounding buildings. Si Wei could not confirm where the other party was lurking.

Dong! Dong!

This time the knocking sound was louder, and it even rang twice!

The sound came from all directions, and Si Wei even suspected that there was more than one guy hiding in the dark!

He didn't make a sound, because he couldn't confirm whether the other party had mastered his position.

Dong Dong Dong! !

The knocking sound became increasingly violent. The thing suppressed at the bottom of the cage was preparing to break out of the cage and kill all the creatures in sight!

"What's going on?" Si Wei muttered to himself in his heart, "Could it be that the same person cannot step into Oxins Street twice in a row? Otherwise, it will trigger some kind of defense mechanism? Or is the other party afraid that I will investigate something, so he deliberately expelled me?"


Just as Si Wei's brain was working at high speed, the light inside the window on his left was turned on.

The sudden light source was enough to scare ordinary people to death, but Si Wei's heart was not too turbulent, just doubting the reason for turning on the light.

So... he leaned his head over.

This window is frosted glass, and the scenery on the other side cannot be seen from one side. What is reflected in Si Wei's field of vision is only a piece of snow-white.

Just when he was extremely confused, the knocking sound rang again.

Dong Dong Dong! !

This knocking sound became more violent with the passage of time, and it could break through some restrictions at any time.

But Si Wei had no time to think.


A blood-stained palm suddenly slammed heavily on the glass in front of Si Wei from the inside!


A harsh and creepy friction sound came from the contact surface between the palm and the window, and the bloody palm gradually moved down... down... moved to the lower end of the window.

Then, the next moment-


Twisted cracks suddenly exploded on the glass. Si Wei frowned, exerted force on his feet, and jumped directly behind him.

Following closely, an arm stretched out from the completely exploded window and grabbed the place where Si Wei's head was originally!

No, it might not be called an arm. Its skin color was green and looked extremely slender. The original skin was wrinkled together, looking like intertwined blood vessels. Its fingertips were slender, at least twice the length of a normal human. The nails were sharp, gray-black, horrible and hateful, and even had fish webs.

Si Wei looked along the arm to the torso of this guy. He could barely identify what he was wearing. It was still human clothing. But perhaps because of the age, it was already tattered and mottled bloodstains could be vaguely seen.

Its body is very thin, its frame may have been deformed, and its spine is also deformed to a certain extent.

As for the head... Si Wei could only say that he could barely tell that it was originally a human, but now it had been replaced by the characteristics of a fish, with a dorsal fin on its back extending to the hairline.

He looks like a...monster!

"Yeah!" The fish monster roared at Si Wei with a soul-shaking roar, struggled to climb out of the window, and waved his arms towards Si Wei.

However, there were still sharp fragments from the broken window, which had cut a gash more than thirty centimeters long in its chest. Green blood flowed out and stained three or four floor tiles.

What is this? ? !

Si Wei's mind was full of the word "mutation", but would this really happen in this world?

At this time, what Jia Ya had said to him this morning popped up in Si Wei's mind.

"Ordinary people usually have three results after gaining the qualification to face the 'unknowns'... The third one is still failure. But he will gain the power of the gift and become a 'fallen', as an out-and-out Monsters live in the world."

Monster...that's not what you're talking about...

The fish monster was unable to move due to excessive blood loss and fell to the ground, losing its last breath of life.

Si Wei tried to kick the thing, but didn't get any feedback.

He was not sure that this thing must be a fallen person, so he had to confirm it with Jiya.


The knocking sound sounded again.

What followed immediately was the sound of hundreds of glass exploding!

Si Wei had a vague feeling of badness welling up in his heart, and turned his gaze back to where he came from, where... it was already completely dark.

They were all the same guys as the fish monster that died in front of Si Wei!

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