Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 134 Mrs. Evelyn's Commission

"What is Halea's omniscient book?" Si Wei asked Nidhogg this question as soon as he entered the door.

Nidhogg closed the book and sighed quietly, "You are becoming less and less ignorant of the rules, and this question is becoming more and more weird and tricky... In the future, are you going to ask me how many months does it take to be pregnant?" Will she have a baby?”

"Ten months," Si Wei answered Nidhogg's strange question and sat next to him, asking, "So, what is Halea's omniscient book?"

"I'm not an encyclopedia. Do you really think I know everything?" Nidhogg replied, "The city of Halea is the only civilized city-state with the most detailed records of the 'unknown'. At the same time, , they also control a lot of technologies that we can’t understand and use in modern times. I really don’t know what the omniscient book of Halea you mentioned is, you should research it yourself.”

Si Wei expected the worst outcome, but he was not disappointed, because this was the most appropriate situation. If Nidhogg even knew the situation in Halea City, there must be something wrong with this guy.

Nidhogg suddenly thought of something, "By the way, what was the commotion just now...?"

"The commotion just now?" Si Wei realized that he was asking about the battle between himself and Shifensa, "It's nothing, it was just a fight between two missionaries. It seemed like it was between the imperial agency and the Pantheon Cult. Let’s fight, I don’t know.”

The words he was referring to were Bell and Shifensa. Siwei didn't want Nidhogg to know everything about him, so he used wrong information to deceive Nidhogg.

Nidhogg didn't say anything, but his little head was probably thinking about all the possibilities. At this time, there was a conflict between the Pantheon Religion and the imperial agencies, which was not a good sign.

While the two were chatting, someone knocked on the door of Room 666.

"Who?" Si Wei asked on behalf of Nidhogg, who glanced at him and said nothing.

"I..." Alice's timid voice came from outside the door.

After entering the door, Alice walked up to One Man and One Snake, took out Jack's note from her pocket and handed it to Si Wei, "This... Mr. Jack gave it to you, and he asked me to tell you something."

After listening to Alice's report, Si Wei nodded and took the note, "Okay, you can have a good rest in Balem Apartment these days. I believe Al will take good care of you."

"What do you mean?" Alice pouted her cheeks, "I used to live in the bonfire area! I have the ability to take care of myself!"

Si Wei replied perfunctorily: "Okay... Then there will be no paid leave, do you think so?"

"Um...Okay, I'll ask Miss Al."

After sending Alice away, Si Wei opened the note and directly read the contents of the note without avoiding Nidhogg's presence.

[Si Wei, I don’t know what is happening in Fulingdu now, but the news that the deacon of the Pantheon Cult died once has spread. Now maybe only the spider that died in your hands knows who the real murderer is. Other than that, there are only rumors about you, saying that there is a strong man in Volingdu who killed the spider.

[If you still want to maintain your stable life, investigate ancient ruins and documents related to R'lyeh culture every day, and enjoy life with your beautiful assistant, then I suggest you find the spider who is preparing for the resurrection ceremony as soon as possible, and then Kill him to prevent more information from spreading!

[The resurrection of the spider is just a ray of soul that escapes and possesses someone. After his resurrection, he will slowly begin to warm his soul. Once the spider recovers his soul, he will have another chance to be resurrected. If you want to kill him, do it as soon as possible!

[About the resurrection ritual, I have heard something. You must find two astrologers and mystics to cooperate with you to help you investigate the location of the spider, and then nip his resurrection plan in the cradle.

[During the period before you kill the spider, don’t come to me. Although I don’t expect much from you, I am currently being monitored by the people of the Pantheon Religion and cannot act rashly. You are open The key to opportunity. 】

The message ended here. Si Wei pointed to one of the paragraphs and asked Nidhogg: "What does the phrase 'enjoy life with your beautiful assistant' mean? Did I show it?"

Nidhogg complained: "Why do you care about these places? There are obviously more things worthy of your attention in the letter."

"Because I know all these things," Si Wei crumpled the paper into a ball, grabbed the matchbox on the table, polished one, and burned the letter paper.

Nidhogg moved to the side. This was the natural fear of wild animals towards flames.

"As for the mystic... I do have a candidate, but where can I find the astrologer?"

"This is an interesting question. I didn't expect you really didn't realize it," Nidhogg said with a hint of disappointment, "Obviously..."

"Gallach, right?" Si Wei interrupted Nidhogg, "He is an astrologer?"

Nidhogg glanced at Si Wei, "You know? Then why do you still ask?"

Si Wei gave a more reasonable answer, "I'm just guessing about his identity. I can't possibly ask someone for a drop of blood, right? Only with what you just said can I confirm it."

"Not too stupid." Nidhogg curled up and put his head down, as if preparing to take a short nap, "Okay, don't bother me, I want to take a nap."

At this time, Siwei asked something he had always been concerned about, "Nidhogg, can you shed your skin and hibernate?"

Nidhogg actually answered, "Of course I can shed my skin, after all, I am still a snake. As for hibernation... I used to be able to do it, but it seems that I haven't hibernated in recent years."

"Does it hurt to shed your skin?" Siwei asked another very strange question.

"Why are your questions so strange?"

Siwei just wanted to confirm whether becoming a missionary would have an impact on the habits of the creatures themselves, but from now on, it should be, but the impact is not great.

Without waiting for Nidhogg to answer the question about shed skin, Siwei said goodbye, left room 666, and went downstairs.

As soon as he reached the fourth floor, Siwei met the anxious Waf, "Alexander, you seem to be in a hurry?"

Wafu looked up and saw Siwei standing in front of him. He was sweating and panting. After taking two breaths, he explained to Siwei: "Oh! Don't mention it, I was just about to find you!"

"Looking for me? What's the matter?"

Waf explained: "Mrs. Evelyn, who lives by the river in the Lantern District, said that some strange things have always happened to her recently. It happened that I have some connections with her family, so she wanted to ask me to help. Siwei, will you go with me? You know I'm just an inventor and can't solve any big problems."

But the problem is that I'm not a private detective...

Before Siwei opened his mouth, Waf took the lead and said: "Mrs. Evelyn said that if the problem is solved, she will give me a working fund to help me with my daily inventions. If you succeed, I will give you half of my salary, how about it?"

"How many lems in total?" Siwei asked.

"About 200,000 lems."

"Okay, I'll take this job."

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