Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 135 Investigation

Gallagher was not in his room, so Si Wei chose to give up and followed Waff into the carriage, heading to Mrs. Evelin's house.

At this time, the voice of the spiritual pen came from Si Wei's mind, and the person writing it was Qiao.

"Si Wei, there seem to be a lot of stalking cases in the Lantern District and the Bonfire District recently, and the victims are all very similar. Is there a guy from the imperial agency who has been around you recently? You can consult him for details."

Si Wei took out his spiritual pen and wrote a response beside him with very small movements, indicating that he understood.

"Sneeze!" Waff sneezed, and very roughly wiped away the snot remaining around his nostrils with his sleeve.

Handing him a handkerchief, Si Wei said: "Watch your appearance, Mr. Waff. You are going to be in front of a lady now. You probably don't want the other party to notice that you have sticky snot on your sleeves, right?" ?”

Wa Fu smiled awkwardly, took Si Wei's handkerchief, and wiped off the residue on his sleeve, "Sorry, I'm sick, and my brain is a little unclear."

"You must have a cold. Drink more hot water." This was the first time Si Wei said this to someone.

Wafu didn't understand this joke, so he just focused on the gurgling water outside the carriage, "Oh, I feel that the whole Fuling is quite quiet recently..."

Quiet? Are you afraid that there is something wrong with your perception of the environment? A few hours ago, someone almost summoned a supernatural god in an attempt to die with me. Now you are telling me that Fulingdu is quite quiet?

The carriage quickly arrived at its destination. Mrs. Evelin's residence was an independent duplex apartment near the river. From the outside, it looked relatively restrained, but I didn't know how the interior and decoration were.

Waff got out of the car and actually forgot to pay the driver.

Si Wei did not remind him, but paid for him and gave him some tips.

"Thank you, generous sir." The coachman expressed his sincere gratitude to Si Wei.

Waff came to the edge of the garden outside the apartment and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Mrs. Evelin! Professor Siwei and I are already here. Can you come out for a while?"

"Alexander, there's a doorbell here." Si Wei stepped forward and rang the doorbell next to the wall. Waff's smile was a little awkward.

Hearing Waff's shouting and the ringing of the doorbell, the plump Mrs. Evelin opened the door of her house and looked at Siwei and Waf with surprised eyes, "Mr. Alexander and Mr. Siwei! Come in quickly, I'll wait. You guys have been around for a long time.”

Si Wei leaned forward and said, "Mrs. Evelin, I'm very happy to see you."

"What a polite young man!" Mrs. Evelin smiled happily and welcomed the two into her home.

As soon as he entered the house, Si Wei asked: "Mrs. Evelin, don't you have any servants at home?"

With such a big house, is it possible that Mrs. Evelin really cleans it all by herself? And being able to give out a reward of 200,000 rams at a time, it doesn't look like she has any money to hire servants.

Mrs. Evelin answered Si Wei's question with a wry smile, "It seems that Mr. Alexander didn't mention it to you. My husband didn't like hiring servants into his home when he was alive. Although he has passed away now, this The habit still remains with me.

"We have a son and a daughter, but they are both living in the outside world. We send some money back every month."

After roughly understanding Mrs. Evelin's family environment, Si Wei and Waff also arrived in the living room and found a sofa to sit down on.

Mrs. Evelin went to make tea for the two of them, and Si Wei asked in a low voice: "Alexander, do you know what we are going to do?"

Waff spread his hands, "I'm not sure. Mrs. Evelin just told me about this. I don't know what she's going to do."

You dared to accept the commission without knowing anything, and even got me involved. It's really your style...

Mrs. Evelin quickly prepared black tea and brought it to the two of them on a silver tray, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I only have tea to entertain you."

"It's okay, thank you very much." Si Wei took the delicate porcelain cup that radiated heat and took a polite sip.

Waff was not as particular as Siwei. After Mrs. Evelin sat down, he got straight to the point, "Mrs. Evelin, can you tell us in detail about the content of the commission?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Mrs. Evelin's expression changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. She was still smiling, but suddenly turned into a mournful expression, "This matter is difficult to talk about, from your perspective. Look, it’s probably ridiculous, but I think it’s true.”

"You can tell me," Si Wei said to calm Mrs. Evelin's mood. "You also know that I am a history professor at Nanyoku University, specializing in Raleye culture. We often see some Things that ordinary people can’t see, many times, I’m in the same mood as you.”

Si Wei's words stunned Mrs. Evelin, "Really? That's really a pity... In that case, I'll just say it, I suspect someone has been following me in the past few days."

"Following? When did it probably start?"

"Well... it should be within a week. I can't remember the specific time... Anyway, I have a fixed time every day to hang out in the central garden. On my way back, I felt like someone was following me."

Mrs. Evelyn added: "This feeling is very subtle. I can't describe it in normal words. Anyway, I just have that feeling... What do you usually call this feeling? Uh... Sixth sense?"

Siwei nodded and continued to ask questions to enrich the outline of the case he had, "Do you have this feeling every day when you come back?"

"Yes." Mrs. Evelyn gave a positive answer.

Siwei was not sure about this matter. After all, after feeling that he was being followed for several consecutive times, it was inevitable that he would have a nervous breakdown and mistakenly thought that someone was still following him, but in fact, there was no one. The other party might have been arrested by the police station.

Based on the principle of handling the case seriously and getting a salary with peace of mind, Siwei said to Mrs. Evelyn: "Mrs. Evelyn, do you mind stretching out your right hand?"

"What are you going to do?" Waff glanced at Siwei, "You don't like this type, do you?"

Siwei ignored Waff's sudden swear words and just insisted on his own opinion.

Although Mrs. Evelyn did not understand Siwei's behavior, she chose to believe Siwei and extended her right hand because of the friendship between her deceased husband and Waff.

Siwei held her right hand and said kindly: "Mrs. Evelyn, are you ready?"

"Ready... what?" Mrs. Evelyn felt more and more that something was wrong.

Siwei spoke, and what reached Mrs. Evelyn at the same time, in addition to Siwei's voice, was also... the power of the missionary's gift.

"Get ready... to enter the world of dreams together."

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