Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 136 Seeds

Si Wei saw nothing in Mrs. Evelin's dream.

This statement may not be accurate, but Si Wei did not gain any useful information. He only sensed her anxiety and fear from the dream.

This shows one thing, the other person is not someone well known to Mrs. Evelin, and in her impression, this person has no reason to follow her.

Mrs. Evelin woke up from her brief dream. At this time, Si Wei had already let go of her hand, with a thoughtful look on her face. Wafu on the side was drinking tea and quietly observing Mrs. Evelin who fell asleep under the influence of the power of the gift.

"Ah! It's... so rash. I seem... to have fallen asleep? It's incredible."

Si Wei stood up, pulled Wafu aside, and said to Mrs. Evelin: "I understand, Mrs. Evelin, please keep everything as usual these days. We will do it in private in a very secretive way." Get rid of it.”

Mrs. Evelin didn't understand why Si Wei could make such a promise so confidently, but inexplicably, she was willing to believe Si Wei's words, "Okay, Professor Si Wei, please excuse me. If this matter is handled, I'll give you a good salary."

Making an expression like he was not interested in money at all, Si Wei led Wafu to say goodbye.

"Have you figured out what to do?" Waff asked.

"Fortunately, just leave it to me. You don't have to ask so many questions." Si Wei's answer was ruthless.

Waff is naturally happy to see this situation. He acts as an intermediary and doesn't have to do anything. He only needs to get the money in the end. Who doesn’t like making money while lying down?

"Remember to come to my place and accompany me to debug my invention these days!" Waff waved his hand, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Have a good life!"

Si Wei said goodbye to him, turned his head at the same time, saw Bell standing not far behind him, and asked: "Mr. Clive, is there any reason why you came to see me today?"

After Bell was sure that Waff had left, he walked up and said to Si Wei: "Alice Medel has not come out of the Balem apartment recently. If she doesn't come out, how can she be used as bait to attract spiders? "

"What you said is very strange, officer." Si Wei replied, "Alice Medel was attacked by the Pantheon Cult, and we know that she is related to spiders, but it does not mean that spiders will be attacked. She led her out. Ultimately, the reason why I provided you with the information was to help me investigate her background, rather than to follow her like a stalker every day."

"Then how do you expect me to pull out the spider?" Bell asked, "Do you think the spider will run up to me on his own and then confess his identity to me?"

Si Wei scratched his hair and replied very seriously: "Officer Clive, I think you are not very clear about the agreement reached between the two of us. Our agreement is to provide each other with relevant information." Information about the Divine Religion, but that doesn’t mean we have to cooperate with each other’s work, right? You don’t seem to fully understand the difference between the two.”

Bell also has a good temper. If it were anyone else who had to negotiate with Si Wei, he would probably be so angry that he would stamp his feet.

But Bell couldn't do this. Si Wei had been put on an extremely dangerous list by him. He couldn't make Si Wei hate the empire. Otherwise, if Si Wei joined the Pantheon Cult, the Cross Church would be even more difficult to deal with!

"Maybe I really understood it wrong, but I hope that we can cooperate with each other. I believe that with your and my abilities, we can definitely catch the spider."

With both of our abilities? I'm afraid you have some subtle misunderstanding of my abilities.

Si Wei could also guess that not long ago, he had indirectly killed a Pantheon believer who was trying to use the power of the gods. It was probably that Bell was aware of these things and mistakenly thought that he was some kind of high-level missionary.

He didn't want to clarify these beneficial misunderstandings. As long as Bell still maintained this misunderstanding, he would not hide anything from himself. He would only rely on himself and give himself more information.

Si Wei pondered for a moment and replied: "Okay, Officer Clive..."

Bell interrupted Si Wei, "You can just call me Bell. I believe that since we want to cooperate, there is no need to keep a sense of distance."

"Bell, I will cooperate with you to a certain extent, but I will not give in at all as long as Alice Medel continues to conduct surveillance activities in the market."

Seeing Si Wei's resolute attitude, Bell was also very confused. He was the one who asked Alice to spy on the grocery store in Versailles, and now he is the one who changed his mind and became tough. Is this guy's change of attitude a bit too fast?

"Can I ask why?"

Si Wei replied: "Since Alice has been attacked by the Pantheon Cult, I cannot say that she will not be attacked again in the future. Bell, you can guarantee that you will be able to kill Alice in the hands of the missionary at a high-level node." Protect it?"

Bell didn't dare to promise this easily.

When he was in Manburg City, he had already suffered a loss from an unusual missionary. If Norris and Beverly hadn't come to the rescue, he might have ended up there.

So Bell now has a good understanding of his own strength, and he knows that there are still many people in the world who he cannot deal with.

"You can't promise, and I can't guarantee that I can appear by Alice's side at any time. Now she is our only clue, and I don't want her to die suddenly."

Even if Siwei agreed with Bell's point of view, he estimated that Eugene and Al would not agree.

Bell was silent, not knowing how to refute.

"Since we have no other choice, why not change our thinking." Siwei knocked his head, "Have there been any abnormal incidents in Fulingdu in recent times?"

When this matter was mentioned, Bell's eyes became serious, "Yes, and more than one."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Bell slowed down his speech, "In recent days, there have been some incidents of women being followed in the Lantern District. But many people don't care, just treat it as a stalker, and usually no one will follow the next day."

Following incident? Women? Will it be related to Mrs. Evelyn's commission?

"I took a closer look and found that there was nothing wrong with the women's bodies, but I found 'seeds' on them."

"Seeds?" Si Wei knew that Bell would never mention such ungentlemanly things to him, so he naturally understood it as something that resided on the spiritual level. "Are those seeds harmful to these ladies?"

Bell shook his head, "I don't know about this, because no seed has grown or exploded yet. I am not willing to act rashly, but as time goes by, more and more people have been found to have seeds...

"I suspect that this matter has something to do with spiders!"

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