Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 139 Equivalent Exchange

Regarding divination, Si Wei only raised these two demands, but Gallagher shook his head and refused both of them.

"No, divination is not a prophecy. There are no clues. If you expect me to divine these things for you, you might as well go to the Cross Church and pray to the Lord Wakeman to give you a response." Gallagher's reason for rejection made Si Wei unable to refute. , "If you have certain information or have some substantive clues, I may be able to help you with divination. But before you do these things, I will not waste time and energy to help you do these things. "

He added, "After all, every divination will consume some of my materials, and I don't want all my money to go down the drain."

Hearing this, Si Wei asked: "Materials? If you need materials for your divination, does that mean that you should or may have the materials that mystics need here?"

Gallagher looked at Si Wei with doubtful eyes, "In a sense, the materials needed by astrologers and mystics are connected. But if you want to purchase some materials from me, you must first give me I have a list, otherwise I don’t know if I have it.”

Si Wei directly reported the names that Jia had mentioned previously, "The brain of the mermaid, the scales of the bone snake, the spinal fluid of the wind wolf, the stamens of the Qiuling flower, the intact skull of any fallen person, the extreme cloud bird" Ten feathers, do you have these?”

"I said, are you greedy too?" Gallagher's expression twitched, "Do you know how much these things you quoted cost? How high is the collection value and practical value?"

"I don't know." Si Wei's words were true.

Gallagher recalled for a while, scratching his hair, and replied: "I have the bone snake scales, spinal fluid, stamens and feathers you mentioned, but you can only have the mermaid brain and the skull of the fallen." Went to find it.”

Si Wei didn't expect that this person would have so many gift materials, especially the bone snake scales. Jia's previous remarks made him even want to give up on this thing.

"However, although we are neighbors, let's give a little token of money. After all, I spent a lot of money and hard work to collect these things before."

"No problem, just agree on a price." Si Wei was not prepared to have sex for free, as this would not promote harmonious relations between neighbors.

"Five hundred thousand rum." Gallagher still under-quoted the price. After all, Si Wei already knew that he was a missionary, and there was no need to hide his identity. What if there was something that they could cooperate with?

Upon hearing the offer, Si Wei thought for a moment and stroked his chin with his hand.

"Hmm...five hundred thousand rum? Can I issue an IOU?"

Gallagher's smile froze, "Ow...an IOU?"

Si Wei nodded very seriously. Even if he was a famous professor, half a million rum was not something he could just spend.

"You are not the first person in my life to make such a request," Gallagher sighed, stood up, and prepared to find the gift materials Si Wei needed, "but you are definitely the first person in my life to agree to this request. The kind of person who makes outrageous requests.”

"Thank you for your understanding." Si Wei breathed a sigh of relief. If Gallagher didn't agree, he might have to find money elsewhere.

If Mrs. Evelin's commission is solved, there will be an income of one hundred thousand lemmas in his funds. If you can help the empire catch or kill spiders, you might be able to get a share of the bounty.

Si Wei had already confirmed that the spider's bounty was already as high as two million rum, and he didn't think Egbert would make a breach of trust when he was still of use.

While Gallagher went to get the materials, Si Wei stretched out his right hand and saw the ring on the index finger of his right hand.

Halea's Omniscient Book...that's what the woman named Shifensa called it. This book seems to have the power to detect traces of intruders in dreams. Perhaps this book will become a trump card against dream eaters?

Si Wei was a little curious about how to drive this thing. He had always been wary of the bishop whose strength was unknown. If this omniscient book of Halea can be his trump card to prevent the bishop, then he is looking forward to it.

Just when he was about to use the "drop of blood to identify the owner" which is very common in novel plots, the surface of the ring bloomed with a strange purple light, and the original ring turned into a liquid-like light floating in front of Si Wei, forming a The shape of a book.

After the light faded, Halea's omniscient book appeared completely in front of Si Wei.

But there was not a single word on the yellowed pages.

Si Wei stared at the pages of the book, wondering whether his "Wordless Book" was because he didn't have enough sequence nodes, so he couldn't see the meaning.

But at this time, black text suddenly began to appear on the surface of the book page. The handwriting is elegant, vigorous and powerful.

"Don't think too much. Not everything requires the user's blood to be used."

"Oh? It seems you can know what I am thinking." Si Wei was not surprised. After all, it was something related to the "unknown", and magic was not strange at all.

Halea's omniscient book responded: "It is precisely because I know what is going on in your mind that I warn you not to try something terrible."

Si Wei pretended to express his curiosity, "What a terrible thing? How terrible? It's just a drop of blood, will you eat me?"

The all-knowing book's answer was still so serious, "My master is the great Malachi Mubai Haleiya! A mortal like you wants to snatch the identity of the owner from my original master, your soul will only be annihilated under the power of nothingness."

Malachi Mubai Haleiya? Who is that?

Si Wei guessed that this person might be related to the city of Haleiya. After all, the last name is Haleiya. Either this person is the founder of the city of Haleiya, or he is a group of people with high power in the city of Haleiya.

"So, what can you do?"

The answer appeared on the page of the All-Knowing Book, "There are many things I can do, but if I want to help you do these things, you need to pay an equivalent and unknown price."

Si Wei frowned, "Give me an example."

The All-Knowing Book was very patient, and answered Si Wei's question like a robot, "If you want to kill someone, I will help you achieve your own goal, but after that, maybe your family will die, your friends will die, or you may be disabled for life. All of this is an equal exchange, and no one can escape the laws of this world."

From the last sentence of the All-Knowing Book, Si Wei guessed that this guy's power operates according to the so-called "world laws."

To be able to create such a powerful All-Knowing Book, the guy named Malachi Mubai Haleiya must be definitely not an ordinary person.

However, there is a question that bothers Si Wei.

Since the All-Knowing Book can do so many things, why is it not called the All-Knowing Book of Haleiya, but the All-Knowing Book?

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