Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 140: Omniscience and Omnipotence

"If I don't want to accomplish something from you, but just want to know something, will I also pay a corresponding price?" While thinking about this issue, Si Wei asked this question.

The Omniscient Book replied: "Theoretically, the question you are asking now is exactly the function I was created to perform. However, due to the destruction of the city of Halea, I was forced to assume other functions, including The current communication language is rational and emotional. The principle of equivalent exchange is only reflected in omnipotence, and there is no restriction on omniscience. As long as it is recognized by me, the corresponding knowledge can be obtained. "

“So am I approved?”

"No," the reply from the omniscient book did not exceed Si Wei's expectation. "All users, including my excavators and Shifensa, only obtained my 'right to use' and did not get my Currently, there is only one person who is recognized by me and becomes my master, and that is Malachi Mubai Halea.”

Si Wei was silent for a moment. The knowledge in Halea's omniscient book may be very important to him. Nidhogg said that one way for missionaries to improve their sequence nodes is to increase their glimpse of the truth. However, if you completely rely on the knowledge of the Omniscient Book, you may not have a clear understanding of yourself, and may eventually lose control and fall out of control.

"If I just want to know some knowledge from you, can I exchange it without getting recognition?" Si Wei was not willing to give up such a treasure to dust himself. The power of the omniscient book may be more powerful than he thought. Important, maybe you can change your current passive situation!

The omniscient book gave an answer that surprised Si Wei, "I think we can make a deal."

trade? A guy who is theoretically omniscient and omnipotent wants to make a deal with himself?

Si Wei vaguely felt that this matter would not be too simple, but the knowledge possessed by the omniscient book still prompted him to choose. "You tell me first what the transaction is."

"For some purpose, I need to return to the sunken city of Halea. In exchange, I can tell you some knowledge or things that you want to know and that you can know." The answer given by the omniscient book is very It's unreliable, because no matter what kind of information it is, Si Wei can be sent away as long as the omniscient letter says "You can't know about this for the time being."

However, Si Wei didn't think that such an omniscient and omnipotent guy would use such a small trick to deceive him, and after he finished handling the matters in Volingdu, he also needed to join Norris and go to the city of Halea. From this point of view, the content of the transaction is actually not harmful to you.

"I promise you."

As soon as he finished speaking, an oval the size of a fingerprint appeared on one of the pages of the omniscient book, "Press your thumb on it, and we have reached a contract. If you want to break the contract from your subjective will, your soul You will be punished accordingly; if I fail to provide knowledge according to the contract, you have the right to become my master directly without my approval. "

Upon hearing this, Si Wei pressed his thumb up and asked, "Can you just breach the contract now?"

In response to his outrageous question, Omniscient Book still answered seriously, "If you want to choose to use my 'omnipotent' function, it's not impossible."

"Forget it, I'm afraid you'll kill me with a thunderbolt." Si Wei didn't know if he, as an apostle of Cthulhu, could block the causal weapon of the Book of Omniscient. To be on the safe side, he didn't risk his life. risk.

Just as it happened, after one person and one book reached a deal, Gallagher moved the things Si Wei needed in front of him, "Here, this is what you want."

Gallagher packed it in a cardboard box. Si Wei did not doubt that Gallagher would deceive him. He thanked him and moved the large box back to his room.

As soon as he returned to his room, Si Wei asked his first question to the Omniscient Book, "I still have the mermaid brain and the skull of the fallen, where can I find them?"

"You can only buy the Mermaid Brain with a high probability in coastal cities. According to today's prices, you will spend at least millions of lems." The omniscient book did not disappoint Si Wei and gave His own answer, "Of course, some astrologers and mystics will have these things, and you can exchange items of equal value with them through some different channels."

It continued: "I don't think you need to ask me about the skull of the fallen. You know how to find it yourself. If you want to buy it, it is best to choose a store with special collections."

Si Wei was already very satisfied with getting these answers. But do you want to exchange with the astrologers and mystics... Si Wei felt that he didn't have any items of equal value to trade with them, and perhaps he had to rely on the rich knowledge reserves of the Omniscient Book.

"Let's wash up and go to sleep first. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow." Si Wei put away the omniscient book, turned it into a ring, and wore it at the base of his right index finger.

After taking a bath for himself, Si Wei held his toothbrush in his mouth and suddenly remembered something. He was just about to brush his teeth while taking his own literature to look at things related to Malachi Mubai Halea. , but there was a knock on his door.

Si Wei opened the door and saw Wafu standing in front of his door with a not so good expression.

"Alexander, what's the matter?" Si Wei held toothpaste in his mouth and answered a little slurred.

Wafu scratched his dirty hair. His shirt was still unbuttoned today and was very messy. "If you are free tomorrow, can you come with me?"

"Have you forgotten that we accepted Mrs. Evelin's entrustment? I think we should pay more attention to the entrustment now." Si Wei, who was already owed half a million rum, gave a very realistic answer, "Whether it is Both your invention and my daily actions require money.”

"Mrs. Evelin usually goes out in the morning, so you only need to check on her in the morning. My business is in the afternoon, so there is no conflict in time!"

Si Weigang wanted to refuse, but unexpectedly Wafu added: "Tomorrow I plan to attend a 'gathering' among missionaries. Maybe there will be high-ranking missionaries? I plan to exchange spiritual rituals with them. related questions."

Possibly a high-ranking preacher? Doesn’t that mean there might also be astrologers and occultists? As a high-ranking missionary, you always have some stock of rare gift materials, right?

Si Wei didn't expect that Wafu would bring such good news to him who had a headache, so he immediately agreed, "Okay, Alexander. I think I can still squeeze in some time in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Wafu smiled happily, "Finally I caught someone who is willing to go with me!"

Why does this sentence sound wrong...

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