Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 141 The Only Student

The next day, Si Wei got up early and waited at Mrs. Evelyn's door before she went out.

Mrs. Evelyn dressed plainly today. Since her husband's death, she no longer cares about this aspect. She only puts on a little light makeup when attending some important banquets.

However, even if time has left some traces on her, the impact is small. The charm of her youth still exists. To this day, there are still people in the noble negotiation circle who are showing their love to her.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Evelyn turned a blind eye to this.

Si Wei also suspected whether the other party was a private detective hired by some nobles, or some stalker, but after learning from Bell that many women have been planted with "seeds" recently, Si Wei began to suspect whether Mrs. Evelyn would be the next victim.

The disadvantages of the seeds are not known for the time being, but if they can be avoided, Si Wei still hopes that his client will stay away from danger.

After changing into casual clothes, Si Wei specially matched himself with a gray windbreaker, single-sided gold-rimmed glasses, a gray peaked cap and a wooden pipe. Although he does not smoke, it can also be a good cover.

Following Mrs. Evelyn to the place where she usually walks, Si Wei focused on observing the suspicious people around. The most difficult thing now is that Mrs. Evelyn herself does not know what kind of person may be following her, and she has not received any items like threatening letters recently, which leads to very few clues and difficulty in starting.

"It would be great if there were surveillance cameras in this world." Si Wei sighed sincerely.

Mrs. Evelyn maintained her own routine. Although she could see the tension on her face, she still forced herself to be calm, sitting on a bench in the park, flipping through today's newspaper.

Si Wei sat on a bench not far away, took off his hat, and like a real ordinary person, he was not afraid of exposing himself at all, holding a cold sandwich and reading the newspaper.

At this time, someone sat down next to him and asked, "What's the situation?"

Siwei didn't take his eyes off the newspaper, "Alexander, why are you following me? The more people follow this, the harder it will be to succeed. You should understand, right?"

Waf smiled awkwardly, "I'm mainly worried... A-choo! By the way, have you found anything now?"

"First of all, please take your eyes off Mrs. Evelyn," Siwei didn't look at his face in time, and knew that Waf must be looking at Mrs. Evelyn subconsciously, so he warned him in time, "I believe you don't want others to see anything, right?"

Waf took his eyes back.

"I haven't found anything yet, but I think it's a bit strange." Although Siwei was reading the newspaper, his mind was all on the strange feeling lingering in his heart. This feeling came completely from the depths of his heart, and he couldn't stop it from happening.

"Well... okay, then you continue, I'll get ready, we have to attend a party in the afternoon." Waf waved to Siwei and said goodbye.

Siwei nodded and said nothing.

Almost ten minutes after Waff left, Mrs. Evelyn finished feeding the pigeons in the square, picked up her bag and prepared to leave.

At this time, a man who was in a hurry and could be seen everywhere rushed out from the side and accidentally bumped into Mrs. Evelyn.

Although the former reacted, he was still too slow to turn aside, resulting in a certain amount of contact between the two bodies.

"No, sorry!" The man scratched his head and apologized for his recklessness, "I was in a hurry and didn't notice that there was another person here."

Mrs. Evelyn just stabilized her body balance and held her bag tightly. After finding that it was an ordinary person, she relaxed to a certain extent, "Oh! It doesn't matter, young man, I can understand that the business is busy."

"Thank you for your kindness, ma'am. Please allow me to say goodbye." The man bowed slightly, held down his hat, and ran quickly in the other direction of the park.

Mrs. Evelyn looked back at the reckless man, then pulled the shoulder strap of her clothes and walked towards her home.

Si Wei, who was not far away, naturally witnessed this situation, but the man did not do anything suspicious, and if he was just following, there should be no need to hit his target.

But... it's a bit strange...

Si Wei pondered for a moment, wrapped his eyes with the power of grace, and tried to observe something from the perspective of a missionary.

Bell said that he "discovered" those seeds from those women, so how did he find them? Realized that there was something wrong with the words and deeds of these women?

Combined with Bell's identity, Si Wei had this guess. Perhaps only by observing from the perspective of a missionary can we see some things clearly.

Sure enough, when the power of grace wrapped Si Wei's eyes, he saw something different. The whole world began to turn gray, and all colors were fading, but there was only one object in Si Wei's field of vision that emitted a blue light.

Judging from the location, that thing should be in Mrs. Evelyn's... body, and judging from the shape, it should be a seed as big as a fist.

Is this what Bell mentioned?

I just saw this seed at this time, but it doesn’t mean that Mrs. Evelyn had this seed all along.

If the purpose of the man's collision with Mrs. Evelyn was to plant this seed, then... that man might have a big problem!

Using the spirit pen to send a message to Joe, Si Wei asked him to help him monitor Mrs. Evelyn who returned to her house, and he was going to follow the man to see what kind of guy he was.

It had been almost fifty seconds since the guy left. Si Wei remembered that there were only three exits in this park. The nearest exit the man ran to was the south gate of the park, which had a small flow of people.

Thinking of this, Si Wei quickened his pace and ran towards the south gate.

If the man's purpose was only to plant the seed on Mrs. Evelyn, then his purpose had been achieved. After leaving Mrs. Evelyn's sight, there was no need to continue to move at a high speed. He would definitely slow down his pace and slowly leave the park.

If the other party was really in a hurry, Si Wei would not be able to catch up with the guy, because the other party should have left the park soon.

When Si Wei arrived at the south gate, he did not see the man just now, but met another person who was quite different.


Next to Jia, there stood a handsome young man with a fair face and a casual smile. He was wearing a white shirt and dark jeans, and his short black hair was trimmed neatly without a trace of disorder and shiny.

"Jia?" Si Wei asked, "What are you doing here?"

Before Jia realized Si Wei's presence, she could speak. The young man next to her shouted and rushed towards Si Wei, "Teacher!!"

Si Wei was stunned for a moment. The young man hugged him directly and said very intimately, "I finally see you again, teacher!"


Seeing Si Wei's expression of not knowing how to deal with it, Jia came over and helped him out, "Nancy, I have told you, right? Professor Si Wei has lost a lot of memories. Don't be so intimate as soon as you meet."

Nancy let go of Si Wei, and the smile on her face never faded, "Isn't it because I am too excited to see the teacher? Those guys in daily life are too boring. Only teachers who focus on academics are the most interesting."

Jia didn't realize that Si Wei's expression had changed a little, and explained Nancy's identity first, "Professor Si Wei, this is your only student at Nanyoku University. Her name is Nancy. He is your adopted child. You should remember him, right?"

Si Wei did not answer Jia's question because he couldn't spare the energy to answer.

In his vision, Nancy's clear black eyes were actually entangled with those golden words that symbolized madness! And those words... he couldn't understand!

"Nancy..." Si Wei called out his name.

"I'm here, teacher." Nancy smiled and moved her nose at the same time, "Hmm... Teacher, you smell really good now!"

Smell? I shouldn't have any smell... What smell is he smelling?

Could it be... the smell of the power of grace?

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