Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 164 Predetermined Members

"So, what did you do for Nancy?" Si Wei asked this most important question.

Gallagher smiled, full of bitterness, "What did I do... I'm ashamed to say that I helped him build a tomb."

A tomb?

Si Wei didn't expect that Nancy would let Gallagher do such a thing. He thought Nancy would ask Gallagher to help plant seeds, but the result was... building a tomb? To whose grave?

"I'm not sure whose tomb it is for," Gallagher had anticipated Si Wei's doubts and answered the question before he asked. "I just dug the hole, prepared the coffin and the tombstone, and left the rest Nancy prepared the inscriptions and other miscellaneous things herself.”

"Are you still working with him now?"

Gallagher shook his head, "My meeting with him was followed by Bell Clive. Nancy has already confronted him face to face. I guess there will be no cooperation with me in the future... But he has already put the most important thing into consideration." The clues were given to me, and whether they were true or false, I thought I should give it a try.”

Si Wei raised his eyebrows, "Clue? Can I know what the clue is?"

"Of course. I believe that with your help, you may be able to help me find my sister faster."

My help?

Si Wei wondered, could the disappearance of Gallagher's sister be related to the "unknown"? Otherwise, what can I do to help?

Gallagher told Si Wei that clue, "As long as I can find the Chaos Goddess of the Star Foundation, I can learn the whereabouts of my sister from her!"

The Star Foundation again, the Goddess of Chaos again?

Si Wei remembers that the purpose of the spider is to find the whereabouts of the goddess of chaos, but the purpose of Nancy's cooperation with the spider is not yet known. Could it be that Nancy's purpose is also the goddess of chaos?

Then in order to find the Goddess of Chaos, he gave Gallagher this information and asked him to help him find it, and then he enjoyed the benefits?

Siwei didn't tell Gallagher about this. Judging from his expression, Gallagher had no idea about Spider's cooperation with Nancy. All he could think about was finding his missing relatives.

Grave... But I didn’t get any information about the grave from Nidhogg? Does the grave have something to do with this psychic ritual? Did you miss some parts?

Seeing Si Wei's confused look, Nancy thought that her words were not enough to convince Si Wei, so she patted her chest and said, "You can use your dream eater's power to test whether what I said is true." truth!"

Si Wei waved his hand, "No, I believe you didn't lie to me. I'm thinking about other things now... In short, don't have any contact with Nancy during this period. You don't know if he is lying to you." ,Right?"

Gallagher agreed very much with Si Wei's words. In the final analysis, he just wanted to give it a try. And helping to build a tomb is not a difficult task.

Saying goodbye to Gallagher, Si Wei went downstairs. In front of the bar, Alice sat on a swivel chair and swayed her legs.

It can be seen during this time that Alice's complexion has improved a lot, gradually losing her previous skinny appearance and transforming into a very beautiful little girl.

Al is still very good at taking care of children, and nothing unpleasant has happened to the two of them so far.

Eugene showed Alice various elegant moves in bartending in front of the bar. The latter clapped her hands from time to time, with a happy smile on her face.

"Alice," Si Wei walked over and sat down next to her, "How are you feeling during this time?"

Alice turned her head, her smile was a little silly, but very cute, "Well! I feel very happy and happy during this period!"

She never thought that one day she would be able to live in such a warm place without any concerns, with people around her who were willing to accompany her.

Likewise, she was very grateful to Si Wei. If it weren't for Si Wei, she might never have encountered such a good thing in her life.

Si Wei nodded, and without chatting too much with her, he turned to Eugene and said, "Eugene, you should be hiding something from me, right?"

"What do you mean?" Eugene smiled slyly.

"The relationship between apartment residents, the Star Foundation, and the CTHULHU expedition team."

A trace of surprise flashed across Eugene's face, "I can't tell. You learned everyone's background so quickly... I originally thought it would take half a month."

"Do you mean you admit it? Only people with connections to these two groups are eligible to live in Balem Apartments."

Eugene closed his eyes and shrugged with an indifferent expression, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Si Wei asked: "Are you a member of the CTHULHU expedition team...or a believer in the Star Foundation?"

"You guess, I believe that with your brain, you will one day be able to find the answer without my prompting." Eugene looked determined not to tell Si Wei the answer, "Besides, even if If you ask Nidhogg now, he will probably give you the same answer."

Si Wei had anticipated this outcome early on and simply changed the question, "So... what is my relationship with the expedition team and the Star Foundation?"

Eugene's eyes changed.

Just now, his eyes were still casual and uncaring, but when Si Wei asked this question, Eugene's eyes clearly changed into absolute shock and disbelief.

"You...forgot this?"

Siwei frowned, and was very surprised by Eugene's reaction now, "What's the problem?"

"Forgot... No way... Such a big thing, why didn't you inform us... Wait... So that's it... Is that so?" Eugene said a lot of keywords and sentences containing a lot of information in succession, "Siwei... You really opened my eyes."

"What do you mean?"

Eugene laughed out loud, and the sudden change of attitude even scared Alice who was confused beside him.

"Hahaha! God's will is playing tricks on people! I didn't expect him to forget such an important thing, none of us thought of it!"

Siwei couldn't find the logic in his words, to put it bluntly, he didn't understand anything, "Mr. Eugene, calm down first and tell me, what did I forget?"

Eugene lowered his head, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Siwei also changed from shock to a deep smile.

"Siwei, you, a professor of history at Nanyoku University.

"Before you were born, you were already appointed as the last member of the CTHULHU expedition team!

"It's a pity that the expedition team has been disbanded before this, otherwise, you in the future would be the Curtis Brant of the past!"

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