Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 165: The Spiritual Ceremony is Ready

In the early morning, Si Wei rubbed his head, which still hurt slightly.

The amount of information that Eugene brought to him yesterday was so huge that even he took a long time to digest it.

Jia returned to school last night. After all, she did not have a room in Balem Apartments, and she stayed in a single man's room as a woman all night. This was not a good thing worth spreading. .

As soon as he woke up, before Si Wei had changed his clothes, the ring of the Book of Knowledge emitted heat that caught Si Wei's attention. Turning the ring into a book, Si Wei asked, "Is there any problem? I just woke up."

Quanzhi Shu said: "Don't you want to know where to find the gifted weapon that suits you? I have already found someone, you can go and take a look today."

"Where?" Si Wei pressed his temples. Recently, things have been happening one after another in front of him. Human energy is limited after all, and it is impossible to maintain a tense state for a long time. .

"Bonfire area, Klimt Cemetery, as long as you go there, you will definitely find the corresponding place."

Si Wei didn't know where the omniscient book's inexplicable confidence came from, but since the omniscient book said so, he didn't need to ask too much. He started to change clothes, wash briefly, and then prepare a breakfast.

If necessary, any resident of the Balem Apartments can ask Eugene to prepare breakfast for him for free. However, Si Wei still insisted on preparing breakfast by himself every day. He could not hope to become a lazy person who had to prepare everything in advance.

Mobility needs to be cultivated.

Si Wei finished his breakfast and just walked downstairs when he bumped into Al on the transitional stairs between the third and fourth floors. "Miss Al? Who are you looking for so early?"

Al smiled and replied: "Didn't I decide to face up to my ability as a missionary? I also heard from Mr. Eugene that Nidhogg No. 666 is a very good teacher, so I wanted to ask him for advice. Let’s take a look and see if we can improve our own strength.”

Hearing this, Si Wei nodded, "I'm glad to see you have such strong mobility, Miss Al. I wish you success. The path of a missionary will not always be smooth sailing. Remember to always pay attention to your steps."

"Okay, thank you for the reminder."

After saying goodbye to Al, Siwei moved his arms and came to the bar on the first floor, only to see a man sitting there.

Belle Clive.

Eugene still had the same smile on his face, standing at the bar, wiping the tabletop and cup walls.

"Mr. Bell," Si Wei walked to him and sat down beside him, "I don't know why you thought of coming to Balem Apartment so early? Don't you have to sleep?"

Bell replied: "It's already eight o'clock in the morning, but the morning shift of the police department starts at 6:30 in the morning."

"I see, I was careless," Si Wei asked Eugene for a cup of hot water, and then said to Bell, "Then, what kind of wind brought you here? Or did you come here to take a look while patrolling? ?”

Bell took out a photo from his pocket and placed it in front of Si Wei, "Do you know this man?"

Si Wei took the photo and looked at the slightly blurry face in the photo.

He knew this person because he was included in Si Wei's suspicion list not long ago. He is the man who was suspected of planting the "seed" in Mrs. Evelin's body in the park before!

"Is there something wrong with this person?" Si Wei didn't give an answer right away, which can be said to be quite cautious.

Bell said: "This person is the degenerate who attacked you last night."

Si Wei frowned. When Si Wei saw this man a few days ago, his behavior was quite normal. How could he turn into a degenerate in just a few days?

Unless... someone did this deliberately and used some means to make him a fallen person!

So, who would do this intentionally? Apart from Nancy, the anti-social element, there was no other suspect in Si Wei's mind.

Let a Pantheon believer who was responsible for sowing the seeds turn into a degenerate and attack him. Isn't this a waste of time and money? Nancy had no reason to do this.

The only explanation is... now, there is no need to plant seeds.

Nidhogg told himself that the psychic ritual would require a total of more than 1,900 lives, and Bell had told himself before that the number of people who had been planted with seeds had exceeded four digits, so this meant that the seeds had been completely Ready! The person responsible for this matter has become an abandoned pawn, used to attack him!

"Bell, do you know where Nancy is now?"

Bell was stunned by Si Wei's question. His thinking was not that fast yet, and he didn't have that many clues and evidence. There was no way he could get the result "Nancy is very threatening" as quickly as Si Wei.

"Uh... I know that if my companion's information is correct, Nancy should still be making up for the exam at Nanyoku University now, because the final exam for one of his courses did not arrive within the stipulated time, and it will be counted as an absence."

"Keep an eye on this person!" Si Wei's tone was very serious. This is not just a matter of more than 1,900 lives. If the spider is really resurrected, maybe more ordinary people will die because of him in the future. !

Therefore, Nancy, who has reached a secret agreement with Spider, is a high-risk person! We must not let him intervene in the current incident again to confuse the public!

Bell wondered, "Is there anything wrong with him? If the evidence is conclusive, I can arrest him directly, which is safer."

"Bell, do you know? There is a kind of person in this world who will not react as long as you don't do something that crosses the line; but once you do something you shouldn't do, you will pay a certain price."

Si Wei was extremely serious. It was definitely the most inappropriate behavior to arrest Nancy now. Nancy is Spider's accomplice, and the Pantheon will definitely find ways to protect Nancy. It is obviously not wise to alarm the snake.

The best way at this time is to monitor him and not interfere too much no matter what he does. As long as Bell's whereabouts can be mastered by Si Wei, it will be difficult for him to do something.

Si Wei also explained this to Bell, who was very smart, otherwise he would not have been selected by the Filth Squad at such a young age. "I understand, but as for Spider... do you have any clues?"

"Almost, I think I have some clues." When this matter was mentioned, Si Wei began to have a headache again. The recent intelligence was basically related to the expedition team and the Star Foundation. He had to sort out everything.

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