Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 18 Pearl Lady

"Are you going to Osins Street tonight?" Jia sat on the bed and looked at Si Wei who was putting on a turtleneck sweater and windbreaker.

Si Wei nodded, "Yes, there is a secret in Osins Street that I really want to know, maybe it is the key to solving the problem."

Not only outside the high wall, Si Wei is going to "keep an appointment" today.

Oliver will play music for him tonight, and he has no reason to refuse. He is not sure how this eccentric performer will understand his behavior if he is absent tonight.

Tonight is also full of dangers. There are fish monsters wandering in the town, and groups of monsters chasing in Osins Street. As long as Si Wei is not careful, he may be doomed.

"Before you go, take this thing." Jia propped herself up, knelt on the bed, and stretched out her arms to grab Si Wei's suitcase.

After opening it, she handed Si Wei a pistol that looked like a revolver, and also gave him six brand new bullets.

The body of the revolver is silver-gray, revealing a sense of hostility. The handle of the gun is dark brown wood, which feels very comfortable.

The six bullets have the same shape, but the color is somewhat golden. At the same time, there are many tiny words carved on the body of the bullet, and the meaning is unknown.

"What is this...?"

Jia answered: "This is something sent by your 'old friend'. The pistol is common and can be used as long as you have a shooting license. The bullet is specially made and has a very strong damage to missionaries."

Si Wei's eyes moved, "Then it will also have a high damage to the Fallen?"

"Please..." Jia's tone sounded very impatient, "The Fallen is also a branch of the missionaries, okay? Don't kick others out for granted."

"Uh... okay..." Si Wei looked at the pistol, then pushed out the cylinder and pushed the six bullets into the groove one by one.

"This is your holster. Your friend made it for you. Just wear it under your ribs."

Si Wei took the holster. The holster was also made of fine quality. The cowhide felt so good to the touch. The brown color also contained a mysterious beauty.

Put on the holster and put the revolver in it. Si Wei felt the heaviness under his armpit and nodded silently, "Then I'll go."

Jia waved her hand without saying anything, which was another form of farewell.


It was still a familiar street night, still the familiar Osins Street.

Si Wei still saw the road sign pointing to Osins Street at almost the same time this time. Turning to the street full of unknowns, Si Wei was not afraid because of the shock last night, but was more looking forward to it.

For a person whose emotional processing ability has weakened to this extent, expectation can mobilize his emotions and make his impulse to perform certain actions stronger.

Tonight, the whole street is lingering with soothing music.

Whether it was the first or second time he arrived at Osins Street, Siwei had never heard the familiar sound of violins the moment he entered the street. According to common sense, no sound of classical instruments can be transmitted so far in such a complex street without any amplification equipment.

But now, Siwei heard the music that belonged to Oliver.

The street no longer heard the sound of the fallen knocking on the door and breaking the window, which made Siwei doubt something.

The first night he came to Osins Street, Oliver played the violin, so there were no fallen people that night.

The second night, Oliver did not play the violin, and the fallen appeared, and even outside Osins Street was hurt.

Tonight, Oliver played the music again, and the fallen did not appear.

This is very likely to show that Oliver's music can appease the existence of the "unknown" and prevent the fallen from wandering outside.

Siwei came to the end of Osins Street very smoothly: in front of the high wall.

The vermilion bricks and tiles remain the same, with no cracks visible, which is amazing.

Si Wei looked up at the height of the attic of Fury's hotel. The attic has only one window, which faces the outside of the high wall. It is the only way to observe the outside of the high wall.

Pushing open the door of the hotel, Fury sat in his own pile of miscellaneous items, silently staring at a scroll on the wall.

Si Wei looked very familiar with this scroll, and it was at least seven points similar to the "Pearl Girl" created for Corot in his own world.

The biggest difference is that the woman depicted in this scroll is not the same as the Pearl Girl in Si Wei's memory.

It was a woman who looked weathered, and there was no trace of rouge and powder on her face. The milky white earrings hanging from her ears were not very expensive, and they could be seen to be cheap just in the painting.

But this woman is very beautiful.

It is not accurate to describe it as very beautiful, but Si Wei cannot use the right words to describe it. For this kind of appearance, no matter what kind of words are used, it will only be eclipsed.

Fury noticed Si Wei's sudden approach, turned his wheelchair and looked at Si Wei, "Do you think this painting is beautiful too?"

"Yes, old man." Si Wei gave a sincere answer, "I really don't know what kind of painter could depict such a beautiful woman."

Fury laughed rarely, "The painter is not very famous, but this woman is very famous. Her name is Curtis Brandt."


Si Wei remembered this name. On the first night he came to this world, Jia told him that the existence of unknowns, missionaries, and the power of gifts were almost all the results of this woman's research.

It can be said that Ketishi is the mother of Raleye culture in this world. If it were not for her dedicated academic research, the direction of the entire world might have changed.

But Si Wei really didn't expect that Kedisi was such a beautiful woman.

Si Weixu squinted his eyes and saw a small signature in the scroll, which seemed to be someone's name.

"Jo Rupert, is that the painter's name?"

Fury lit his pipe on fire again, "Yes, this little-known little painter is the only one in the world who has retained the beauty of Cordis on the painting. This world is really incredible... …The most famous people often fail to produce stunning results again, but it is the unknown people who shock the world again and again.”

Si Wei did not make any response, but pointed to the attic on the top of the building, "Today Oliver started playing violin music."

"Oh? Has he told you his name already?" Fury took a puff of his cigarette. "Yes, you can go upstairs and have a look, but it's best after he finishes playing, otherwise he will be very angry. "

Si Wei expressed his understanding and climbed up the duplex stairs.

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