Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 19: Carnival

Thumb, thump, thump.

After Siwei confirmed that Oliver had finished playing his music, he knocked on his attic door.


The door lock of the attic was unlocked, and the old wooden door slowly opened, finally able to admit one person.

At this moment, Oliver's true appearance also appeared in Si Wei's field of vision.

He is a man, probably no more than forty years old, but now he is particularly haggard, as if he is in his twilight years.

Oliver's hair was unkempt and messy, like a bird's nest. The eye sockets are clearly visible, the eyeballs are almost sunken, and there are already signs of shrinkage.

His body was no different from the fallen outside. He was equally skinny, but his skin color was more normal, and his spine was not too outrageously deformed.

"Hello, Mr. Oliver," Si Wei bowed, "It's a pleasure to meet you and a pleasure to hear your performance."

Oliver glanced at him, opened the attic door, and let him in.

He looked around the attic and found that the attic where Oleph lived was actually about the same size as the room where Si Wei lived, but it was messier and had no decorations.

A creaking wooden bed, a slightly yellowed quilt cover, a set of decaying wooden tables and chairs... There is a musty smell in the air, and most people will not be willing to stay here for a while.

The first thing Si Wei saw was a curtain. Based on his judgment of the direction of the entire building, behind the curtain must be the attic window. As long as you can open the curtains, you can see what is behind the high wall.

After Si Wei came in, Oliver closed the door and turned around to get his violin.

Even though Si Wei didn't know anything about the violin, the violin in Oleff's hands gave him a unique feeling.

He didn't know anything about the back pattern, the headstock carving, or the types of strings, but that violin was perfect, with nothing to fault.

There is a small desk not far from the bed, with a large number of scratch papers densely placed on it, recording Oleph's daily inspirations.

But the words on the draft paper were so scrawled and crazy that Si Wei couldn't read them at all.

"Do you want to play a piece of music now?" Si Wei saw him picking up his violin and asked this question out of curiosity.

Oliver shook his head, took out a pen and a scrap of paper from the desk, and wrote a line of words.

"I only play when I need to. The rest of the time, I don't play a single note."

When needed? Now Siwei is more certain that Oleph's music can prevent the Fallen from appearing. The problem lies in what is behind the high wall.

Jiya said that it is impossible for a fish-monster-type fallen person to appear in a non-seaside city unless he sneaks in secretly. But how could such a large team of fallen people sneak in secretly?

It is very likely that the scenery outside the high wall is a vast sea of ​​void.

Seeing that Oliver was not going to play music now, Si Wei had some doubts about why Oliver would let him in.

Yesterday, Oliver was very resistant and didn't even want to see Si Wei's face. But in just one night, what kind of change in mentality did Oleph undergo to lead to the current situation?

Oliver put down his violin and concentrated on writing the words he wanted to express on the scratch paper, "Who are you?"

Si Wei replied: "I should have said it last night, I am a professor."

"But you are very unusual." Oleff wrote very quickly.

Seeing this sentence, Si Wei immediately became vigilant and asked, "Is there anything unusual about me?"

"A total of twelve guests came to Osins Street, but they all went crazy after hearing my performance. Only you, you said that my playing was very beautiful."

Si Wei did not expect this to happen. As an apostle of Cthulhu, his resistance to these things must be better than ordinary people, but he also did not expect that he could be so good.

"Maybe I'm special?" Si Wei pretended to smile awkwardly, "Since I was a child, I've liked things that others don't like very much."

There was obviously a hint of suspicion in Oliver's eyes when he looked at him, but since there was no evidence, he couldn't say anything. He could only nodded silently, and then wrote, "Don't come back to Aoxin again in the future." Street.”

"Why?" Si Wei said, "I came to Osins Street to seek the truth, but you want me to ignore the truth?"


When Oliver heard this, he suddenly smashed his fist on the wooden table that was wailing. He was extremely angry at the moment, and even the movement of writing contained great power, "Who do you think you are? No one can maintain their sanity under that kind of thing! We are all human, but they are not! They can Take control of everything and disrupt the reality. All we can do is passively accept it, and we must not explore the secrets! "

Si Wei watched him finish writing the last word, his expression gradually became serious, and he replied sincerely: "Thank you very much for the reminder, but... it will be up to my own judgment whether to explore the truth. Now, Could you please tell me what's outside the attic window?"

Oleph's face turned pale when he heard Siwei mention something outside the window. He was in disbelief at the former's words.

At this moment, Siwei's ears seemed to catch some sound.

A hand grabbed Siwei's shoulder at this time, and Oliver jumped up from the chair, stomping his feet and making a loud noise, while pulling him to the door of the attic, opening the door, and pushing him out!

Fortunately, Siwei reacted in time and did not roll down the stairs of the attic. But the door of the attic was completely closed, and no matter how he knocked on the door, he could not get any response from inside.

The sound of the violin sounded again, but this time the music was more crazy than any other time Siwei had heard!

The sound of the violin was like the devil's wailing, and this kind of music could not appear in heaven. This sound stimulated Siwei's ears, which was simply an unforgettable torture!

This weird musical note filled every corner of the hotel, and it seemed to be mixed with the screams of creatures. Si Wei covered his ears, but could not resist the influx of sleep into his brain!

His vision gradually blurred, flames rose in the darkness, and countless ghosts danced around the flames. Surrounding him was the endless abyss of the starry sky, and the roar of the giant beast resounded throughout the space.

The melodious flute sound penetrated the world and gently hit Si Wei's ear, inducing an irresistible influx of sleepiness.

This time, he did not fall asleep on the bed in the hotel, but fell directly from the stairs.

So by the same token, the place where he woke up this time would not necessarily be in the room of the Tyndall Hotel...

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