Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 20 The decline of prosperity

The noise woke Si Wei from his coma.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a bustling and peaceful street. People in different clothes were rubbing shoulders on the not-too-wide street. Instruments of different timbres were also playing beautiful music.

But this was not a place Si Wei was familiar with.

People passing by looked at Si Wei lying on the ground with curious eyes, wondering why someone was lying on the ground sleeping in broad daylight.

Si Wei suddenly felt a tingling in his head, and a strange and illusory voice sounded in his ears, and disappeared after a moment.

"Are you awake?" A very familiar voice.

Si Wei raised his head, squinted his eyes, and saw the old man sitting next to him in the sunlight.

This person was the old man Si Wei met at night before, and it was he who gave him the coin to enter Oxins Street.

"You are..."

The old man made a gesture of silence, smiled and shook his head, "I know why you want to, but now is not the time."

Not the time?

Si Wei looked around, the architectural style around him was so familiar, but in his impression, there couldn't be so many people here.

Because this is... Oxins Street.

At this moment, Si Wei suddenly had a very bold idea in his mind, "Old man, am I... in a dream now?"

"Very smart," the old man nodded, "Yes, you are a dream eater, and you are in a dream now. But this is not your own dream, you have come to someone else's dream."

"Then... what about you?" Si Wei looked at the old man in front of him warily, "Since this is already a dream, does it mean that... you are also a dream eater of missionaries?"

The old man replied: "The answer is obvious, I guess there is no need for me to answer, right?"

Si Wei rubbed his temples and stood up from the ground, "So since it is a dream, how should I leave? I am just a dream eater who has just become a dream eater. I have been a missionary for a long time, but I still don’t know how to use my own power. "

"This is very simple," the old man leaned on a cane, which looked unusual because the end that was released from the ground was golden, "As long as you get the answer you want in your heart, your gift power will automatically disappear."

Si Wei was stunned, "The answer in my heart?"

The old man nodded with a smile, "The gift power comes from the power given by the 'unknown', which is reflected in a person's spiritual level. When you have been troubled in one place, even if you don't deliberately use the gift power, that power will serve you. So to resolve your confusion is the only way for you to leave now. "

This old man is definitely not an ordinary person.

Si Wei silently confirmed this in his heart. His remarks revealed his unique insights into the gift power. If he hadn't known that Curtis was a woman, he would have doubted whether this old man was Curtis herself.

"This is the time point when Osins Street still exists." The old man pointed to the bustling crowd, "It is also the beginning of the disappearance of Osins Street. Go find the answer you want. I believe you know whose dream this is."

The owner of the dream can only be two people.

One is Oliver who lives in the attic, and the other is Fury, the owner of the hotel. But no matter who this dream belongs to, the clues that can be provided to Siwei are theoretically the same.

The only difference is that Oliver should be someone who has faced the "unknown" and preserved his sanity and ability to discern. If this is Oliver's dream, then Siwei may also face the real murderer who caused the disappearance of Osins Street.

"No one can see you here." The old man suddenly added, "You are just a passerby in the past of the dream, and no one will notice you."

Siwei felt strange, because the eyes of the pedestrians around him had always stayed on him.

When he turned his head and looked at the crowd again, he suddenly realized the problem.

Although the pedestrians' eyes were on him, the focus was not here.

Looking at the place where he just lay, there was another homeless man who replaced him. In such a prosperous place like Oxins Street, the appearance of such a homeless man must be very unusual, and naturally attracted the attention of others.

Si Wei tried to touch the pedestrian, but found that his body passed through the pedestrian's body and could not touch each other.

"Old man, you..." Si Wei was about to ask some questions when he saw the figure of the old man appeared in the crowd more than ten meters away, with his back to him, waving the back of his right hand at him.

On the back of his right hand, there was a pattern, which was exactly the same as the pattern on the coin.


Si Wei followed the flow of people to the place in his memory, because he could not touch the crowd, and naturally he would not be delayed by the crowd. Without the requirement of time and the pursuit of the fallen, Si Wei also slowed down his pace, and went to his destination while appreciating the cultural landscape of Oxins Street.

In the short ten seconds when he woke up, the music had not stopped. But after Siwei regained consciousness, the music stopped playing. On the walls were posters saying that the music would stop for one day. Today should be the day when Oxins Street disappeared as Fury mentioned.

It didn't take long for Si Wei to arrive at the Fury Inn in his memory. This time, there was no high wall to stop him. Instead, there was an exquisitely decorated arch.

Behind the arch was a beautiful pond. The pond was not big, and it was full of colorful water plants, adding brilliance to the entire street. A small pavilion was located above the pond, and many couples sat down to rest again.

Different types of fish can survive in different water environments. Si Wei couldn't recognize the fish of this group of fallen people, but he couldn't deny that they couldn't survive in the pond.

So, those fallen people were not actually foreign invasions, but local growth. It was just because of the environment that they turned into fish monsters.

Si Wei didn't go to the pond because he needed to confirm whose dream it was first.


The door of the hotel was pushed open by tourists, and Si Wei took the opportunity to sneak in and look at the hotel, which had basically not changed.

The only difference on the first floor was that the clutter disappeared, and Fury was also in a middle-aged posture, with confidence and sassiness in his eyebrows.

There was still only one room on the second floor, which made the tourists who came in lose interest and choose to turn around and leave.

The arrogant Fury snorted coldly, continued to sit behind his reception desk, and smoked alone.

"Mr. Fury!" A man's voice suddenly came from upstairs, very nice, magnetic and fascinating, "I want to rent the attic again, do you think it's okay?"

Siwei raised his head, and the younger Oliver was standing on the duplex staircase waving his hand and greeting Fury.

"Whatever." Fury simply replied.

Oliver...wasn't he dumb before?

Could it be that he became dumb because the "unknown" deprived him of the ability to speak?

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