Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 199: Sneaking into the Mansion

Tonight, Si Wei did not go to the dock, but used the spiritual pen to inform Norris to bring some beer to Celia.

Norris is trustworthy, so Si Wei did not waste his words to ask him not to hurt Celia. Presumably, after the conversation, Norris will also realize the importance of Celia.

After all, she is a resident of the city of Haleiya. If he and others enter the back of the city of Haleiya, they may need her to guide them.

In addition to Celia's matter, when Si Wei separated from Gary, who was full of justice, he specifically told him to prepare some things.

Gary did not completely believe in Si Wei, but he was also concerned about Siti's safety. Otherwise, he would have arrested Si Wei for intentional injury.

Although the two seemed to be in a mutually beneficial relationship, anyone who knew Si Wei well would know that working with him would basically not be an equal, mutually beneficial and win-win situation unless the intelligence level was at the same level, and Si Wei would always have a greater chance of winning.

However, Gary didn't know anything about Si Wei, so the latter naturally couldn't remind him of anything. But Si Wei knew everything about Gary.

Late at night, Si Wei and Gary met at the place where they separated.

Before the meeting, Si Wei had already surveyed the environment around the mansion.

There were two guards at the door of the mansion, who were very dedicated and looked strong, and they should have some kind of gift items on them to resist the effect of the gift power. Si Wei originally wanted to try to use his dream eater's gift power to make them sleep, but failed.

But the two men didn't realize the spread of the gift power, so Si Wei made this judgment: the two guys were not missionaries, but they were carrying gift items.

In this case, Si Wei couldn't knock them down. He was not a night walker like Norris, and he couldn't be that fast, accurate and ruthless... at least not now.

So, Si Wei thought of a more direct and extremely primitive behavior.

Climb the wall.

When Gary heard that Si Wei wanted to use this method, he also suspected that Si Wei had a brain problem. If a mansion owned by a four-star core could be sneaked into quietly by climbing over the wall, then this star core master would be too embarrassed, right?

However, seeing that Si Wei insisted on doing so, Gary could only accompany him to the end. After all, he had no better way for the time being. There was not even a hole in the wall around the mansion, and he couldn't get in through a dog hole, right?

Not only was the idea of ​​climbing over the wall very old, but so was the way to climb over the wall. Si Wei asked Gary to bend over, and he stepped on his shoulders and climbed over the wall that was about one and a half meters high.

The fact that there was no barbed wire on the wall was also a great help to Si Wei.

After climbing over the wall, Si Wei found that the width of the wall was barely enough to accommodate him. So, he reached out to Gary under the wall and pulled him up.

The whole behavior lasted for about three minutes without being discovered.

"This is outrageous!" Gary exclaimed, "Is this the security work of Victor Mansion? It's a miracle that no property was lost!"

Si Wei couldn't understand Gary's surprise, which seemed normal to him.

From the rumors, Si Wei could infer that Isaac should have used his adopted daughter to conduct some kind of experiment. No matter what the experiment was, as long as it was related to the "unknown", it would definitely affect ordinary people.

Therefore, instead of recruiting ordinary people who were easily affected, it would be better to arrange two gatekeepers and give them some gifts to resist the influence, which would be enough to deter people outside.

What's more, the name of the four-star core is known to everyone in Chadriel. Who dares to provoke such a big man for no reason? So the probability of the mansion being invaded is very small.

In summary, in fact, there is no need for people to guard the interior of the mansion. With the name of the four-star core, the mansion can be prevented from being invaded.

Except for Si Wei and Gary.

The vegetation in the mansion was neglected, and the ground was full of withered yellow leaves. The weedy forest path vaguely showed the spread of vines and tree roots protruding from the ground.

On the left was the wall that Siwei and Gary had climbed down, and on the right was the balcony of the mansion. The white wall paint had already peeled off, revealing the yellow-brown wood inside.

Two sun loungers were placed on the balcony, and the parasols that had not yet been closed were filled with fallen leaves and rainwater, and had already become a little smelly.

Directly in front of them was the main entrance of the mansion, and the two guards were still standing on both sides of the iron gate dutifully, guarding against intrusion.

Inside the main entrance was a fountain with sculptures placed on it, the whole silver-gray color. Three children holding high-necked kettles had smiles on their faces, surrounding a copper column, and pouring non-existent liquid into the fountain pool.

The garden in front of the mansion was in the shape of a cross, and the flowers beside the road had all withered. I don’t know how long it has been since anyone has taken care of this mansion.

It could also be some kind of disguise, at least Siwei had guessed so.

"Where do we go in?" Gary tried to ask Si Wei for advice, "From the side door?"

Si Wei shook his head, "No need, we don't even know where the side door of the mansion is, so we might as well go in directly from the main door. They are facing away from us now, and they are a hundred meters away. As long as we don't make too much noise, they generally won't notice us."

Gary nodded.


A sharp metal friction sound suddenly scared Gary, who was concentrating on his attention. He didn't scream, but hid behind Si Wei at the first time and moved his eyes to the source of the sound.

Si Wei turned his head and saw a double swing that had long been rusted. The original innocent yellow and red paint had basically faded under the rain. For some reason, one of the swings moved, but the amplitude was not large, but the sound was still shrill and piercing.

"What's going on... We didn't move it, did we? And there was no wind? How did it move?" Gary didn't understand the situation. Is it haunted?

Si Wei covered his eyes with the power of grace and observed the surroundings, but didn't find anything unusual. And the all-knowing book didn't give any warnings. Maybe... it was just a coincidence?

He didn't plan to waste too much time on this matter, so he lowered his head and said to Gary who was hiding behind him: "Don't worry about this thing for now. Even if you think about it, it's a fact that it just moved. Instead of staying where you are, you might as well go in and find out the reason."

For some reason, Gary felt that Si Wei was very reliable and worthy of reliance. Maybe he forgot that he was a policeman. After all, in such a depressing environment, the only companion always makes people rely on him involuntarily.

Si Wei began to feel that it was a wrong decision for him to bring this guy with him, but if he was really caught, a policeman might be able to exonerate himself... This was what Si Wei thought before.

But if he had known that this guy was so timid, he might as well not bring him with him.

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