Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 200 No Living Beings Allowed

Si Wei and Gary walked along the path covered with dead leaves to the main entrance of the mansion. The cold moonlight shone on the window, slightly reflecting Si Wei's face.

A mild cold wind blew, and a tinkling sound sounded. It might be that wind chimes were tied to certain places in the mansion, causing such a sound.

The main entrance of the mansion is a rather grand old red metal gate. The facade has been artificially painted with some graffiti that only children can draw, but this does not affect its value.

The paint on the facade shows no signs of wear and it looks expensive.

Si Wei didn't knock on the door. He pushed open the door on the right, trying to keep his movements as slow as possible to avoid making a sudden loud noise.

Fortunately, there is no rust at the connection between the facade and the wall. Although there is a dull sound, it is better than the harsh friction sound.

Before attracting the guard's attention, Si Wei had already opened a gap through which one person could pass. He and Gary quickly slipped in and closed the door again.

"Huh...Mr. Si Wei, have you done this before? I feel like you are very skilled."

Si Wei scratched his face and gave an unreliable answer, "In the past, I helped some people break into their homes without keys and then opened their doors."

Gary asked: "Are there any cases where you broke into their homes without a commission?"

"What you're talking about is already an illegal intrusion, right? I've never done anything illegal."

Joking can relieve a tense and depressing atmosphere, so this time Si Wei complained about Gary's words.

After adapting to the weak light in the main hall of the mansion, Si Wei looked around the main hall.

The area is very wide, and there are some daily items stacked on both sides, but they are basically full of dust. It is difficult to find a clean and brand-new item.

The long red carpet stretched from the feet of Si Wei and Gary to the duplex staircase directly in front. From the top to the wall, the duplex staircase was divided into two sections, leading to the long corridors on the left and right respectively.

"How do we investigate?" Gary swallowed, "It doesn't look like it's inhabited by anyone."

Si Wei said: "Since you said so, don't you think it's strange?"

Gary then remembered that Isaac's adopted daughter should live here, but it looked like it had been deserted for a long time. How could anyone be living here?

"Gary, when did the rumor that Miss Sidi didn't show up start circulating?"

Gary recalled, "Well...about a week ago, right? Because they needed time to confirm that Miss Siti had not appeared, it should have been more than two weeks since Miss Sidi disappeared."

"More than two weeks? The mansion looks like this now. Even if you tell me that no one has lived here for ten years, I will believe it." Si Wei asked another question, "How many years ago was it when Isaac adopted Sidi?" Something happened?"

Gary had to recall this question carefully, because he was really confused about this matter.

"I don't know when Mr. Isaac adopted Miss Siti, but it has been three years since Mr. Isaac bought the mansion."

After listening to Gary's answer, Si Wei could basically deduce a fact.

That is, after Isaac bought this mansion, he carried out an exquisite renovation, and after that... no one lived here anymore, not even maids or housekeepers were hired!

However, some people still say that Isaac adopted an adopted daughter. So where does this adopted daughter usually live?

Si Wei raised his head and looked at the second floor leading to the duplex staircase. Could it be that... he lived on the second floor?

But even if you live on the second floor, the messiness of this main hall is definitely not something that ordinary people can tolerate. If you live in this environment for a long time, you are likely to suffer from respiratory diseases.

"I'll give you a task," Si Wei said to Gary, pointing to the corridor behind the main hall. "I'll leave the first floor and the back of the mansion to you. I'll go check out the situation on the second floor."

Gary hesitated, then nodded.

Si Wei specifically warned of several points that should be paid attention to, "You must first look to see if there are any signs of life, secondly to see if anyone has cleaned it, and thirdly to see if there are any hidden secret doors in the mansion. Do you understand?"

As a police officer, Gary knew these things very well, so he naturally patted his chest to express that he would take care of it.

After giving the instructions, Si Wei stepped onto the duplex stairs and headed to the second floor of the mansion.

On the wall directly in front of the duplex staircase, there is an oil painting several meters long and wide. Depicted above are the pallbearers guarding the two gates.

Wake doctrine generally refers to the Elysian world behind the door as heaven, and the world behind the other door as hell. This is probably a cultural invasion caused by Kotis.

This is also likely to be the origin of Norris's title of "the man favored by heaven and hell."

Skipping the oil painting, Si Wei went up the stairs on the left first.

There was also a carefully laid red carpet on the stairs, but it was already stained with heavy dust. It looked like no one had ever been to the second floor.

What concerned Si Wei was that Si Wei had not seen any spider webs in the entire mansion.

It wasn't the weak light that prevented him from seeing clearly. With the increased power of the gift, he could see everything in his field of vision. But even so, there are still no spider webs, which is strange.

And there are no bird's nests on the dry trees outside the mansion, not even abandoned bird's nests.

Even among the overgrown grass and trees, there were no traces of insects or small mammals.

Si Wei had a hunch that this mansion was repelling living creatures with a breath of life, which also led to no one wanting to invade this mansion.

In this case, there is a high probability that there are secrets hidden in this mansion. It is just waiting for someone to discover it.

The long corridor on the left has a reception room, a study, several independent bedrooms with bathrooms, and a utility room.

In general, there is nothing suspicious. At the same time, the building structure of the second floor is circular, which means that the corridor on the left and the corridor on the right are actually connected together. Even if Si Wei enters from the left corridor, he can still reach the corridor on the right.

Si Wei searched the second floor completely, and not only was there no trace of human life, there was not even any dark room.

Going up, at the intersection of the left and right corridors, there is another staircase leading to the attic.

Si Wei listened to the sound, stepped on the stairs that did not creak, and slowly walked up to the attic.

There were lights in the mansion, but Si Wei tried and couldn't turn them on. Even if they could, if one of the rooms in the mansion suddenly lit up, it would only expose his position and might even arouse suspicion from the guards outside the door.

The air was inexplicably heavy, and Si Wei suddenly heard a rustling sound. This sound came from behind the wall, something was sprinting behind the gray wall!

In a mansion that rejected creatures, there was some unknown creature lurking behind the wall, waiting to grope in the dark and then launch a surprise attack on its enemies!

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