Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 29 Misleading

"What does this mean?" Si Wei took out the letter paper and a photo from the envelope, "Come and take a look?"

Norris and Joe put their heads together. The content on the letter was extremely simple. There was only a series of numbers, and there were 7 identical numbers.

Seven seven.

"Who are you trying to fool?" Joe stared at the seven identical numbers and said, "Is it some kind of password?"

Norris's attention stayed on the photo. The things in the photo looked very familiar to him.

"This is a coffin," Si Wei looked at the coffin in the photo, "Why don't you give us a photo of the coffin?"

"I have an impression of this thing," Norris scratched the back of his neck, "I dug it out of someone's grave."

Si Wei and Qiao were both stunned, "Did you dig it out?"

Norris realized that there was something wrong with his wording, so he changed his way of expressing it, "It would be too rude to say 'plan'... This is a coffin I dug out of an unmarked tomb. At that time, I changed hands. I heard it was sold for a good price.”

"Then what does the other party mean by sending this photo?" Si Wei muttered, "Does he want us to find it?"

Qiao realized something at this time and pointed at Si Wei, "Aren't you a professor of archeology? Don't you know anything about this thing?"

Unfortunately I'm not.

Si Wei sighed secretly and used a vague statement to change the topic, "There are specialties in the arts. I only study R'lye culture and am considered a professor. To be honest, I don't know why I am a professor."

This last sentence is indeed true. Even if Si Wei is given another identity, it would be better. He really can't handle the position of professor. After all, he doesn't have such a solid academic foundation.

Norris said it didn't matter, "Since the other party has handed over the photos to us, they must be used as clues. My client said that he would investigate the entire incident with you and give me the remaining reward after the incident is completed. What about you? "

"I was just involved, I don't know anything." Si Wei spread his hands.

Qiao said: "I'm almost the same as you, it's just that I didn't know you wanted to join in."

It turns out that after a long time, I was the only one who was being led around.

Si Wei shook his head silently, becoming even more curious about who the main messenger behind it was.

"Speaking of which, I'm a bit suspicious when it comes to the topic of coffins." Joe suddenly said, "Do you want to know?"

"You can stop talking nonsense." Norris's answer was also very domineering.

Although he was wearing the clothes of a waiter, his strong muscles were still clearly visible. Norris is also close to 1.85 meters tall and full of aura.

Joe hit the nail on the head, smiled bitterly, and pointed to the door of the bar, "There were a lot of people passing by outside the door just now saying that there was an unclaimed coffin placed there at the pier, which may be related to what we need to know. related."

"Oh?" Si Wei looked at him with strange eyes, "You heard so clearly? Why didn't I hear a word? This doesn't look like someone who has just sobered up."

When Norris heard this, his eyes became strange.

Qiao made a silence gesture with a sly smile on his lips, "Aren't the three of you here all missionaries? Do you still need me to answer this kind of question?"

"You like to use tricky answers to mislead others' thinking." Si Weixu squinted his eyes, crossed his arms, and finally chose to accept his statement, "Forget it, even if I force you to ask I definitely won’t get the answer, so let’s leave it at that.”

"Thank you for your understanding." Qiao bowed slightly.

Seeing that the two had finished chatting, Norris also took off his name tag, combed his hair into a wolf tail, and fixed it with a blue hairband, "Then let's go, time waits for no one."

Si Wei asked: "You want to leave? The bar is closed?"

"I'm just working part-time. As a tomb robber, isn't it normal for me to go out to work when I have no operating funds?"

Seeing that he was speaking righteously, Si Wei had no way to refute and could only accept Norris's statement.

Just as the three of them were preparing to leave for the dock, something big happened where the coffin was.

Just now, the crowd was watching well. When Jia was about to go downstairs and ask the security personnel at the pier to disperse the crowd, a guy in the middle of the crowd tried to pry open the iron lock, but the moment he touched it, he lost his temper. He went crazy and attacked the people around him.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, no one reacted. The person who was attacked had one ear bit off, and was pulled away by a group of people!

No one knew why this guy suddenly went crazy. In short, he seemed to have completely lost his mind. He was yelling at the crowd and lying on the ground, trying to find the next target to attack.

Fortunately, there are many people and strength. A group of strong fishermen suppressed the crazy guy, tied his hands with the thickest hemp rope, and stuffed a handkerchief full of sweat smell into his mouth.

By the time Jiya learned about the commotion at the dock, the riot had basically been stopped. It’s just that no one is willing to touch that coffin and the suppressed man.

"Are you crazy?" Jiya, who arrived at the scene, looked at the madman who was still struggling in the distance. She frowned and thought to herself, "No, we must get the coffin away quickly, and we can't let the matter continue to get worse."

Just as she was worrying about how to move the coffin, a familiar voice sounded beside her, "What's wrong? What's going on again?"

Jia looked back and saw Si Wei standing behind her with two men, and asked: "What did you do?"

"It's not a big deal," Si Wei changed the subject, "What happened here? It looks like a big commotion, why is there a pool of blood on the ground?"

"Someone went crazy after touching the coffin." Jia pointed to the coffin lying quietly in the middle of the crowd, "By the way, who are the two people behind you?"

Si Wei, Joe and Norris naturally realized at the first time that the coffin was what they were looking for in the photo, and the latter two said in unison: "Let's go and take a look first."

Before Si Wei responded, they took a step and walked towards the crowded crowd.

"Just two friends who participated in the investigation. The shorter one is called Joe Rupert, the painter; the taller one is called Norris Anderson, whom I just met not long ago."

Jia looked at Si Wei with a strange look, "It seems that you have been involved in many events since you left for a while. Does this coffin have anything to do with them?"

"To be precise, it has something to do with all of us." Si Wei simply narrated the client, the letter and the coffin to Jia, so that the latter could also sort out the situation.

"I understand, what we need to do now is to figure out the relationship between the numbers and the coffin, right?" Jia lifted her hair, "That's easy, it's the same for you, right?"

Si Wei did not answer, his eyes were only on the crazy man.

Perhaps, he needed to let a little of his blood to see.

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