Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 30 Whale Bone Bomb

"Please give way!" The police who were notified rushed to the scene and began to disperse the crowd.

And it seemed that the other party didn't pay much attention to this incident. There was only one policeman who came to maintain order, and he looked very lazy.

Si Wei and the other two were already in the center of the crowd, only half a meter away from the coffin.

Qiao took a notebook and pencil and started sketching the appearance of the coffin. Si Wei took a look at his drawing process and had to say that this person was still a bit skilled. He didn't have any composition ideas. He just drew as soon as he picked up the pen and modeled. It's like that, very expressive.

"You are really not an ordinary person..." Si Wei muttered.

Qiao stuck out his tongue and slyly threw the question back to Si Wei, "We are not ordinary people, aren't we?"

"What are you three doing?" The police officer grabbed Norris' shoulders and tried to pull him up, but the latter remained motionless and weighed as much as a mountain.

Norris turned his head, his eyes were rather cold, "Don't touch my clothes with your hands, do you understand?"

The police officer was not timid and stared back at Norris with ferocious eyes, "I am a police officer, what do you want to do? Attack the police?"

"You'd better take it back or you'll pay the price."


The police officer looked at Si Wei, obviously not recognizing him, "Cargo? What cargo? The order I got was to maintain order."

Si Wei pointed at the crazy man beside him who was still barking and said, "That's that guy. He seems to be suffering from some kind of mental illness. He just attacked a crowd of onlookers. Take him away quickly."

Joe and Norris both frowned when they heard this, because they did not agree with this behavior of letting go of clues at will.

After listening to Si Wei's words, the police officer looked in the direction he was pointing. The man could be said to be a well-known celebrity in York Town, "Why is it this guy?"

Seeing the obvious change in the police officer's face, Si Wei sensed the possibility of something appearing in front of him and asked: "Friend, why do you look so ugly suddenly? Is there something wrong with this person?"

"You must be outsiders. Just look at the conditions of the people around you." The police officer raised his chin and motioned for the three of them to look around. Sure enough, the onlookers looked at the crazy man with fear and repulsion in their eyes, "This guy is the 'Curse of Yorktown,' and few of us want to have anything to do with him."

The Curse of Yorktown?

Si Wei, Jia, Qiao and Norris looked at each other, with varying degrees of speculation in their hearts.

"The curse of Yorktown? This is really interesting," Si Wei asked tentatively, "Do you mind telling us about it?"

"No time!" The police officer waved his hand, "Now I have to find a way to deal with this guy. Everyone watching the show should get out of my way, or they will all be arrested and taken back to the police station!"

Hearing this, many of the onlookers dispersed. But in Si Wei's opinion, most people were probably forced to leave because they didn't want to be associated with this crazy man.

Just as the police officers were about to deal with the mad man's mess, both Norris and Joe's expressions changed and they shouted: "Something is wrong!"


Strange sounds came from the mad man's body. From his wrists bound by the hemp rope, a flesh-colored liquid gushes out, steaming and foaming, exuding an unpleasant fishy smell.

The police officer was startled and hurriedly ran behind him.

The crazy man stood up, his eyes began to change, and his eyes were almost swallowed by milky white.

"Everyone spread out!" Si Wei shouted, signaling the crowd to retreat. There was a burning heat hitting his face, which was definitely not a good sign!

The hemp rope fell to the ground, and the frantic man's hands had melted. It was naturally impossible for the hemp rope to restrain the liquid. The original positions of his hands were replaced by something long and tentacle-like.

Si Wei saw gaps on the tentacles. Maybe they were eyes that hadn't been opened, or maybe they were mouths that hadn't been opened. In short, it is not a normal human organ, which makes people feel a sense of fear.

People around him started screaming, and the scene began to get out of control. The police officers who came to maintain order were of no use and had long since disappeared.

There were only a few people present who had clear dialectical skills, and Si Wei and others were naturally included among them.

"Is this a fallen person?" Qiao asked carefully as he looked carefully at the crazy man whose body was beginning to change. "I have never seen such strange symptoms before."

Norris's hands were already on the back of his waist. "Isn't it time to study whether the other party is a fallen person? The key is how to deal with this trouble. I don't want to be touched by him."

Jia was more direct, standing five meters behind Si Wei, waiting for the latter to deal with this guy on his own.

Si Wei took out the gun under his arm and pointed it at the crazy man's head.

When Joe, Norris and Jia saw him pull out the gun and pull the trigger, the expressions on their faces were basically the same.

Full of surprise and confusion.


Si Wei pulled the trigger extremely decisively. If he didn't want the whole thing to expand further, he had to kill the other party before it caused a greater disturbance.

He himself was not sure about the accuracy of his shooting and the lethality of the bullet, but the facts proved that his choice was right. The bullet broke through the crazy man's chest and exploded a crimson flower on the man's chest.

There was no blood, only white colloid. The heart that stopped beating quietly was exposed to the air, and there was already a bullet hole with a large radius on it.

After being hit, the crazy man stopped moving and knelt on the ground, completely losing signs of life.

Just as Si Wei was about to confirm it, the deformed body of the crazy man quickly vaporized in the air, turned into a white mist and dissipated in the wind, leaving only a dark mark on the gray ground.

"What's going on?" Si Wei asked, "The body vaporized? Is this also a characteristic of the fallen?"

Unexpectedly, Jia Ya did not respond to his question, but just supported her forehead with one hand, shook her head and sighed.

Joe and Norris also came over, and the latter asked uncertainly: "Professor Si Wei, the bullet you just fired... is it a whalebone bullet?"

"Whalebone bullet? What is that?" Si Wei was puzzled. He had never even heard of this term.

Jia answered the question for him, "It is a whalebone bullet. Apart from this thing, there is no other bullet in the world that can cause such great damage to missionaries."

Si Wei did not think that this was a bullet made of whalebone. After all, it felt like metal to the touch and did not look like bone at all.

Joe's sigh answered Si Wei's doubts, "Whalebone bullets are not cheap. I heard that a whalebone bullet has been sold for tens of thousands of lems. The labor cost of this whalebone bullet specially modified by missionaries is not cheap. I really envy the rich."

Has it been specially modified?

Si Wei took a look at the pistol in his hand. There was actually a signature on the bottom of the gun, but it was too sloppy and Si Wei could not recognize it.

So who is the person who could give her such expensive bullets and is also called her old friend by Jia? Who is this person?

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