Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 31 The Curse of Yorktown

"Friend, we have finally found you." Si Wei walked to the edge of the surrounding area and finally found the shocked police officer. He stretched out his hand towards the trembling man, "We want to ask you a few questions for your convenience. ?"

The police officer looked at Si Wei with horror in his eyes. It was obvious that he had been affected by the "unknown" he had just faced, "You... who are you?"

Si Wei shook his head. At this time, Qiao suddenly jumped out from the side and said, "If you can't do it, let me try?"

After hearing this, Si Wei decisively gave up the trouble to Qiao. The latter took a step forward and put a hand on the police officer's head.

As soon as Norris saw Joe's move, his expression suddenly became playful, "Oh? Is it the mystic?"

Joe just smiled and didn't answer. In just a few seconds after he put his palm on the police officer's head, the police officer's expression changed drastically, and emotions such as horror, fear, anger and sadness could even be seen at the same time.

Fortunately, this strange scene only lasted for a few seconds, and the police officer's expression returned to normal, and the shock in his eyes was no longer there.

"Who are you?" He seemed to have no memory of what just happened, and looked very confused, "Why am I here?"

Si Wei explained: "Friends, we would like to ask a few questions, is that okay?"

As soon as these words came out, the police officer's facial expression changed strangely. His voice in answering Si Wei's question also became mechanical and formulaic, "Of course, you can ask."

Qiao knew that Si Wei would definitely ask what happened, so he gave the answer in advance, "I gave him a hint. As long as we mention the key words of the question, he will have this reaction."

Norris raised his lips and asked: "Then...how long will this reaction last? Will it accompany him for life?"

"Look, you make me sound like a sinner with no mercy," Qiao shrugged, expressing helplessness, "Of course it's short-lived, I guess I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Estimated?" Jia asked, "This hint was given by you. To say 'estimate' is too reassuring, right?"

Seeing this, Qiao could only confess: "I'm not very good at hinting, so I can only try my luck."

Siweike ignored this, and after confirming that he could get some information from the police officers, he began to ask for the information he wanted to know, "What is the 'Curse of Yorktown' you are talking about?"

The police officer replied mechanically: "The guy's name is Peter Pansy, and he is the son of an old wizard in the town. When the witch was hunting, he made a prophecy and curse when he was about to be executed, saying that he The fourth descendant will bring endless death and madness to Yorktown. He is the door that opens the door to the unknown and the truth. No one can stop the birth of the door, unless it is a true god.

"After the birth of the old wizard's fourth descendant, the whole town of York became ominous. A two-headed cow was born at Old John's house, and everyone's dogs and cats barked and screamed at the sky. It's like seeing something we can't see.

"He is the only one in Pansy's family now. His father ran away from home and his mother died young. There is no one to raise him, but he still survives and is very tenacious.

"But we always feel that something is wrong. As for what it is... we can't describe the feeling... Hiss!!"

At this point, the police officer suddenly began to cover his head and took a breath of cold air, as if recalling these things brought him great pain!

"That's enough!" Qiao suddenly shouted, stopping Si Wei from continuing to ask, "He can't hold on any longer, implying that the activation time is too long, and he may become a degenerate!"

Si Wei hesitated for a moment and did not continue to press. He had enough information now. In other words, he can get this information from anyone.

The police officer also woke up because of Joe's drink, but because he woke up from the suggestion, he also suffered a sharp pain in his head, which almost made him fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Si Wei supported him. "You were in a daze just now. I called you. I hope you don't mind."

The police officer seemed not to remember what happened just now. He nodded dullly and responded: "Oh...oh...ok, I don't mind...wait, why am I here?"

Norris gave the excuse he had thought up early, "It seems that your boss asked you to come here to take a look. I don't know the other details."

He didn't complete the details that he didn't know. The more detailed the lie, the bigger the holes. He obviously knew this.

Hearing this, the police officer scratched his head. Although he did not remember his purpose, since he had left the police station, it must be for some mission. Anyway, the other party doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, so it's not impossible to believe it...

After seeing off the police officers, Si Wei and the other four looked at each other, and Yujia asked, "Are we going to carry that coffin away now?"

"If it's carried away, it would be too fake." Joe said, "I'm going to hire some people to help us move it, so it looks more real."

A coffin that looks so beautiful must have cost a lot of money. Even if it needs to be moved, it must be hired by someone else.

Si Wei, Qiao and Norris don't look like people who can do this kind of part-time job. It would be inappropriate for them to do it themselves. The suggestions given by Qiao are pertinent and feasible.

But the more important point was brought up by Si Wei, "Do you pay for the workers?"

"No way, don't you even have any salary?" Qiao smiled bitterly, "This amount of money is not small, do you want me to bear it all by myself?"

Si Wei shrugged, "My funds are not very sufficient, and I have to take care of the food and daily life of two people, there is really no way."

As he said, Jia Ya behind him also nodded in agreement.

As for Norris, he crossed his arms and put on an expression that said, "Don't look at me. I have fallen into the situation of working everywhere. Do you think I still have extra money to help you share the pressure? And aren't you a famous painter? You can't come up with more than this amount of money, right?"

"Who told you? I am famous? If I were really famous, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

Si Wei said, "You can draw portraits for Curtis Brandt. Isn't that enough for you to become famous?"

When Curtis's name was mentioned, Si Wei noticed that there was a bit of bitterness on Joe's smiling face, but he didn't show it. "The painting was done, but the fame was not made... Forget it, saying all this only makes me feel upset. I will pay it. Anyway, I proposed it myself... This is called self-inflicted trouble..."

Si Wei glanced at Norris, who didn't seem to notice the change in Joe's expression just now. His expression was cold and strangers were not allowed to enter. He was a typical cold-faced handsome guy.

As for Jia... she didn't even care about the conversation between the three people, and returned to looking around.

Everything was peaceful and a little weird.

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