Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 304 Prediction

"Okay, I believe you," Si Wei could only say this at this time, "Then let's go to the place he said and ambush, the sooner the better."

Joe was stunned for a moment, "Wait... you already know where the place that Kaz said is?"

Si Wei nodded and explained, "The alternation of night and day can refer to two time nodes, dusk and dawn. In the ancient language of the Wallis area, there is only one word that can refer to dusk and dawn at the same time."

Joe is not a university professor like Si Wei, and he doesn't know these things very well, "So... what is it?"

Fortunately, Si Wei read a lot of books during his time in Fulingdu. As a missionary, Si Wei's memory has also been greatly enhanced, so so far, many of the contents of the books in the library have been deeply remembered in his mind.

So, Si Wei was able to give the answer so quickly


When he heard these two words, Qiao finally reacted and made a gesture of clenching his right fist and knocking on the palm of his left hand, "Oh! Yoling Park in Modo City!"

As a major scenic spot in Modo City, Yoling Park is a microcosm of the entire Modo City in its early days. It is filled with tools, houses and daily necessities from a long time ago. It can be called a nostalgic museum.

Yoling Park does not charge admission. Anyone can enter and exit the park at will, but the security level is higher.

In such a place, the police station will not come to the door. As long as you keep an eye on the patrolling security guards, you can be sure of nothing will go wrong.

"You go first. I have some things to deal with. I will arrive before dusk. Don't worry." Si Wei said. He also noticed Nancy's presence in the carriage just now, so now he needs to ask Nancy about the details of last night.

Since Si Wei chose to believe in himself, Qiao also chose to believe Si Wei. Without asking too many questions, he nodded and set foot on the street to Yoling Park.

After watching Qiao leave, Si Wei walked to the carriage that had been stagnant for a long time. He entered the carriage without asking any questions.

In the carriage, opposite to where Si Wei sat, Nancy kept a warm smile and looked at Si Wei, "Teacher, how do you feel after staying in the Golden Leopard for a while? Do you feel the spring in your heart?"

Si Wei glanced at him, "If you think your joke is funny, I can try to laugh to agree. Of course, I know you definitely don't want to see me currying favor with others, so the answer is already very simple."

"As expected of a teacher, the answer is still so sharp," Nancy applauded, "Of course, you are what I want to see most now. You talked with that gentleman for a long time, I wonder what conclusion you came to?"

Without hiding, Si Wei gave the answer, "We already know the location and details of the Pantheon transaction tonight, and we are ready to ambush the other party. If you are free, stay in the hotel and don't come out to do bad things."

"Don't you need my help?" Nancy asked.

Although Si Wei didn't know Qiao's strength, it can be seen from the fact that Qiao stood upright in front of the fallen and out-of-control spider that Qiao's strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

If he was really an ordinary missionary, he would have kneeled down in front of the fallen and out-of-control spider. He was an exception, and Qiao was likely to stand in front of the spider with his true strength.

Since Si Wei and Qiao had killed the deacon of the Pantheon once, they could kill him again!

"No need," Si Wei said, and turned up the volume so that the coachman outside the carriage could hear it, "Let's go to the Parin Creek Hotel now, I want to have a good rest."

The coachman heard Si Wei's voice, turned his head in confusion, and looked at Nancy, the first passenger, as if asking for his opinion.

Nancy would definitely not refuse Si Wei. With a curled corner of her mouth, she waved her hand with her back to the coachman, "Okay, please take me and my teacher back to the Parin Creek Hotel. He is indeed a little tired."

After getting confirmation from both parties, the coachman dared to drive to the street.

As the carriage swayed and Nancy heard the noisy street scene outside the carriage, she asked, "Teacher, do you hate Pantheism?"

Si Wei didn't know why Nancy asked this question at this juncture, but he answered his question seriously.

"I don't hate Pantheism, nor do I hate any faith. There is only one reason why I target Pantheism, that is, they have threatened my interests. If they hadn't done so, perhaps I could still live in harmony with Pantheism."

The closest relationship between Si Wei and the Pantheist is the bishop they believe in, but it's useless. Those believers will still rush to target him.

Si Wei doesn't actually hate or hate Pantheism, but every time he gets the benefits from his perspective, he conflicts with Pantheism.

Just like the Star Foundation, when their interests are on the same side, Si Wei will choose to join forces with them. If one day Si Wei also reaches a consensus with Pantheism, it is also very normal to join forces.

In the final analysis, it's all for two words, interests.

Every force and every individual is working for their own interests. It is normal for conflicts to break out and it cannot be described as annoying.

"Really? That's the best." Nancy smiled with satisfaction. "Since you have such a mentality, you won't be so surprised when you know more truth in the future."

Siwei glanced at Nancy with a puzzled look in his eyes. "What do you mean by this? What other truth is there?"

Spreading her hands, Nancy pretended to know nothing. "Who knows this? This is just a prediction of mine, just like the prediction I made about Bell before."

"What prediction did you make about Bell?" Siwei didn't know about this.

Nancy laughed out loud, and laughed wildly. He rarely laughed like this in front of Siwei.

"What did you predict? Of course, it predicted a tragedy."

Siwei saw madness in his smile, which was the lack of respect for life, the joy of controlling life in his own hands and manipulating it at will.

This kind of guy is the most dangerous and destructive existence in this world full of missionaries!

"During this rough journey, he...will kill the person he respects the most with his own hands, in a situation where he cannot change the outcome at all!

"I am very curious, is he completely crazy and becomes a guy as paranoid as me; or...will he commit suicide directly to seek relief?"

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