Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 305 Facing the Moonlight

At night, 10 pm, Yoring Park.

Joe changed into a black coarse cloth and wore a cap on his head. He seemed to have painted some black ash on his face, making his originally white face that was so white that it was envied less noticeable.

His collar stood up very high, seemingly to block the cold wind in the winter night, but in fact it was also covering his face.

The tourists had left Yoring Park in an orderly manner, because Yoring Park was not an ordinary city park. Due to its historical value, it was strictly set up with opening and closing times.

Ten thirty was the time when Yoring Park was prohibited from entering.

Although it was already ten o'clock, Joe was not in a hurry at all. The whole Yoring Park was a little noisy, and a large number of people were crowding towards the park gate. No matter how you looked at it, it didn't seem like a suitable time for trading.

Moreover, as a beastmaster, he had long released the gifted creatures he could control and conducted comprehensive surveillance of the entire Yoring Park.

The street lamp next to the park bench cast white light, and there were some floating objects in the air. Under the reflection of the light, tiny shadows were cast on the newspaper.

Just as Joe was reading with great interest, a man in ordinary clothes sat next to him.

"You came quite late," Joe didn't even look at him, but he could tell who was sitting next to him, "Did something happen? Siwei."

Siwei shook his head and took out a handkerchief from his pocket, pretending that he had trotted all the way here and sat down to rest because he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Nothing, I just told the people who were traveling with me about where tonight was going. Have you gained anything now?"

Turning a page of the newspaper, Joe imitated Siwei and shook his head, "No, I have released all my gifted creatures to monitor Yoring Park, but there was no response."

Qiao thought Siwei would sigh like him, and then wait for the response from his gifted creatures.

But Siwei's behavior was obviously not under his control.

"Summon all your blessed creatures back. We don't need to monitor the entire Yoling Park."

Hearing this, Qiao's first reaction was to ask the reason, "Why? Without my blessed creatures to monitor, we have no idea when that guy from the Pantheon will trade, right? Will the other party come to us just by sitting here?"

Si Wei waved his hand, "It seems that you didn't know anything about the patrol system here before you came here."

"What does this mean?" Qiao didn't understand what Si Wei said.

Putting the handkerchief back into his pocket, Si Wei said slowly: "The security patrol system of Yoling Park is to patrol different areas every half an hour, with a fifteen-minute break in between, and each team consists of three people. During this period, in the entire Yoling Park, except for us and the guy from the Pantheon... there will only be that patrol team."

"So what?" Qiao still didn't understand what Si Wei said, perhaps because he didn't really want to use his brain, "Are we going to follow those three guys?"

Si Wei glanced at him, not knowing whether this guy really didn't know or was pretending not to know, "It's ten o'clock in the evening, and Yoling Park closes at ten-thirty in the evening. In the following time, there are only three people who may theoretically exist and drink the panacea, namely the patrol team."

His words were already very clear. The Pantheon people could only go to those three guys to promote their panacea. There is nothing particularly valuable in the Yoling Park, and basically no thieves have visited it, so as long as Siwei and Qiao follow the three people, they will definitely find the "salesman" of the Pantheon!

Qiao must have understood at this moment. He nodded his head, snapped his fingers, and summoned back all the gifted creatures he had released.

"I have always wanted to ask one thing..." Siwei began to satisfy his curiosity, "Where did your gifted creatures come from? Where did you summon them now?"

Qiao explained: "The ability that every beastmaster obtains at the first node is to have a void sea that can accommodate gifted creatures. So, our gifted creatures all come from there."

When it comes to the void sea, Siwei thought of the first time he met the bishop.

The place where the old parliament is located seems to be the void sea. Could it be... Is this the void sea owned by a beastmaster with a very high sequence node?

Si Wei really wanted to see the pioneer of the void sea that accommodated himself and three god-like beings. The other party's strength must be at the level of gods.

The two of them just sat on the bench in the park, and did not deliberately spread their gift power to observe the surrounding situation. If someone patrolled over, they would definitely notice it at the first time.

Unknowingly, the time has come to 10:30 in the evening.

At this moment, the park was completely closed.

"We can start the action," Si Wei stood up, "Two people split into two groups to track, so as to avoid the situation where one party is discovered and the other is also discovered."

Si Wei's decision just met Qiao's appetite. When the enemy's strength is unknown, it is necessary to make a perfect plan.

Although he now knew that the kiss had been removed from the operation, Joe knew nothing about the guy who took over, so he had to be careful.

Joe moved the fastest, and after Siwei finished speaking, he quickly hid in the darkness of the bushes.

After feeling that Joe's breath had completely disappeared, Siwei kicked his hands into his pockets, facing the cold wind of the winter night, and disappeared under the light.


At the same time, outside the city of Mordor.

Kratos squatted down, and in front of him was a large mass grave.

The twisted branches of the trees were waving in the dark, facing the moonlight, just like a picture of a disaster.

There were almost no tombstones placed normally here, or there were no tombstones at all, just a simple composition of some stones piled up.

Even if you look closely, you can see the white bones under the soft soil.

It's like the undead who are unwilling to die, wanting to crawl out of the underground grave and suck the clean air of this world.

Kratos must have an impression of this place. In the past, he fought with a deacon of the Pantheon here.

His memory was forgotten after leaving Mordor City, but at this moment, he remembered a lot of things!

"Hickey..." he said, "It was that guy! She hinted at me!"

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