Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 306: Crushing Experience

"If you ask me, there is no need to patrol in Yoring Park." One of the three members of the team, Scarface, who is more mature, said, "There is nothing worth stealing here. Patrolling here is a waste of time. It is better to play poker in the security room."

Another elderly man who looked to be in his 50s or 60s shook his head and refuted Scarface's words, "You are wrong. Although there is nothing worth stealing in Yoring Park, we cannot ignore the security patrol here. Many central parks in cities are full of homeless people. Do you want to see Yoring Park filled with homeless people one day? ? "

The young man who was only 19 or 20 years old at the side looked rather reserved, and even his tone of voice was not as strong as the two people next to him. "Indeed...indeed, the problem of homeless people is not solved by the Empire. Although there is a special welfare center in Modo City, some people will still choose parks to pick up some items left by guests. "

"Tsk, you are educated, I can't compare with you," Scarface curled his lips, "Anyway, I think this is a waste of time... annoying, I've been talking to you for a long time, and I'm a little anxious. I'm going to the toilet and will catch up with you soon. "

One of the other two shook his head, and the other was a little afraid, so he didn't say much.

Holding his pants, Scarface ran towards the public toilet in the park. The public toilets now have no electricity, and it is dark. It is not easy to find the right location.

It didn't take much time to solve his physiological needs. Scarface walked out of the toilet contentedly, without even washing his hands.

He breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, it was better to go to the toilet than to talk with those two old stubborn people and intellectuals.

Just as he was about to return to the patrol team, a cold wind blew on his face.

"My friend, can you wait a moment?"

The sudden voice startled Scarface. He turned his head and looked at the smiling young man behind him, with great dissatisfaction on his face, "Who the hell are you? Now the Yoling Park is closed, don't you know? Can't you read the sign?"

"Please don't be so irritable, sir," the young man said with a smile, "I just want to tell you something, as long as you agree to my request, I will leave immediately."

"Agree to your request? Are you mentally ill?" Scarface put his hand on the gun bag on his waist, as if he was ready to draw his gun at any time, "I will only warn you once! Put your hands on your head immediately, otherwise, I will shoot!"

Of course, a park security guard will definitely not be equipped with a gun. It was just a gun bag he bought when he was free, with only a model gun in it.

What is really useful is the baton behind him. But at this time, a pistol is definitely more deterrent, so he didn't take out his baton at the first time.

"Hush... Sir, don't be nervous." The young man made a gesture to silence, and his voice became softer. A power of grace came out and soothed Scarface's emotions.

He was a dream eater, and he was hypnotizing Scarface in front of him, just like before the kiss!

Scarface was just an ordinary person, and he had no power to resist the power of grace, let alone this kind of gradual hypnosis?

Soon, his consciousness became a little blurred, and the palms on the gun bag slowly dropped to both sides of his body.

"Very good, sir, now... I want to ask you to cooperate with me, I wonder if you are willing?"

"Yes... I am willing..." In a semi-asleep state, the young man as a dream eater was in an absolute dominant position.

He showed a satisfied smile, took out the bottle of panacea from his pocket, and prepared to hand it to Scarface, "This is it... You hold it, then open the bottle cap and drink it."

This time the panacea was in a glass bottle, and the cork on the top could be easily removed.

The liquid in the bottle was a little viscous and milky white. Under the moonlight, it actually emitted a silver-plated glow, which was quite amazing.

"Drink... just drink it?"

The young man nodded. At this time, he suddenly felt his eyelids twitch.

But he didn't care. It was a normal body reaction. It was not a miracle.

Scarface took the panacea and held it in his hand, and then... he opened the cork.

No, he didn't open the cork, because at this moment, Scarface's body and appearance began to change drastically!

A handsome but expressionless face appeared in front of the young man. It turned out to be Si Wei!

"Oh?" Seeing the young man's expression suddenly change, Si Wei realized that his gift power had disappeared. "It seems that this gentleman's dream has disappeared. Fortunately, I have got the things."

The young man looked at Si Wei with incredible eyes, as if asking why Si Wei stood in front of him!

Turning his head and looking a few meters away, Joe had already gently placed the unconscious Scarface on the ground and was looking at him.

"As a believer of the Pantheon, you have no experience fighting missionaries," Si Wei moved his wrist, "your eyelids twitched just now, that was a hint from the power of grace. I thought you would be very smart, but it seems... not so."

The young man jumped behind him and made a fighting posture, "When did you appear? When did I enter the dream?"

"When you started to hypnotize this gentleman, I followed him and made him fall asleep. With the help of his dream, I led you in. And now the dream is over, it's that simple."

The young man listened to Si Wei's understated words, and he didn't believe it at all, "How is it possible! My power of grace can't conflict with your power of grace. Do you want to tell me that you are a missionary of the seventh node and directly ignored my power of grace?"

Si Wei is indeed not a missionary of the seventh node, but he does have a way to ignore the power of grace of this young man.

That is... truth disqualification.

As long as he uses truth disqualification to erase his power of grace, Si Wei can completely lead him in!

This is already a crushing result of actual combat experience.

Most of the enemies Si Wei faces are stronger than himself. Only by properly using tactics, experience and his own abilities can he ensure the final victory.

This young man looks like a novice.

Then, Si Wei is like a dimensionality reduction attack in front of him.

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