Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 34 Separate Actions

After observing for about a few minutes, Si Wei suddenly remembered where he had seen these patterns.

If his memory is not biased, then the golden lines on the surface of the blood flowing from those guys whose SAN values ​​are close to zero or completely reset to zero are exactly the lines on this coffin!

Is this an item related to the Great Old Ones? Si Wei frowned and reached out to flip the big lock. He didn't suddenly go crazy like Pansy, nor did he turn into a puddle of pus. It was completely normal.

"I think we should investigate that guy named Pansy." Jia also stood next to Si Wei for a while. Although she didn't get started with the operation, she could still tell something from the non-human words on the surface of the coffin. Something, "Nothing went wrong after Siwei touched the lock, but something happened to Pansy. And he was also called the 'Curse of Yorktown'. There must be some reason for it."

"You can't say that. What if Professor Si Wei is a different kind of person?" Qiao jumped up, folded the sketch paper and put it into his pocket, took a few steps forward and came to the coffin, "So, Let me try it too to make sure there are no mistakes."

Si Wei moved his position to the side.

Bowing down, Qiao stretched out his hand and covered the iron lock with his palm without any fear.

The facts were not unexpected. Joe did not show any discomfort, and his spirit seemed to be the same as before, without much change.

"Okay, we can confirm the assistant lady's speculation. There should be something wrong with Pansy." Joe stood up and took a few steps back. "We can spend some time investigating."

Si Wei didn't notice that Jia behind him looked at Qiao who looked calm with doubts.

"Okay, let's wait for Norris to come back first. This matter involves all three of us, and he also has the right to know our current arrangements."

Hearing Si Wei's "considerate" arrangement, Qiao's eyes became playful, "Have you had similar experiences before?"

Si Wei glanced at him, heard the temptation in his words, and showed a kind smile, "Of course, I am a professor. Isn't it easy to organize these activities?"

Qiao smiled and said nothing, then asked: "Professor Si Wei, what do you think of my paintings?"

"Oh?" Si Wei didn't expect that Qiao would suddenly mention this topic, so he gave his truest feelings, "I think it's very good. The color combination, the proportions of the characters, and the distance of the scenery all made me feel... very comfortable."

Qiao did not answer or correct Si Wei's layman's answer. He just bowed slightly and expressed his gratitude to Si Wei for his compliments.


At this time, the lights in the basement suddenly turned on.

Norris stood at the stairs of the basement, looked at the three people surrounding the coffin, and asked, "Is there any progress in the investigation now?"

"We don't know if there is any progress, but at least we have a clear goal," Si Wei said. "We need to investigate the dead Peter Pansy first. This guy may have some relevant secrets."

Seeing that the other two people did not raise any objections, Norris also assumed that this was the result of the current discussion between the three people. "In that case, I will also give my thoughts. There are four of us now, even if you exclude me, there are three .So, I want to act alone, is that okay?”

"Why?" It was Qiao who raised the question, "To propose separate operations at this time...you have to at least give a convincing reason, right? We didn't know each other's details before. If you do something right at this time... Our actions have an impact... so who can say for sure?”

Norris had already anticipated this and replied calmly: "I know you will say that, so I will give my own answer. I am going to go to the library to investigate the secret of that string of numbers."

Si Wei looked at Norris with interest, "Oh? Judging from your tone, you already know the origin of this string of numbers?"

"It can only be said to be a conjecture, but the answer cannot be confirmed," Norris answered casually. "I believe that Professor Si Wei, as a scholar, can understand that it is foolish to draw conclusions before sufficient evidence is obtained."

"Don't involve me in everything," Si Wei decisively cut off his idea of ​​changing the focus of the topic. "I can understand why we split up, but I'm more curious as to why you would bring it up at this time."

Qiao and Jia looked at Norris in silence, looking forward to his answer.

Norris knows very well that the four people now are working on their own. As long as the words he gives are slightly inappropriate, the current situation may be fragmented. The worst case scenario is that these three people are unwilling to cooperate with him.

Therefore, he carefully considered his words, "On my way back, I was found by one of my former tomb-robber colleagues. He told me some secrets, which may have something to do with the string of numbers. I felt it was necessary." Set off immediately to investigate."

Qiao didn't put forward any opinions, but turned to look at Si Wei.

The same goes for Jia, as if Si Wei is the commander of this group of people.

"I want to believe you, Norris," Si Wei called his name. "We have a saying over there that we are all grasshoppers on a rope. We should trust each other and help each other. Any collective The collapse of China all starts with doubts and doubts, and I don’t want us to face this kind of situation.”

Norris took a deep look at Si Wei. He did not expect Si Wei's answer.

But if he couldn't give such an answer, he probably wouldn't be selected to participate in the investigation of this coffin.

Norris told himself this in his heart.

Qiao's eyes when looking at Si Wei also changed to a certain extent, but he didn't say a word.

"Now, let's move on to each other." Si Wei began to turn the basement key in his hand, "You don't have much time, right?"

Jia closed her eyes and crossed her arms, "Since that man is so famous that he is called the Curse of Yorktown, many people must know him. We should go out and ask, and we should be able to get the answer."

"Then I'll take my leave first." Norris was not prepared to wait for the three of them to respond, so he turned around and walked out of the basement.

Si Wei and the other two didn't stay long, and left the basement immediately, leaving the exquisite coffin here.


Such a slight and small voice echoed in the narrow and dark basement.

again and again.

It's like a clock, or like... the sound of chewing something.

No one knew what lay inside the coffin, no one knew.

At least... no one alive knows.

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