Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 35: Information Dealer

Tick ​​tock.

The rainwater accumulated on the roof dripped to the ground along the ravines of the eaves, forming a small pool of water on the rocky ground, reflecting the dim sky.

Less than fifteen minutes after Si Wei and the others left the basement, light rain began to fall from the sky, and then gradually increased in intensity, with the raindrops forming a line like a curtain.

Yorktown fell into a rare tranquility. The children were curled up in their mothers' arms, sucking their thumbs, with soft expressions that were as bright as gems.

Few pedestrians were seen on the street. Occasionally, a few people were seen walking in a hurry. As soon as they lowered their heads, they disappeared into the hazy rain curtain in a moment.

Raindrops fell gently on the black umbrella. Si Wei held the umbrella and looked calmly at the dilapidated and crumbling building in front of him.

According to rumors, the Beard family's farm collapsed on a rainy night, and Pansy was the only one in the family who survived and ended up living on the streets.

After that, the farm renovated by Pansy himself was considered to be some kind of evil place carrying a curse, and most people were not willing to approach it easily.

So far, the only one who still dares to go here alone is Si Wei.

As for why this is, time has to move forward a little further.


"Three friends, are you looking for someone?" After five minutes of questioning to no avail, someone suddenly patted Si Wei on the shoulder and said this to him.

Si Wei turned around and looked at the wretched-looking, thin man with a beard standing behind him. After looking at his attire, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Hey, I call myself the Prince of Intelligence in Akela Zhong. As long as it's something within Akela Zhong, just ask me!"

Regarding his answer, both Jia and Qiao naturally felt disgusted to varying degrees. The information dealer has professional ethics but no principles. As long as he has information, he will give it out without any concealment, regardless of whether it will cause some negative impact.

Some people are willing to cooperate with intelligence dealers, but they are never willing to easily disclose their information to intelligence dealers. After all, you never know when your information will be sold.

But Si Wei is not so obviously repelled by such people. In his opinion, gain and loss must go hand in hand. Even if his information is sold, as long as he gets what he wants, then It doesn't matter.

The most important point is that the other party probably didn't see him by chance and then just come to him. In that case, it would be too much of a "coincidence".

Therefore, this is also very likely to be a development driven by the guy hiding behind the scenes.

"Are you sure you know everything in Accra?" Si Wei pretended that he didn't know the man's purpose and accepted his words, "I don't want you to deal with me."

The man straightened his tie and said: "Please don't question my professional ability! You can ask around. When it comes to Angrisson, who doesn't know my intelligence capabilities? Please relax!"

Si Wei turned his head, and both Qiao and Jia shook their chins, indicating that they had never heard of this name at all.

"Then I'll believe you, Mr. Anglisson." Si Wei said, "We want to know something now. I wonder if you can tell us?"

"You said, I will estimate the price based on the importance of this matter." Angelison did not forget his own profession after all, and returned to the issue of price in a few words.

Si Wei said: "We want to know all the information related to Peter Pansy."

Logically speaking, as long as anyone who knows Beard's identity hears that Si Wei and the others want to conduct an investigation, they will probably turn pale with fright and no longer want to have anything to do with them.

But Angelison was different. He just smiled sinisterly and asked: "About this matter... are you sure you want to know?"

"Of course, if you don't really want to know, why keep asking there?"

Angrisson glanced at the two people behind Si Wei and lowered his voice, "I can tell you, but I can only tell you one person. If you can accept this condition, I will make a deal with Peter Pansy." I’ll tell you the relevant information.”

Jia was the first to frown, wondering why Angrison would put forward such a condition.

Qiao crossed his arms and made a slightly playful sound in his throat, "Oh~ can we only say it alone? The more secretive the secret, the easier it is to arouse curiosity that does not belong to human beings."

"I can accept it." Si Wei accepted it decisively without any hesitation.

"Hey hey hey..." Angelison let out a weird and strange laugh, waved his hand, motioning for Si Wei to lower his head, leaned forward and bowed slightly, leaned into Si Wei's ear, and whispered a few words .

Qiao and Jia were also observing Si Wei's expression carefully, trying to read as much information as possible from his face.

But this was impossible, because Si Wei always had a poker face and did not change his expression because of any words from Angelison.

"I understand," Si Wei nodded very naturally after listening to Angelison's words. "Since you said so, what can I violate if I go again? It will seem that I am too reckless. Very reckless. It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Anglisson."

Angelison stroked his mustache and shook hands with Si Wei. The smile on his face always made Jiya and Qiao feel that something was wrong.

Si Wei brought the topic back to the point, "So, since you have given such meaningful information, what price do you want to charge?"

"Price... um... that doesn't sound good, let's put it another way: it's the reward you want to pay."

Si Wei nodded, as if he agreed.

Unexpectedly, Anglison suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Jia behind Si Wei.

"I only want one reward, that is, don't let this woman get involved in your investigation."

Joe was puzzled, and Si Wei asked with a little confusion: "Why is that? Jia is just my assistant, and the confidentiality work is also very perfect."

"You don't need to know this." Anglison looked at Si Wei, and his eyes seemed to convey some information, "I believe that you are smart, and you can see that I didn't come here voluntarily. If someone hadn't paid for my travel expenses and reward, I wouldn't be willing to travel a long distance to a remote coastal city like Yorktown."

Hearing this, Si Wei and Joe looked at each other and came to the same guess.

The person who paid Angrison and asked him to come here to provide information is probably the one who lured them to the current situation!

In other words, their every move is still under the other party's watch... or expected!

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