Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 389 Norris's invitation

Joe sat outside the cabin with a gloomy expression. Jia Ya stood at the door, looking at Joe with his back to her, but did not go up to talk to him.

She knew what happened, but she would not choose to comfort Joe. After all, he had to get over these things by himself.

Not long after, the door of the cabin was pushed open.

Si Wei walked out, his expression remained the same, and his aura did not change much.

Joe heard the voice, turned around, and looked at Si Wei, "Is it... over?"

Nodding, Si Wei spread out the palm of his right hand, and a crystal clear light blue icosahedron floated in his palm. This thing is the "core" of Curtis Brandt.

When this thing is taken away, Curtis will lose her power and become an ordinary person with only immortality left.

And she made a request to Si Wei with her immortality.

Si Wei only knew at this time that his inherent power had the ability to transform one thing into another equivalent thing.

This is not only limited to the product of physical possession, but also applies to the spiritual level.

The three candidates all knew about this, so the bishop was willing to put all his chips on him.

As long as the power cores of the three candidates were used as a price, maybe this world could really be cut off from those higher beings.

"I have something to tell you," Si Wei did not tell him the truth directly, but said it in a different way, "Now you no longer need to be tortured by lonely eternal life. Now you have the life limit of a normal person, and you will be troubled by birth, aging, illness and death. All this... is because the god you believe in is dead."

Hearing this, Qiao was quiet for a moment, and then laughed with sadness.

"Hahaha! Eternal life? That's great, I hate the feeling of eternal life. Thank you... Si Wei, this can be regarded as helping me solve a difficult problem."

He stood up, his body shaky.

Looking back stiffly, Si Wei saw the tears on Qiao's face that had long been uncontrollable.

This was the first time that Qiao burst into tears in front of outsiders.

"Goodbye." He was saying goodbye to Si Wei, or maybe... he was not saying goodbye to Si Wei.

Si Wei watched him walk farther and farther away, and his figure gradually disappeared in the bushes.

A white shadow appeared in the bushes, and the masked man who had been responsible for protecting Si Wei stood on the branch and said to Si Wei: "Thank you."

Si Wei didn't know what he was thanking him for, but just nodded and didn't say anything more.

The masked man disappeared, probably continuing to follow Jack's orders to protect Joe to prevent him from being hit by the carriage when he was in a trance.

After that, the Star Foundation... was dead in name only.

Jia Ya was holding a book in her arms, but Si Wei had never seen this book, and there was no name on it.

Si Wei glanced at her and asked, "What is this?"

"It's just my own diary." Jia Ya responded simply, but didn't make it clear who it was used to record.

Si Wei didn't ask in detail, but just shook his head silently, "Next... it's the vigil."

He didn't expect that Curtis would get her core so easily here. Maybe she has been waiting for this day, but she just didn't say it clearly.

So... what is the mind of the keeper who has the least contact with me?

"Where should we find Norris Anderson?" Si Wei asked Jia.

Jia twisted the hair beside her ear and said, "I'm not sure about this... You'd better contact him with the psychic pen."

If he contacts him, will Norris respond to him?

Norris should be very clear about his purpose now. Si Wei doesn't know what kind of bond Norris has with the keeper, so... it's difficult for him to judge what will happen next.

While Si Wei was hesitating, someone took the initiative to contact Si Wei with the psychic pen.

And this person is Norris Anderson.

"Siwei, the keeper has sensed it. Did you kill the Goddess of Chaos?"

Siwei hesitated for a moment, but did not hide it and gave an affirmative answer, "Yes, I killed Curtis Brandt with my own hands."

There seemed to be silence for a while, "Well, we two already know your thoughts very well. Let's put it this way. I'm at the Seton Bar in Port Manburg now. Do you remember? The bar of Arnold Griffin."

Seton Bar...

Siwei replied, "I understand. I will come. But before that, if you have anything else to say to the keeper, then take this time to say it. Maybe in the future, you will never find this person in your life again."

Norris was still laughing in the message he conveyed, "Haha, you are right. Maybe... I do have to tell him something that I haven't said for a long time."

So far, the two have no communication.

Jia Ya looked at Si Wei who put the spiritual pen into his pocket and asked, "What's the result?"

Sighing, Si Wei said, "Now, let's go to Port Manburg."


In the dilapidated underwater city, Celia held an umbrella and looked at the fluorescent dots in the ruins not far away.

This umbrella can be said to be completely useless, because Celia is now in the sea, her body is covered by seawater, and she doesn't understand the meaning of holding an umbrella.

The surrounding seawater suddenly became manic, and Celia's eyes became sharp, staring at the fluorescence in the darkness. There seemed to be something swimming among them.

Just hear a muffled sound! The sea water fled around wildly, and a black hard claw broke out from the ruins, directly lifting all the remaining bricks and rubble that suppressed him!

Nancy, covered in black haze, stood up from the ruins. He was covered in blood, and bright red blood was still overflowing from his seven orifices. But he was laughing wildly, because here he broke through the final shackles!

"You came out." Celia looked at him and at Halea's omniscient book in his arms, "You also succeeded."

"I should thank you. As a remnant of the previous civilization, I didn't expect to be able to shine in this civilization." Nancy took a deep breath, and it still couldn't affect his normal breathing and speaking in the sea water. "When all the dust settles, Yes, what you do will definitely help you achieve a happy ending.”

Celia calmly handed the black umbrella to Nancy, "My mission has been completed, and it's time for you to leave here. This is not your destination."

Nancy nodded, the joy on her face could not be concealed at all.

"Yes, now...it's time for me to find my own destination."

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