Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 390 Story

Manburg City, Seton Bar.

Si Wei arrived as scheduled and pushed open the door of Seton Bar.

Today, there was no one irrelevant in Seton Bar.

Norris sat in the innermost booth, with two glasses of wine mixed by Arnold in front of him, but there was no one sitting opposite him.

Si Wei motioned Jia to go first, and he came to the bar and said to Arnold: "Mr. Arnold, it's been a long time."

"Long time?" Arnold smiled, "It seems that we just met in the final ruling."

Si Wei said: "That's not a formal meeting. Can I order two glasses of wine? Looking at Norris, the other glass of wine should not be prepared specifically for me."

Arnold glanced at Jia, "She is still a college student, right? I will prepare the wine, you go first."

Si Wei nodded slightly, turned and left the bar, walked to the booth, and sat down opposite Norris.

"How is Joe?" Norris picked up his wine glass and took a sip. "He should be very sad now, right?"

"Maybe, I don't know." Si Wei changed the subject. "Since the vigil has sensed Curtis's death, then there must be some connection between them, just like us."

Norris shrugged. "I don't know about this. Anyway, it is a fact that the vigil felt Curtis's death. Moreover, it was the vigil himself who asked us to meet you, not my opinion."

Si Wei looked around and asked, "Then... where are the others?"

"I'm here, always here."

As soon as Si Wei finished speaking, the familiar voice sounded opposite Si Wei. The man in a suit and leather shoes also showed his true face in front of Si Wei for the first time.

He elegantly picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and exclaimed in praise, "Hmm... This glass of wine is really good."

Looking at the vigil, Si Wei crossed his arms, leaned on the sofa, and said, "How about we get straight to the point? I didn't kill Kotishi. I just took away her power core. Choosing death... is also her own decision."

"Of course I know this," the vigil smiled, "Because Kotishi's death is completely different from what we expected at the beginning, so I guess... The bishop, who has always been protecting you, must have told you about the second option."

Norris didn't know about this, so he turned his head and glanced at Si Wei.

"I can give you my own power core, but I have two requirements. I don't know if you can meet them."

Si Wei spread his hands, "Tell me."

"First," he raised his finger, "You want to hear a story."

"Second," he raised his middle finger again, "I want to use my eternal life to make an exchange with you."

There is nothing wrong with this, at least for Si Wei, there is no harm.

The only unstable factor is what kind of exchange the keeper wants to make.

Although his inherent power can help the keeper to make an equivalent exchange, if he wants something that endangers the world, Siwei will definitely not agree.

However, as of now, Siwei has not seen such obvious antisocial factors in the keeper, so he agreed, "Okay, I agree. You tell a story, I am also curious about what kind of story you will tell."

The keeper smiled slightly.

Just at this time, Arnold brought Siwei and Jia's wine and placed them in front of them.

"Three, drink moderately."

He seemed to have not seen the existence of the keeper at all. After leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

Siwei was not surprised by this, and put his eyes on the keeper again, "Let's start."


Norris Anderson did not have a name at first.

He didn't even know who his parents were. When he began to have memories, he lived alone in the mountains and forests.

During that time, the Haleiya civilization had not yet taken shape, but there was already a belief that ran through all races.

That is the doctrine of the soul-keeper.

The soul-keeper is the first candidate to enter the ninth node. He is older than everyone else, but the cycle of selecting messengers is longer than anyone else.

The Chaos Goddess and the Bishop were both candidates born in the Haleiya period. Even the Bishop only found his messenger after almost a reset day.

But the soul-keeper found his messenger after tens of thousands of years.

The soul-keepers at the beginning were like Siwei, pretending to be ordinary people, traveling in the world, looking for their messengers.

He was not panicked at all, because his faith ran through all races, and he didn't worry about whether the power of faith would be lost.

However, the soul-keeper could not find a suitable messenger.

Humans, more or less, will be stained with the bad habits of the seven deadly sins. This is what the soul-keeper least wants to see.

He hates to see the birth of sin, and he hates to fall into depravity.

However, when he saw Norris for the first time in the cave, he found that this world really has pure souls that have not been polluted for more than ten years.

Therefore, the keeper chose to take care of Norris like Curtis did.

However, the difference between him and Curtis is that Curtis takes good care of Joe like a real mother.

The Soul Keeper let Norris go free, but kept him away from the evil and danger of this world.

After Norris grew up, he still kept the habits of a wild beast and couldn't even talk to the Soul Keeper normally.

Under such circumstances, the Soul Keeper still chose to make him his messenger and act as a teacher to teach him the etiquette and lifestyle of humans.

He was very happy to see that such a pure and flawless soul was protected by himself, which also made him feel very satisfied.

Norris had experienced the destruction of the Haleiya civilization and witnessed the sinking of the Boxia Bunker, so his greed for humans was the same as the Soul Keeper's, full of pessimism.

Therefore, Siwei could always see him hiding his emotions. Norris knew what humans were like, so he would not easily reveal his emotions.

However, two people changed his view.

One was Joe, and the other was... Siwei.

It can be said that after the bishop chose Siwei as his messenger, he arranged for the three messengers to meet each other, which was also fueled by the Soul Keeper.

Because he had taught Norris how to be a man and witnessed the darkness of the world, he understood that it was time for Norris to know... what friendship is.

Joe is Norris' friend, but now Joe has a limited life and is destined to be unable to accompany the immortal Norris.

The Soul Keeper is also Norris' friend, but he will use his immortality to make a deal with Si Wei, so naturally he can't accompany Norris forever.

At this point, Si Wei has already had a good guess about the deal that the Soul Keeper is about to propose.

"Si Wei," the Soul Keeper cast a sincere look at Si Wei, and the gentleness and smile in the corner of his eyes could not be suppressed, "I want to use my immortality to exchange you... and Jia, to become Norris's friends, okay?"

Verbal promises cannot be regarded as eternal, but if they are based on Si Wei's inherent power, then they are convincing.

Si Wei, there is no possibility of refusal at all.

He looked at Norris and asked him if he agreed with the Soul Keeper's opinion.

Norris drank up the wine in his glass, gently placed the glass on the table, then took out two Reindeer brand cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to the vigilant.

The vigilant smiled, took the cigarette, and smoked with Norris for the first time.

After lighting the cigarette, Norris exhaled white smoke.

Then... whispered.

"Thank you."

The vigilant bit the cigarette rod and patted Norris on the shoulder.

"You're welcome."

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