Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 392 Until Forever

"I understand," Si Wei said, and his mood didn't seem to change much. "Do you have anything else to say?"

To be honest, since the emergence of inherent authority, the differences between several categories of missionaries have become little, especially after Si Wei became the ninth node, the boundaries have basically been blurred.

He can control gifted creatures, invade other people's dreams, and create dreams.

After reaching the ninth node, is the classification of missionaries still so important?

Nancy took a deep breath, "Have I told you before, right? Jia is not an ordinary human being, but a doll created by those higher beings."

"I remember what you said."

"So, do you still remember...those Fool bone fragments in your body?"

Si Wei raised his eyebrows, vaguely guessing what this guy was going to say.

Nancy's smile was a little crazy, "Kia Greenwell is the 'Fool' who has died. She taught the people of this world that knowledge, and finally died, and used her last consciousness to condense into Kia. The individual Grinwell turned her own bones into a shortcut to the ninth node!

"From the beginning to the end, Kia Greenwell is one of those higher beings, or an incarnation!"

Si Wei had made a similar guess about this, but because this guess was so outrageous, he did not dare to confirm it.

To this day, when Nancy put the words in front of her, she still felt a certain degree of surprise.

The incarnation of higher beings...

However, it is already a fact that Jia is her own messenger now.

Even Si Wei cannot have the ability to travel through time and space like Halea and change his previous choices.

And Si Wei didn't want to change his choice.

"I understand this too. So...do you have anything else to say?"

This sentence, like a needle, pierced into Nancy's heart.

He has paid too much for Si Wei's promotion, but now, he really doesn't know how to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

But now, Nancy has a preliminary conclusion about what she should do.

"Teacher, I also want to make a deal with you."

Si Wei raised his eyebrows. He couldn't imagine that Nancy would have anything to trade with him at this time.

He hesitated, "What do you want to trade for?"

Nancy took a step forward, stood in front of Si Wei, and pointed at her chest, "I will use the power that I have now half-stepped into the ninth node, plus my strength that was created by higher beings. In exchange for my life, you will definitely succeed this time."

"Are you serious?"

Nancy nodded firmly, "This world is the world that Teacher once lived in. Since I can't be Teacher's right-hand man, then... at least let me contribute part of my strength to the world that Teacher loves.

"Your power alone is definitely not enough. But my life is too special and is a product created by those higher beings, so it can play a better role.

"This is my last request. Please agree to it, Mr. Si Wei."

This was the first time Nancy didn't call Si Wei "teacher".

He knew very well that the person sitting in front of him now was not the teacher he knew well, but a stranger named Si Wei who had been with him for a while.

Si Wei saw the determination and nostalgia in his eyes. He was repaying the kindness to the former owner of this body in his own way. In this case, as long as it did not violate his own purpose, what reason did he have to refuse?

"I promise you." Si Wei stretched out his hand, and Nancy knelt down on one knee in cooperation, held it up with one hand, and then placed it against her forehead.

The power of the gift surged, and Nancy could feel that the power of the gift belonging to Siwei, the waker, Kedisi, and the bishop were gradually analyzing her body and separating her core of power from her body.

I will usher in the final focus with my second most satisfying ending.

Si Wei stretched out his other hand and pointed at the core of the three candidates' power, using his inherent power.

A numbing feeling instantly invaded Si Wei's whole body!

And he also lost his consciousness at this moment.


Wow - Wow -

The cold invaded Si Wei's body, and the sound of waves lapping against the rocks echoed in his ears.

He opened his eyes. At this moment, he was standing on a rock similar to an altar, surrounded by strange stone monuments.

It was marked with alien characters, but Si Wei couldn't understand it because it was no longer in the same dimension as him.

A sound that Si Wei couldn't understand, but penetrated into Si Wei's ears like a magic sound, echoed throughout the dark sea.

There is no sun here, but there are two symmetrical blood-colored moons floating in the sky, which looks particularly eye-catching.


Before Si Wei could react to what had happened, the huge, deformed creature broke through the sea surface, revealing its terrifying figure in front of Si Wei.

Si Wei knew this thing. In his original world, people generally called him...Cthulhu.

"Hello, human." Si Wei couldn't see his mouth, but there was a soft voice that he could understand into his ears, "This is the first time we meet."

Si Wei felt a headache. Even though he was now a missionary of the ninth node, he still felt a strong sense of discomfort when facing these indescribable gods.

It seems that if ordinary people look directly at them, they will probably go crazy in an instant.

"You should know what I want to do." Si Wei maintained his minimum rationality and talked to the existence in front of him.

Cthulhu gave an affirmative answer, "Yes, we have been observing you. Not surprisingly, you meet all the conditions to join us. In the end, it depends on your choice."

My choice?

"In a sense, your goal has been successful. We have given up on this world and will no longer establish any connection with it. But you... we think you are very suitable. I wonder if you want to be like us."

"If..." Si Wei gritted his teeth and tried his best to endure the pain, "What if I say no?"

"We will not force you," Cthulhu emphasized this point, "but you certainly can't go back to that world like an ordinary person and live like an ordinary person. Because the power of grace there has disappeared, once you go back, it will be the fault of that world, which will cause the whole world to fall apart."

Hearing this, Si Wei asked: "Then... is there any other way?"

"You are still so tricky," Cthulhu said, "We will block your life until any world appears that adapts to the current you, and you can continue to survive."

At this moment, the first noun that flashed through Si Wei's mind was "home".

It was not the Balem Apartment in the Salem Empire, but his real "home" on Earth.

At this moment, he laughed out loud.

"Then, please seal my life." Si Wei showed his most sincere smile at this moment.

This has nothing to do with anything, but he just wants to laugh at this moment.

He doesn't expect to find a world that suits him, but as long as he completes what he should do, it will be the best ending.

"Before the seal, do you have anything to say to the people in your previous world?" Cthulhu's voice still echoed in Si Wei's ears, "I still have some contact with Jia Grinwell, maybe I can help you convey some words at the end."

Si Wei thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"There's nothing to say."

There was only a faint light in the dim sea.

The red crystal wrapped Si Wei's body, and some tangled dirty branches wrapped the base of the crystal.

Si Wei, stay here forever.

Perhaps, until... forever.

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