Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 393 The Last Manuscript

It has been a long time since the concept of missionaries faded from people's lives.

The original missionaries have lost their power, and only some gifted creatures and atheist missionaries are still lingering, and they were spread as strange stories by later people, but later they were secretly eliminated by me and the people who knew about it.

When Siwei chose to block the connection between the higher beings and this world, he also eliminated the memory of the people in this world about the R'lyeh culture, so there are so many urban legends about gifted creatures and missionaries.

Joe Rupert has lost the qualification of immortality, so he can show his face in front of the world at will. Now he is already a representative of the Iron and Steel Union, leading the people of this civilization to grow.

After the final ruling, Egbert eliminated some internal enemies, and then quickly stepped down and handed over all power to the Iron and Steel Union.

In this way, it basically announced the end of the monarchy.

Norris Anderson is still an immortal being, so there are still some disadvantages in dealing with people. But at least I am the same as him, and I have to respect Siwei and the wishes of the keeper of the coffin and become his friend.

To be honest, it is not tiring to be friends with him, but it is more troublesome because this person always comes uninvited.

Baifuli Shelley owes me a favor, so I privately brought them together. At least before the rest of Baifuli's life, this guy will definitely not bother me easily.

The bishop has become an ordinary person, but I don't know who he is. As long as he doesn't come to me, I will definitely not find him even in the crowd, so I don't care.

Balem Apartment is as peaceful as ever. Alice has grown up, but she stays in Siwei's room for a while every day, and it seems that she is still waiting for his return.

Nidhogg... As a gifted creature, it is basically an immortal existence as long as it does not encounter fatal injuries. Later, it was also considered half a friend of Norris.

El rarely returns to Balem Apartment. Now she has replaced her father on the stage of the empire and helped Joe to govern the country.

But the two were just friends before, and so far, I haven't seen Joe have any thoughts about any woman.

It seems that Curtis Brandt's position in his heart is too high.

Gallagher is still his own fortune teller, but now he has lost his gift power and can only be a half-charlatan under the guidance of Nidhogg.

But seeing that he is still so cheerful in life, there is no need to expose him, unless he is caught by the police one day.

Eugene left the Balem Apartment and handed the apartment to Alice to take care of. As for the reason for his departure, it is more or less related to Curtis's death.

Jack has never appeared in my sight. It seems that the last group of members of the expedition team are preparing to retire to the mountains, together with Heslet in Accra.

Arnold opened his own bar as always. The only two remaining members of the Dirty Squad: Bell Clive and June Bellina are the most loyal customers in his bar. But I heard that these two people have joined the Iron and Steel Union, and I don't know if there will be any big business in the future.

After the impeachment storm of the Empire, Clan Joey returned to the Bonfire District and continued to serve as his doctor.

But in the eyes of the people in the Bonfire District, Clan has become much more haggard.

Another person worth mentioning is Kez Medina, who opened the Golden Leopard in Fulingdu.

Those manuscripts that everyone saw before were written by him.

He is the recorder of this world. Originally, this position would be given to Joe Rupert, who successfully passed the reset day, so the relationship between the two is so good.

But now Joe has lost his qualification for eternal life, so... this position naturally fell on my head.

Every world has such a recorder, and this responsibility is also quite arduous.

Because I hope that one day when Siwei comes back, I can witness the changes in this world through my records.

All this is his credit.

There are only so many words I want to leave. If you can see it later... Siwei, I am very happy that you came to this world and replaced Professor Siwei.

Because you have brought the world a true era that belongs to them.

Thank you.

I also hope that after completing your mission, as the Lord of Truth of the Truth Church, you will also pursue your own truth.

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