Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 42 Keywords

"Professor Si Wei, right?"

An unfamiliar voice stopped Si Wei. He turned around and saw a guy standing behind him wearing a black cloak, covering his entire body, including his face.

The cloaked man revealed his withered right arm. There was a tattoo on it, which was exactly the symbol Si Wei had seen on the back of the bishop's hand.

This guy...is from the same organization as the bishop?

Si Wei frowned and looked at the surrounding environment covertly. Now he is in a deserted alley, with rows of building floors on both sides. Domestic garbage and some debris are piled up in the alley, giving off a stench.

The pipes in the building on the right are leaking, and water drops are constantly dripping on the ground, forming a small pool of water stains, reflecting the dull sky.

"What's the matter?" Between Si Wei and the cloaked man, a relatively thick iron pipe jumped from the ground, and weak steam emanated from it, blurring Si Wei's vision. "I don't remember that I know you." "

"It's enough for me to know you, Professor Siwei." The cloaked man retracted his arm and hid his whole body under the cloak. "You should still be troubled now, right? Regarding the matter of Peter Pansy's family, what's the matter? There are so many unknowns waiting for you to explore.”

Si Wei subconsciously thought that this guy was in the same situation as Angrisson, that is, he was asked by the mastermind behind the scenes to convey information to him. But when I thought about it, it seemed a little strange. After all, this guy seemed to only be looking for me, but there were at least three people involved in this matter who were the targets behind the scenes.

So Si Wei remained vigilant and did not tell everything, "Really? Peter Pansy, I really don't know much about him."

"You are afraid of me, Professor Si Wei, why are you doing this?" The cloaked man smiled sinisterly, his laughter was blood-curdling, "I will not harm you, let alone lead you to destruction."

"If you think vigilance and fear can be equated, then you are right." Si Wei replied, "Why don't we get back to business. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

This sentence can also be regarded as a kind of test. If the other party is not sent to convey information to him, he is likely to be angered by Si Wei's next words and finally give up what he wants to do.

If the other party is the type who receives a reward, he will definitely do his duty.

But there is a certain risk in this, that is, the other party wants to give you wrong information from the beginning.

But Si Wei couldn't think of anyone who would deliberately give false information. Could it be that the other party wanted to test the dialectical thinking abilities of the three of them? This is somewhat contrary to what he is doing now.

"Haha, Professor Si Wei, it seems that you are still in a hurry. Is there something wrong with the discovery of clues? Are you trapped by those simple trap questions?"

"Trap question?" Si Wei raised his eyebrows, "It sounds like you know a lot about my current investigation process?"

The cloaked man nodded, "Indeed, Professor Si Wei. We know you very well..."

Could this guy be from the old parliament? Si Wei's doubts increased even more. The last sentence of the cloaked man contained too many meanings, was malicious and full of temptations!

This guy is not like a chess piece being manipulated, but more like a chess player sitting behind everything!

Perhaps... he was the mastermind behind bringing the four of them here!

"Then what do you want to say?"

Seeing Si Wei throw the question back to him, the cloaked man licked his chapped lips, his voice was low and hoarse, "Beard Pansy is just a cover, the meaning of his existence is death, and the contact with the coffin only accelerates It's just the speed at which he is assimilated. Sooner or later, he will become like that due to too much contact with the 'unknown'."

A cover? Meaning is death? accelerate? assimilation?

Four keywords poured into Si Wei's mind chaotically and quickly, giving Si Wei a lot of information and possibilities at this moment, almost shattering all the assumptions he had now!

Si Wei stared at the cloaked man and asked, "How should I trust you? Your information may not always be correct, and it may even be deliberately inducing me to go in the wrong direction."

"Have you finally stopped worrying about who I am? This is really a good sign, at least it shows that you can listen to what I say." The cloaked man shrugged, "Whether you believe me or not, the outcome for me is It's all the same. Your choice will only determine your future destiny and will not have any impact on me, understand?"

"I can also question this sentence. Don't think that your seemingly glamorous rhetoric can deceive me." Si Wei is still very clear-headed and cannot be easily fooled. "I will only reserve my opinion on your clues. It doesn’t mean that I will accept everything. I will only choose whether to accept it after seeing the facts. Do you understand?”

The cloaked man slightly raised his chin. Si Wei could see the scar-covered chin under the hood, but his eyes could not be seen. "What a smart man... No wonder he can be so famous in the field of R'lyeh culture." What I have accomplished... Okay, Professor Si Wei. I know that any of my words will be blocked by you, so I will not choose to force you to accept any concepts, but you have to understand that what you see... is not It must be true.

"The 'truth' presented in front of you, which you think is the 'truth' that someone wants you to see behind your back, is most likely the 'truth' that someone wants you to see behind your back, and it is definitely not what you think."

"I understand what you mean," Si Wei turned around and prepared to walk out of the alley, "I also know very well that what I see now is just what someone wants to show me."

Si Wei realized this. The mastermind behind the scenes had been controlling the entire situation from the beginning. What he saw now was just a farce controlled by the other party.


"Woo woo woo..."

A low whimper echoed in the dark corner, and a strange sound of breaking and friction accompanied by short, intermittent whimpers echoed in this deserted place.

Blood flowed out of the darkness, he scratched his itchy body, his long nails tore his skin like claws, and dark green liquid gushed out from it, smelling like sewage methane.

The light could only illuminate half of his body, his skin was pale, and it showed a sickly color. He curled up in the darkness, afraid of sunlight and living things.

He was chewing, chewing the human who died in his hands.

"Ouch... It hurts..."

He was groaning, and fine cracks began to appear on his skin under the sunlight.

Then, one of the cracks slowly opened.

A yellow eye was revealed.

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