Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 43 Utilizing and Being Utilized

It was late at night and the world was still.

Everything was silent.

Yorktown fell into a suffocating silence every night. On the surface, no one knew the reason, or... in fact, no one was willing to explore the truth.

Siwei bit the cap of a signature pen in his mouth, held a notebook in one hand, and wrote and drew with a black signature pen in the other hand, walking in the deserted streets.

Anglison gave him two pieces of information in total, one was about the secret of Pansy's farmhouse, and the other required him to verify it in Yorktown at night.

The old wizard's prophecy was that his fourth offspring would bring endless death and madness to Yorktown. Since then, the people of Yorktown have not allowed anyone to appear on the streets of Yorktown after sunset.

Naturally, some people crossed this line, and their final ending was naturally very tragic. No one left a complete body, and some people even disappeared without a trace and were listed as missing persons.

The police in Accra also intervened in the investigation, and even some missionaries investigated, but unfortunately they all returned in vain.

The police did not have any explanation, only a saying began to spread among the missionaries.

The curse of Yorktown, only those who meet the conditions are qualified to intervene, otherwise they will only bring themselves unwarranted murder.

From this, Siwei can infer that he, Joe and Norris should be the ones who meet the conditions.

But what the conditions are, Siwei is not clear.

If you must delve into his identity, perhaps only the identities of a time traveler and an apostle of Cthulhu are more useful. As for Joe and Norris, he doesn't know much.

Siwei is not going to spend a lot of time looking for common ground, because meeting the conditions is a foregone conclusion, and there is no need to waste time doing those things.

The cold wind blew on Siwei's cheeks, he raised his head and felt a warm gaze.

There were countless eyes, orange-yellow, without whites, like disgusting pustules, growing on the body that had lost its basic soul. The other party was hiding in the darkness, with a bunch of azure blue eyes full of bloodshot surrounded by yellow pus-filled eyes, which was particularly conspicuous.

"What's the matter?" Si Wei pretended to be completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter in front of him, and raised his doubts to the monster, "You stopped me in the middle of the road, are you planning to rob me?"

"Live... I need... live..."

The monster made a hoarse and tearing sound, with male, female, elderly and children's voices mixed together, like a symphony of hell, enough to make people's scalps numb.

Si Wei scratched his head, did not close his notebook, just covered the pen, and then put it back in his pocket, and said to the monster: "What are the conditions for you to live? If possible, I will help you."

"Help... help me?"

Si Wei's unique answer made the monster startled, and it was no wonder. For any monster with "unknown" colors, it is impossible for any normal person to maintain basic judgment, and even Joe and Norris may not be able to be completely calm.

But Siwei is different. First, his rationality is dominant, and second, with the blessing of the Apostle of Cthulhu, he will not be afraid of these unknown things at all.

That is why he asked this question.

The other party clearly stated his purpose, which is to survive. He needs him to survive, so Siwei will definitely help.

Perhaps some people will wonder why Siwei wants the monster to survive?

Because of one thing, at the first Old Council, the Apostle of Azathoth, the priest, told him that Siwei needed to board the Ship of Truth and then complete his mission.

Joe also emphasized the existence of the token. It is obvious that this monster is the key to summoning the Ship of Truth.

Siwei and Norris obviously thought of the same thing.

Since the monster needs to summon the Ship of Truth, Siwei has the obligation to protect it. After all, if the Ship of Truth does not reach its destination, how can he complete his mission?

Unfortunately, the monster obviously didn't understand Si Wei's intention, and became wary of his words, "You have no reason to help me...! You are... a bad guy! I want to... run away!"

"You don't have to run away." Si Wei said seriously, without the slightest hesitation, stepped forward, and grabbed the slender arm filled with yellow eyes, "Why do you insist on hiding? You have to face the troubles of food and hiding places every day? I can provide you with a perfect hiding place now, why don't you try it, believe me?"

The monster's IQ is not high, which can be seen from the fact that he has super high combat power but still chooses to run away when facing Si Wei.

His words and deeds are like a toddler who has just left the mother's womb.

The monster looked at Si Wei in surprise, and the moonlight sprinkled on his hideous face. The monster's facial features are very delicate, but they are covered with cracks that have not yet opened his eyes. The coagulated blood dyed his side face red, and his fangs were cold, perhaps his bite force could exceed that of a crocodile!

"You...are you okay?"

Hearing his words, Si Wei was more certain that this monster had a great relationship with the Ship of Truth mentioned by the Old Council. Si Wei nodded and replied: "I'm fine, can you believe me now? In essence, you and I are the same kind of people."

Of course, this sentence is just to appease the monster. Si Wei can't confirm that this monster is the Fallen, after all, Si Wei doesn't think this guy has faced the "unknown" directly.

"Same...same kind...people..."

The monster rejected the deep chill of this word, and the fearful eyes gradually eased, "You and I...are the same kind of people?"

"Yes, the same kind of people. Monsters feared by this world, we have powers that they can't understand, not to mention people like you who even make them feel scared by your appearance. But in the final analysis, we are just a special group of people."

This sentence is undoubtedly a lie.

Si Wei seized the node that the monster didn't understand the world at all, and led the monster into a trap with a lie full of loopholes.

Utilization and being utilized, this is the most basic rule between missionaries. Si Wei just used it without realizing it.

"You...will help me...right?"

"I will." Si Wei said, and at the same time continued the second half in his heart: Of course, I can only do my best.

According to the information he has investigated so far, there is no effective way to make the missionary lose his gift power and turn back into an ordinary human being, let alone a fallen person like him who is already terminally ill?

However, for his ultimate goal, Si Wei had no choice but to make a false promise.

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