Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 49 Wanted Criminal

Si Wei, Jia, Norris and Qiao stood at the edge of the pier at the beginning, waiting for the ship that had already passed the agreed time.

"You're not going to make fun of us, are you?" Norris looked at the time frequently, "Half an hour has passed. Where is the person you are talking about?"

"You ask me how I could know? I can't communicate with her through the air." Qiao scratched his hair, "It doesn't make sense. Could it be that there was a storm and the route was changed?"

Si Wei and Jia stood aside without saying a word, silently looking at the blue skyline.

At this time, Si Wei also noticed something.

It seemed that only she could see the hazy mist floating on the sea. Neither Jia, Norris, Qiao nor the passers-by had any reaction to the mist that enveloped the ship on the sea.

Just when Joe was at a loss, he suddenly saw a very familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. He turned back and stared carefully, only to realize that the guy he and others were waiting for had already appeared at the dock!

"Miss Shelley!" Joe shouted in the direction of Beverly and kept waving his arms, "I'm here!"

She changed into a simple coarse cloth shirt, but it still couldn't cover up Beverly's conspicuousness. She turned around and noticed someone in the four-person team at first glance.

Qiao came forward with three people, and extended his right hand to Beverly, "Long time no see, Miss Shelley, how are you doing?"

Beverly did not shake hands with face, but stared at the guy behind Qiao with an indifferent expression, and said: "I didn't know that one of your 'companions' was wanted by both the Empire and the Pantheon Cult. The guy..."

When his name was called, Norris shrugged and replied easily: "Then there may be more things you don't know."

"Don't be so nervous. We have a cooperative relationship now, so we don't need to act businesslike." Qiao calmed down the atmosphere in time, turned sideways, and opened up some vision, so that Beverly could see Si Wei and Jia. "Let me introduce to you, this is Professor Siwei and her assistant, Miss Gia Greenwell."

"I have long admired his name." Beverly took the initiative to extend her hand this time and said, "I have heard before that after the CTHULHU expedition team, there was a mad professor who was most enthusiastic about investigating Raleye culture. Today I finally have the honor to See you, Professor Si Wei.”

It seems that this evaluation is not very good...

With this thought in his mind, Si Wei's expression did not change and he shook hands with Beverly, "Nice to meet you too, Miss Shelley."

Beverly looked at Jia again and raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything directly, "Jia...Miss Grenville, right? It's a pleasure to work with you."

"I'm serious, Miss Beverly Shelley," Jia directly exposed her bottom, "As one of the former ruling members of the Divine Inquisition Tribunal, you are also very famous. Professor Si Wei has been immersed in it all day. I don’t know much about you, so I don’t know much about you. However, I usually like to collect some tidbits related to the empire, so I know something about you.”

Hostility filled the air inadvertently.

Beverly didn't understand why Jia spoke to her like this, but since the other party showed such obvious hostility, she would definitely not take this woman lightly.

It's just that whether this is Jia's deliberate targeting in order to conceal the existence of certain people, or whether it is a verbal expression that does not go through the brain at all, this point Beverly cannot yet draw a definite conclusion.

At least Norris Anderson, the wanted criminal, and Kia Greenwell are definitely her focus now.

"Now let's talk about something more important." Seeing how tense the atmosphere was, Qiao decisively changed the focus of the topic, "Since Miss Jiya has revealed Miss Shelley's identity, I don't bother to introduce her. This is a former ruling member of the Divine Arbitration Tribunal, and he must have more knowledge in this area than we do, so I invited him in midway."

"Profound knowledge? That's not necessarily true... Isn't there a 'highly respected' professor in the field of Raleye culture here? Why do you think I know more than Professor Si Wei?" Bai Fuli looked at Si Wei. He asked Qiao in a clear tone, "The contact between the Divine Tribunal and the 'unknowns' is limited to believers."

Qiao replied: "Because this incident is difficult for even Professor Si Wei to give his own answer. After all, it is related to the ancient city of Halea discovered by the empire."

"The ancient city of Halea?" Hearing this, Beverly's face suddenly became serious, "It seems that it does have something to do with me. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Si Wei frowned and didn't expect anything related to make Beverly say this.

Norris moved slightly, came to Si Wei's side, lowered his body, leaned next to Si Wei's ear, and lowered his voice, "To be precise, the investigator of Halea Ancient City is Beverly . At that time, she was only a reserve member of the Divine Tribunal. It was because of her journey to Halea that she became a missionary and finally became a full member. "

Beverly obviously heard Norris's voice, and turned around unhappily, "Is it interesting to talk about these now? It's just some old things, don't mention them again and again."

Seeing that the beauty was angry, Norris just pretended to be indifferent, yawned, and distanced himself from Siwei.

Is it because of the journey to Halaya that you became a missionary?

Hearing this, Siwei's eyes on Bai Fuli changed again.

"We are now struggling with how to open the 'Door of Truth'," Joe revealed the current progress, "We have found the Coffin of Halaya, and obtained the Door of Truth and the key that matches it. We just need a way to open it."

Beverly raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is the Coffin of Halaya here with you now?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Norris' words seemed to be deliberately thorny, "The Coffin of Halaya was originally excavated from a tomb in the ancient city of Halaya. Now it is returned to its original owner, shouldn't it?"

Beverly was also unforgiving, "Does that mean you should return all the auction money paid to you by the empire? This way, you will look more confident when holding the coffin."

"Sorry, I will return the auction money. I have already used it up, otherwise, would I still be working everywhere now? "Norris sneered, "Other things are easy to talk about, but don't expect me to return the money."

Bevry was too lazy to say a word to a hooligan like Norris, and turned to look at Si Wei, "Professor Si Wei, I do have a way to open the door of truth. This is also the result of my investigation in the ancient city of Haleiya. However, before I tell you the method, you must be mentally prepared."

Si Wei asked: "Why do you say that?"

"Opening the door of truth requires a price," Bevry said seriously, "After opening the door of truth, it will point out the route for the ship carrying the truth of the ancient city of Haleiya. Once you board that ship... at least one of you will die."

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