Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 50: The Starry River is Like a Dream

It was late at night.

There were no pedestrians or creatures around the dock.

Except for Si Wei and the coffin that appeared from the deep sea.

Si Wei gently opened the coffin, revealing the frightened "little animal" inside.

"What...what happened?" Menshi asked, confused about the timing of Si Wei opening the coffin lid.

"It's time," Si Wei rubbed his temples, looking at the monster with yellow eyes in front of him, without any pity or fear in his eyes, "It's time to go."

Menshi didn't understand what Si Wei meant. He had been out of touch with this society for more than 20 years, and he had not received a proper education, so he didn't understand the meaning behind Si Wei's words.

Seeing Si Wei stretching out his right hand to him without fear, Menshi also gained inexplicable courage, stretched out his hand to hold Si Wei, and was pulled out of the coffin by him.

Those yellow eyes stared at Si Wei's face, and the latter felt that he had been completely analyzed by them, and even had deep hostility. If they hadn't been unable to control Menshi's actions, they would probably have wanted to kill him.

Siwei didn't care about these things. After all, Doorkey was just a fallen man, and he was an apostle of Cthulhu, so why should he be afraid?

Boarding the ship was his mission. No matter what means he used, he had to achieve his goal in order to know what he wanted to know.

He didn't understand why he was chosen by Cthulhu, why the bishop said those strange words to him on Oxins Street, and he didn't understand the relationship between Pantheism and himself.

The unknown was chasing him like a shadow, and the number was still increasing. He felt that he should complete a mission, but the mission had not appeared in front of him.

What was the power that the Old Council was going to exercise, and what kind of existence were the other three apostles...

Siwei's mind was full of questions, but it did not affect his thinking, but instead stimulated his thinking.

"What should I do now?" Doorkey's question brought back Siwei's consciousness. The former was half-dressed, but he did not sense anything wrong in the cold wind. He looked at Siwei with the most sincere eyes, waiting for his answer.

Now Si Wei has inadvertently dominated Menshi's actions. His words and deeds may affect Menshi's thinking and actions, and the latter has become a tool that can't think.

Si Wei closed his eyes, took out the fragment of the meteorite from his pocket, and handed it to Menshi, "You take this thing."

Menshi obediently took the fragment from Si Wei's hand, and the cold touch made him feel a little uncomfortable. The eyes growing on it began to be irritable, as if they wanted to squeeze out of the gap and break away from the body!

"I want to ask you a question, before you fulfill your duties," Si Wei's right hand reached into his windbreaker, "Do you have anything to say to this world?"

Hearing this, Menshi raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky.

The night sky of Akra Zhong is very clean, with bright stars and a dreamlike galaxy. The bright moon like a mirror hangs high in the night sky, looking down at this world engulfed by ignorance and the unknown like an eye.

The sea surface beside the pier reflected the clear night sky. The whole world seemed to be divided into two identical mirror worlds, and Siwei and Menshi were lost people wandering in two different worlds.

The lights were dim and the interest was dull.

Menshi lowered his head and looked into Siwei's eyes. Every inch of his skin began to crack, and the orange-yellow tumor eyes began to fill up, which was disgusting.

But Menshi's smile was so clean.

"I really want to walk with my parents and brother at the dock of Yorktown or the streets of Accra. I also want to see how beautiful the Bile Church in Accra is, roll around in the mud with my peers, and finally turn myself into a little mud man.

"I want to leave that basement, come out to bask in the sun, and let these eyes on my body witness the beauty of this world, instead of just staring at the evil in the world. But I don't have a chance. I'm just a monster that people fear. No one likes me, including my parents and my brother. I am just a tool to bring "truth" and "revenge". The only one who truly loves me is actually myself.

"So, if you really want to ask me what I want to say to the world... then I can only say one thing."

Menshi's smile twisted, and Si Wei seemed to see the resentment towards the world from his turbid eyes, "This kind of world is not worth my nostalgia."

"Really? That's a pity." Si Wei sighed, he did not get the answer he wanted.

But it's okay, maybe for everyone, this is the best answer.

Si Wei gave up taking out his pistol and wasting precious whalebone bullets to free the poor man, and instead pointed to the thick fog above the sea, "Do you see that fog?"

Menshi looked in the direction Si Wei pointed, and naturally saw the scenery Si Wei was talking about, and replied: "Yes, I saw it, is there any problem?"

"Now, you have to repeat every sentence I say exactly, understand? Not a single word can be wrong."

Menshi nodded dully. Although he still didn't understand the situation, he was still willing to do what Si Wei said.

After all, at the beginning, Norris had told him that this person might be able to help him escape from the fate of being cursed.

The obscure language came out of Siwei's mouth. Menshi himself had never systematically learned any language. Now he only had some ability to speak that his parents taught him when he was a child.

Imitation was not easy for Menshi, but he still tried his best to repeat every syllable of Siwei, striving to make it perfect.

He was also trying to free himself from his fate.

The last syllable came out of Siwei's mouth, and Menshi followed closely and repeated it.

Just as he wanted to ask Siwei what language this was, a very strange feeling spread throughout his body.

Something was barking and dying quickly in his body!

Only and only Siwei and Menshi himself could hear the painful roar. The "seed" lurking in Menshi's body had withered, and those yellow eyes twisted and struggled, losing the ability to resist, and could only humbly welcome their own death after the chanting of delirium!

The nameless and invisible flames devoured the body of the key.

His body was shrinking rapidly, which was an extremely painful process, because he always kept a clear mind and could only feel his body turning into charcoal under the nameless fire little by little, but he couldn't even make a sound!

Originally, if Si Wei had wasted a whalebone bullet, he wouldn't have been so painful and could have been easily relieved.

But the answer of this poor man did not satisfy everyone after all, so Si Wei could only use this method to get him out of the sea of ​​suffering.

The meteorite fragments emitted a dazzling strong light, and the beam of light shot straight into the sky, piercing the clear night sky, and seemed to fall all the way into the bright moon. The light column stood like a lighthouse, conspicuous and eye-catching.

The ship that sank in the thick fog finally moved.

It blew its whistle and approached the Yorktown pier little by little.

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