Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 53: Time Travel

Everyone gradually woke up.

As the main person in charge of this investigation, Wolfsher Barton did not make the right decision when the ship capsized, which made him feel very guilty.

Originally, everyone would be buried in the deep sea, but it seemed that someone did not want them to be buried here so early, so they gave them a chance.

"Where are we?" There was such a voice asking Wolfsher, he looked up and saw that the three heavyweights of this operation had all woken up.

"Three of you!" Wolfs quickly got up and saluted, "I don't quite understand where I am now. You three are from the CTHULHU expedition team, and you should know more about this than me, so I won't embarrass myself!"

"CTHULHU expedition team?" One of the guests who was named twitched his face, "What identity is this?"

The guest on the other side interrupted him and asked Wolfs, "Do you know what our three names are?"

Wolfs shook his head blankly, "The identities of the expedition team are all confidential, and generally they will not be revealed to us subordinates."

The three looked at each other, and one of them seemed to be confused and puzzled about his so-called CTHULHU expedition team identity.

"Now let's confirm with you, my name is Norris Anderson, this one is Joe Rupert, and the other one is Siwei, do you understand?" Norris said helplessly, he didn't want Wolfs to use any titles such as "expert" or "guest".

Wofush saluted quickly, "My name is Wofush Barton, I am the main person in charge of this Haleiya expedition! There are three people lying next to me, all of them are assistants for this trip!"

Siwei looked at the three guys who were still unconscious and asked, "Do we need to wake them up? I think it's troublesome."

Norris and Joe felt the same way. The difference from Siwei was that they knew the so-called CTHULHU expedition team very well. This expedition team was established before Dr. Curtis published her paper on missionaries. It specializes in investigating the relics and ancient culture related to the R'lyeh culture.

The establishment of this expedition team was almost forty years ago. After Dr. Curtis published her paper, almost all members disappeared, and some members even chose to commit suicide or died.

Herslett was a member of the expedition team before, and his life now is definitely not good.

Since it happened thirty or forty years ago, it means that these people have basically no understanding of missionaries and R'lyeh culture. As an ordinary person, being involved in these "unknown" events will only cause trouble.

"Anyway, wake them up first." Norris finally chose to compromise. After all, they still didn't understand the situation. It was not a reasonable choice to give up three people rashly.

Wofush obeyed the orders of the three people and hurriedly started to wake up the three people.

At the same time, Siwei, Qiao and Norris also held a short meeting.

They were still in the same place as before, but suddenly there were four more people, Wofush, for unknown reasons.

The space was still so empty, and the seven people seemed to be under the sea. The specific depth could not be measured, but the most important point was... the seven of them could breathe normally.

Since the city of Haleiya has appeared on the seabed, it means that the city of Haleiya is already in a state of destruction. Why are these buildings so complete?

Norris had been to the city of Haleiya in person. When he excavated the coffin of Haleiya at that time, the real city of Haleiya did not look like this.

"Now we have another identity. What is the CTHULHU expedition team?" Siwei asked.

Qiao chose to answer in a relatively brief way: "It was the expedition team that made the greatest contribution to the study of R'lyeh culture before you. Its leader is Curtis Brandt, you should be familiar with it."

Si Wei chewed on the pronunciation and suddenly realized that the so-called CTHULHU refers to Cthulhu.

"Do you know what Cthulhu is?"

The pronunciations of Cthulhu and CTHULHU are very similar. After all, the former is the transliteration of the latter, but the two are still confused by this unfamiliar term, "Cthulhu? What is that?"

Si Wei was puzzled. If they knew nothing about Cthulhu, why would there be a name like CTHULHU expedition team?

The leader is Curtis Brandt, the mother of R'lyeh culture. Could it be that... Curtis Brandt, like himself, came from a world that has studied Cthulhu culture?

The more Si Wei thought about it, the more mysterious it became, but it seemed to be true after thinking about it.

After all, she can make such a great contribution to the R'lyeh culture in such a limited cultural environment. If you say she is not a time traveler... that's really amazing.

"Let's not consider where your name Cthulhu comes from. What we are talking about now is more important." Norris rubbed his temples, "Before he wakes up those three guys, we need to figure out something, that is, how to get out of the current situation."

Joe also responded: "We should be at the bottom of the sea, that is, inside the fallen city of Haleiya. Judging from our current identity, it was even thirty or forty years ago. From now on, this degree of simulation does seem to be something done by the 'Unknown'. But in this case, it can only mean that the mastermind behind the three of us gathering together is actually the 'Unknown' himself?"

"It is very likely." Siwei held his chin and thought deeply, "Otherwise, it is hard for me to think of anyone who can make such a perfect layout. Including our every move, even the conversation here now, it may be the result of the other party's arrangement."

Norris looked very ugly. He hated the feeling of being played around by others. He had a strong desire for control and would never allow himself to live under the shadow of others with his pride.

While the three were preparing to discuss countermeasures, Wofush also woke up two people.

As for why only two people were woken up? Because... the third person's breathing had stopped, including the heartbeat, there was no sign of beating.

The breath of life was completely gone.

When Wofush told Siwei and the other two about this, they reacted quite calmly, as if it had nothing to do with them.

Because Norris and Joe knew very well that no one in the CTHULHU expedition team had any accidents during the scientific expedition, and everyone survived intact until the day the expedition team was disbanded.

The current CTHULHU expedition team should be in a state of being established not long ago, so this time, no matter what, the three of them should have survived.

As for Wofush and the other four, their life and death were not their business at all.

Because life and death were things that happened thirty or forty years ago, even if they saved them now, it would be impossible to reverse time and space.

For the "unknown", these four people are their guides. Once they lose the function of guiding, then they will only have death, which is the only option.

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