Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 54: Position Cognition

"If they die, they die. Why make such a fuss?" Norris' words were a little more inhumane. "Let me be frank. You three are a burden on this trip. It's good enough to have a survivor. Isn't it good to cherish your life?"

Joe beautified his words a little, but the main idea did not change. "Norris's words are actually very simple. He told you not to care about the dead. How to solve the current problems and survive is what you really need to worry about."

Fortunately, the relationship between Wofush and the other people was not so friendly. It is estimated that the expedition team had expected this a long time ago, so they deliberately chose some irrelevant guys.

Whether it is friendship, family affection or love, it is a burden in the event of "unknown" and will drag it into the abyss.

Siwei didn't care about their conversation. Compared with Norris, although he didn't say some ruthless words, he was more cold-blooded than Norris to some extent. Because he didn't care about the life and death of these people, Siwei was more concerned about how the three of them should leave this place.

At this time, Siwei suddenly noticed something.

That is, not far from the center of the square, there is a cracked green stone pillar that penetrates from the ground at a certain angle. It is covered with moss, and you can even see some text symbols if you look closely.

"Joe, Norris, I'll go see that thing." Si Wei simply explained and walked towards the stone pillar.

It is not clear if you don't walk in. When you arrive in front of the stone pillar, Si Wei has a clear understanding of this stone pillar.

The stone pillar protruding from the ground is about two meters long and is an irregular rectangle. It is full of words that only Si Wei can understand, which are probably from "unknown" words.

"Sacrifice... is the only way to leave?" Si Wei raised his eyebrows and captured a lot of information from this simple sentence.

Why only one person died in the entourage of the expedition this time, or why only three people were left.

This is the choice left for them. Joe, Norris and Si Wei each correspond to an entourage, and sacrificing them... is the way to leave.

Si Wei can confirm that this stone pillar is the only clue left for them. Because the surroundings were completely covered with white bluestone floors, nothing else could be seen.

Including living things.

They were now at the bottom of the sea, but they could not see any marine life when they looked up, and they could even keep their breath steady.

This was obviously abnormal.

And even if it was the sea area thirty or forty years ago, the sunken city of Haleiya could not have maintained such a degree of integrity. It was obvious that someone had deliberately left it there.

Si Wei gradually began to suspect that this was simply a farce. They did arrive at the city of Haleiya on the Haleiya, but he did not gain any truth.

He even did not know what the purpose of the Old Parliament asking him to board the ship was.

Joe and Norris came over, completely ignoring the three people next door who were in a low mood, and asked: "Did you find anything?"

Now the three of them were on the same boat, and Si Wei would not hide anything from them, "Let me be frank, I can understand what is said here, but we need to consider this matter."

"What is it?" Joe asked.

Si Wei simply repeated the words on the stone pillar. Upon hearing this, Joe and Norris also fell into deep thought.

It is not difficult to make a choice. The key is that they need to determine the risks that will be brought about no matter what the result is.

For example, if they really killed the three people of Wofus, but did not leave here, but misunderstood the words on the stone pillar, then they may fall into the dilemma of failure of decryption.

From now on, every step they take will determine the final result, so they must be more cautious.

"What do you think?" Si Wei finally broke the silence.

Joe's face was a little ugly, "For missionaries, it is not difficult to destroy a life. But we must take the corresponding risks. I don't want to make a decision so early. We must collect enough information..."

Norris also agreed with Joe's opinion, "I think so too."

Seeing that the opinions of the two were no different from what he thought, Si Wei simply gave up the host's opinion and turned to look at the scenery behind the stone pillar.

There were three forks in the road, which were obviously left for them.

"Wolfs." Siwei called Wulfs and the other two over and said, "There are three forks in the road now. We are going to work in pairs and act separately. What do you think?"

Joe and Norris were not angry because of Siwei's good ideas. Rather, they thought that Siwei's decision was correct.

If everything the other party did was to guide their behavior, then the meaning of the three forks in the road was also very obvious.

Although Siwei, Joe and Norris did not say it clearly, they knew in their hearts that they did not have the ability to disobey the "unknown" will at the moment.

Especially Siwei, as an apostle of Cthulhu, he participated in the Old Council, so he had a clear understanding of his position. All he had to do was to complete the task, and there was no need to find another way.

What's more, he now suspected that all of this was a secret arrangement of the old parliament, because the apostle of Azathoth once said: "Only when you complete the mission will the unknown recognize you."

It is very likely that everything now is the so-called "mission".

After listening to Siwei's words, Wofushi and the other two did not dare to raise any objections.

As entourages, they basically had no understanding of the R'lyeh culture, so where did they get the ability to question these three people?

Now these three fake CTHULHU expedition team members have become the only straw they can rely on.

The team was simply assigned, Siwei and Wofushi together, and the other two were in the same team with Joe and Norris respectively.

The entourage of the Norris team seemed a little restrained, after all, Norris' words just now were not friendly.

Norris just glanced at him and didn't say much.

After confirming the team, the three teams also walked into different forks.


At night, Jia Ya sat alone in the dimly lit bedroom, with the imitation Balem stone slab on the glass coffee table.

After hesitating for a moment, she took out the cleaned knife from Siwei's purse and gently cut the skin of her index finger.

A drop of blood slowly dripped onto the starting point of the Balem slab.

Then... the blood climbed up along a branch of the slab.

One node, two nodes...

Jia silently watched the blood climb up those nodes, and her facial expression gradually became solemn.

"There is still time, but... there is not much time left..."

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