Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 57 Someone's Manuscript: Part 1

Has anyone tried to break the fourth wall? Or... has anyone realized the existence of the fourth wall?

We missionaries are born with a different perspective on things than ordinary people, and we are also good at capturing those alternative things, so we can naturally realize the existence of the fourth wall more easily.

Just like me now, I am talking to you. But in fact, we are not creatures or life forms in the same world at all, and I am still trying to communicate with you.

I am the historian of this era. As long as I am alive, I must record this world, this era, all life forms, all consciousnesses, and... everything they have done, and turn it into a guide scroll for the next era.

I can be a straw, a wild boar, any stranger around you, or a star.

You don’t need to know who I am or what I am, you just need to know... I exist and record, that’s enough.

One of my biggest responsibilities is to share with you what I can share at this stage. At present, Si Wei has completed the task assigned to him by the Old Parliament and boarded the so-called "Ship of Truth".

Norris Anderson also learned the truth about the decline of the city of Haleiya, and went to the war-torn North Sea with the mysterious Bovely to cut off the cursed past.

There are indeed many Pantheists gathered in the North Sea. This part of the believers believes in the Lord of the Deep Sea: the crawling monster that sleeps on the bottom of the sea and has a close relationship with the sinking of the city of Haleiya.

The believers of Pantheism are usually morbid, aggressive, and hate anyone who denies their beliefs. Malz is a representative figure among them. Fortunately, he is now dead, died in the hands of Judge Bovely.

Speaking of judges, we have to mention the relationship between the Court of Inquisition and the Court of Inquisition. The relationship between the two is similar to that of direct superiors and subordinates. The Court of Inquisition makes judgments, and then the Court of Inquisition sends people to execute the characters.

It can be said that the Court of Inquisition is the master, and the Court of Inquisition is the hound.

The relationship in the palace is indeed turbulent. Baifuli is also well aware of the constant disputes in the Court of Divine Justice and the Court of Trial, so she decisively took a long vacation and followed Norris, who was a wanted criminal, to the North Sea.

No one knows the beginning of the North Sea for the time being.

But there are vague remarks that the beginning of the North Sea dispute was due to the secret instigation of the "unknown".

As for whether it is the Lord of the Deep Sea who is in the awakening stage, this cannot be verified. We can only look forward to the next actions of Norris and Baifuli.

As for Joe Rupert, his identity is even less known. At least for now, there are almost no people who know his true identity.

In any case, the current trends in the world have become more and more chaotic. The stars embrace the moon, and the stars return to their positions. The gate of the stars is in the stage of opening, and it will no longer be humans themselves who determine the fate of this world.

The empire has begun to put pressure on the North Sea, but if the root cause is not eliminated, everything will be out of the question.

In the remote area of ​​the wolf head wax, there is a ghost staring at the world, weird and mysterious, extending its greedy olive branch to the world.

Next, we can only look forward to what they do.

Archaeology professor, tomb robber, painter.

Three jobs with no intersection, three characters with mysterious identities.

They are the key to writing this epic of fate.

The content of the first volume ends here, please give some comments and recommendation votes!

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