Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 58 The Devil

Beihai is a relatively important economic development area in the empire.

Although the focus of construction in recent years has not been around the North Sea, it is still the largest "whale industry" area in the empire.

Whether it is whale bone production or whale oil production, it is far larger than Accra.

The ship stopped at a place called Manburg Port in the North Sea. Siwei, Norris and Beverly got off the ship and felt particularly comfortable smelling the sea breeze.

"Where is your assistant?" Beverly asked, "You just left her alone in Accra? You are really not a gentleman."

Si Wei replied: "I asked Jia's opinion, and she doesn't seem to want to come to Beihai. Besides, I don't have enough time. I have to go back soon. Then I have to pay for the ferry tickets for two people. It’s just too expensive.”

"You seem to have made a mistake," Norris glanced at him. "We are now in Beihai, which is regarded as stowaway. When you want to leave Beihai, you must use the same method to leave here."

"So, the risk factor for two people smuggling together is too high. I don't want to change from a professor to a criminal. The span is too big."

Beverly shook her head, "Full of excuses."

The pier was full of fishermen coming and going, and the three of them walked towards the outside of Manburg Port. As a coastal city, Manburg City has a relatively developed fishing industry, and countless fishing boats arrive here every day.

Fishermen and workers, wearing rubber aprons of different colors, laboriously do their work here.

"So," Norris asked Beverly behind him, "how long are you going to follow us?"

Si Wei also glanced at Beverly. He had not heard the conversation between Norris and Beverly before, so he was still curious as to why Beverly would follow them all the way, even taking the risk of smuggling.

Beverly crossed her arms, her beautiful eyes filled with disdain, "Ah? I seem to have told you about this, right? You are a wanted criminal in the empire. If I don't look at you, if you take Manburg I can’t bear the responsibility of turning the city upside down.”

This sentence was obviously conveyed to Si Wei, and Norris also understood what she meant, shook his head, and did not say another word.

"You two wait for me in Manburg City. I still have some things to deal with." Beverly began to give orders. She didn't know who gave her this face. "I hope I can deal with the matter during this period." , you two won’t get on a certain ferry and leave here.”

Si Wei appeased her vigilance, "Don't worry, the two of us have something to do in Manburg City, and we won't leave until the matter is done. Of course, if you can't find us again after you leave, , that’s another matter.”

Beverly snorted coldly, "There is no one in this world that I can't find."

At this sentence, Norris was silent.

If you want to hide yourself, there will only be a few people in this world who can find you. Obviously, Beverly is not among them. However, he did not say this sentence out loud, but silently repeated it in his mind.

After Beverly left, Norris looked at Si Wei with a poker face and asked: "So, what is the reason why you came to Manburg City? Or... what is the reason why you follow me? ?”

Si Wei raised his head slightly, looked at Norris, who was taller than him, and only uttered one name.


Norris was startled, not expecting that Si Wei would actually know the existence of this person, "Why do you know about him?"

In his memory, the meeting between him and Robs in Accra was not seen by anyone he was familiar with. So where did Si Wei learn this name?

Si Wei curled his lips hypocritically and gave an extremely ambiguous answer, "Of course, there are some ways."

His so-called connection refers to Joe. Before leaving, Joe warned him about Norris's whereabouts and said to him, "If Norris asks you why you want to follow him, just answer the name Robs directly." "

After all, Si Wei himself didn’t even know who Robs was. The reason he followed Norris to Beihai was also because he had some interest in the city of Halea. In order to prevent Norris from becoming suspicious, he used this method. Excuse.

But looking at it now... this excuse should have had some backlash. Norris's eyes when he looked at Si Wei had changed from easy-going at the beginning to surprise and vigilance.

If Si Wei had never seen his conversation with Robs, but he still knew about the conversation between him and Robs, then it means that Si Wei should be an extremely high-level missionary.

But he didn't feel it either in Accra or on the way to Manburg.

Although Si Wei has some gifts revealed on weekdays, they are not as oppressive as the pressure he brings to Norris at this time!

Norris guessed that even if he pressed Si Wei, the latter would not give an answer, so he simply chose to give up, "Okay, I will explain my purpose to you first, and then you will respond. Do you think this transaction is fair?" ?”

Si Wei realized there was a loophole in his deal and accepted the deal decisively, "Okay."

"I came to Manburg City to find someone and find the entrance to Halea City." Avoiding Beverly, Norris's words suddenly became real and credible, "I need to go The City of Halea at a Time.”

Have you found the entrance to the city of Halaya? If possible, I actually want to go into the city of Halaya and take a look.

Siwei can understand the words on the coffin of Halaya, so it is very likely that he has some relationship with the city of Halaya!

In Jia's narration, the sinking of the city of Halaya is inextricably linked to the "unknown". Assuming that the "unknown" refers to the Old Ones, then the city of Halaya must have something related to him!

For this reason, Siwei also needs to go with Norris.

"What about you?" Norris raised his chin and urged Siwei to answer.

Siwei breathed a sigh of relief and gave his own answer, "My purpose is very simple, to find information related to the city of Halaya, and I am also curious about the ruins."

Norris frowned, Siwei's answer was completely different from what he wanted. What he wanted to know was information related to "why Siwei knew the existence of Robs", not his purpose.

However, Norris realized that it was his wording that gave Si Wei an opportunity to exploit. If he had expressed it more clearly, Si Wei might not necessarily agree to the deal.

This guy... is really smart...

Norris immediately classified Si Wei as someone who was smart enough to pose a threat, but due to their cooperation experience in Accra, he did not have any hostility towards Si Wei.

"Since our goals are the same, let's cooperate again. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation." Norris extended his hand to Si Wei.

Si Wei shook hands with him politely, "I look forward to our second cooperation."

There are some problems with the chapter names of the second volume, but it does not affect the main text. I would like to say sorry to everyone here

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