Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 60 Sidon Bar

"Ah, what a coincidence!" Si Wei successfully disgusted Beverly with his fake smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet here."

As soon as Siwei and Norris walked to the door of a bar called Seaton, the former keenly caught Beverly's figure with the corner of his eye and responded.

Beverly crossed her arms and looked at Si Wei with disgust, "You guy, can't your tone be more sincere? It's really disgusting."

"If everyone in the world could make others satisfied, then the world might not be so chaotic." Si Wei pointed to the thief who had just snatched someone else's bag, "You think so? Former Judgment Councilor Miss?"

Beverly pretended not to hear what Siwei meant, that the officials in power were ignorant of the world and were a slave to the common people. She turned to Norris and said, "What are you doing here?"

Norris's response was brief. He pointed to the Seton Bar in front of him and said, "Go find the manager inside."

"Then why are you still standing outside?"

Si Wei answered Beverly's doubts. He pointed to the orange-yellow wine and broken glass shards flowing out of the bar door, and said in a calm tone: "Did you see the spilled wine and those broken glass shards?" ? What is the situation in a bar that would cause this to happen? "

Only then did Beverly react, "Is someone making trouble inside?"

"Wait here." Norris moved his neck and gestured to Siwei, telling him to follow, but left Beverly outside, "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Are you saying that I, a judge, am not as good at fighting as a professor?"

Siwei corrected the error in her words on behalf of Norris, "No, he was just worried that you would pull out a gun and kill the troublemaker as soon as you entered. Our current situation does not allow us to be arrested by the police."

Hearing this, Beverly also acquiesced that these two colluding guys were right and urged them to hurry up impatiently.

As soon as Si Wei and Norris walked in, a black shadow rushed towards Si Wei's face. Si Wei tilted his head and dodged the wine glass that was thrown at him. After a crisp sound, Si Wei said, "It's so noisy..."

There were a dozen or so people who violently clashed in front of the two of them. The whole bar was in a mess. Tables and chairs had fallen to the ground, and there were some blood stains on them.

The two of them strolled around like nothing happened and arrived at the bar. The owner of the bar stood here with a smile on his face, and he was actually cheering for the two groups of people fighting, as if this was not his shop at all...

"It's so noisy. When will Seton Bar be able to let these bastards in and out?" Norris asked, handing a few bills to the boss, "Two glasses of Rhode Island, thank you."

The boss took the money and started to mix the drinks calmly, "You came quite late? Did something happen on the way? Also, this is Si Wei next to you? The history professor who studies Raleye culture?"

Si Wei nodded slightly, "Nice to meet you, I am Si Wei."

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a young man as polite as you,” the boss smiled. “My name is Arnold Griffin, an ordinary guy who can be seen everywhere.”

Listening to the noise in their ears, Si Wei and Norris couldn't bear it anymore. The latter lit a cigarette for himself and asked: "Arnold, we have helped you handle this matter. The reward is still the same, how about it?" "

Arnold shrugged, indicating that the two of them were casual.

"Do you still smoke?" Si Wei asked before getting up.

"There are some special reasons." Norris's answer was still simple.

Then, each of them picked up a broken chair from the ground.


Two muffled sounds sounded almost simultaneously, attracting everyone's attention. The two guys who were fighting just now knelt down in front of Si Wei and Norris. It looked like they wouldn't be able to get out of bed unless they stayed in bed for ten days and a half.

Si Wei moved his wrist, and Norris took a puff of the cigarette and gently placed the remaining cigarette rod on the table of the bar.

"What's the point of fighting in a group? Fighting with the two of us...that's the fun!"


Beverly listened to the noise outside, and the initial noise gradually turned into a one-sided wail. Si Wei and Norris actually made no sound when they beat someone, only the person being beaten made a sound.

Si Wei's fighting ability is obviously not as good as Norris's, but his fighting ability is still better than ordinary people. The power of the gift not only strengthens the soul, but also shapes the body. After all, the body is the key to carrying the soul.

Although he is only at the first stage, Si Wei's combat effectiveness is still good, and there is no problem if he can defeat two or three.

Coupled with the fact that his dream eater ability is not mastered well enough, it will spread out unconsciously to interfere with the surrounding enemies, which also allows him to knock down some people easily.

These two guys fight really hard. Under normal circumstances, you can see some injured people running out carrying their companions, saying a few cruel words, and then disappearing to the ends of the earth.

But this time... surprisingly, no one ran out.

Norris was guarding the door of the bar alone, and no one could escape at all.

After a while, after making sure there was no movement inside, Beverly walked to the door of the bar and opened the door.

A strong smell of alcohol filled her nose, causing her to frown. She pinched her nose, carefully stepped over the unconscious guys on the ground, and came to the bar.

At this moment, Siwei and Norris were already sitting in front of the bar, like nothing had happened. One of them drank Rhodes Island mixed by Arnold, and the other smoked silently.

Arnold saw Bai Fuli walking in, and his smile became even bigger. "I really don't know which one of you was recruited by the Divine Court. Working under them is not a good thing."

Hearing Arnold's words, Siwei and Norris knew that it must be Bai Fuli who walked in.

"Such a beautiful lady has come from afar, let me prepare a drink for you, free of charge, this drink is the reward for Siwei and Norris helping me deal with those guys."

Bevry sat down next to Siwei, and waited until Arnold finished mixing the drink and put it in front of her before asking: "So... can you explain it? Why would the retired president of the Court of Inquisition hang out with a professor and a wanted criminal of the highest level in the empire?"

The president is the highest-level person in power in the Court of Inquisition. Although Arnold has retired, in the eyes of Bevry, it is not a reason for him to hang out with wanted criminals.

"I have retired, but I am not allowed to make friends freely?" Arnold answered Bevry's question with a warm smile, "Or... a judge is also going to take care of my business?"

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