Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 61 President and Councillor

"Based on your merits, the preferential treatment given to you by the empire can at least allow four generations of your descendants to live without worries. But if you make friends with this kind of guy, you should know what the empire will think."

"What can I do? Send you guys with no hair to grow and chop off my head?" Arnold smiled, "I have no relatives now, and my care is long gone. You still want to threaten me now?" ?”

Norris smoked in silence, not paying attention to the conversation between the two.

Si Wei had been observing the faces of the two people while guessing their inner activities.

Beverly knew that people like Arnold no longer had the concept of fear. To be able to sit in the position of President Councilor of the Inquisition, there is absolutely no doubt about his ability as a preacher, and his understanding of the power of gifts is also above hers.

No matter what type of missionary he is, he is definitely not something that Beverly can afford to offend now.

So, she chose to give in.

"If you have anything to communicate, hurry up, we don't have that much time now."

"Aren't you talking nonsense there?" Norris finally turned his head back and looked at the boss, "I need to go back to Halea City again."

Arnold's eyes moved and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, "Oh? Isn't digging a coffin enough? Are you going to fish out something more? The city of Halea has been surveyed by the empire's expedition team, so you have to think carefully."

At this time, Si Wei took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

It was the fragment of the meteorite that caused Portkey's death and the arrival of the Ship of Truth.

As soon as he saw this thing, Arnold's expression changed extremely obviously, "This... you have found the clue?"

Norris did not explain the origin of the meteorite fragments, but directly answered Arnold's question, "Yes, this time I am 99% sure that I can investigate what you want to know."

Si Wei said: "This meteorite fragment that does not belong to our world comes from the city of Halea. I think you should know this very well. We want to know the entrance to the city of Halea, and I hope you can answer it for us. "

"How is it?" Norris and Siwei sang in unison, guiding Arnold to answer in the simplest words.

Even if the two of them didn't give guidance, Arnold didn't think he had a reason to refuse.

This meteorite fragment is of great significance to him. It does not refer to the fragment itself, but some clues that this fragment can bring.

He took a deep breath, asked Norris for a cigarette, and lit it for himself.

"Huh -" Arnold breathed a long sigh of relief and nodded, "I will help, but I don't know the location of Halea City myself."

Si Wei and Norris had also expected that if just anyone knew the entrance to Halea City, then this ruins would have been excavated long ago.

"But I know someone who knows where the entrance to the city of Halea is." Arnold did not disappoint the two of them and provided a very effective clue. "During this period, among the believers of the Pantheon Cult, most of them believed in the Lord of the Deep Sea. Some believers have gathered in Beihai, do you know about this?"

Norris and Beverly were the first to nod, while Si Wei was a little slower.

After all, all he knew from the newspapers was that pirates were too rampant in the North Sea, and he had little information about the followers of the Pantheon Religion.

"There is a missionary who is not a believer in Pantheonism and came to the city of Manburg. His purpose is just to satisfy his desire to kill. That guy must know the entrance to the city of Halea, but it is difficult for me to find him alone. I can only leave it to you.”

A missionary who is not a believer in Pantheism?

Missionaries without faith are not uncommon. Si Wei is an example, but it is unusual.

Some people are born with unusually high levels of inspiration. These people are easily influenced by the "unknown" and eventually become missionaries. But they are not organized and usually find a small group to keep each other warm.

This kind of missionary who is purely satisfied with killing is extremely easy to lose control and become a degenerate, ultimately endangering more people.

As a member of the Tribunal, Beverly certainly cannot let things go, and must make certain interference.

Norris was not interested in this guy. What he always wanted to know was where the entrance to Halea City was.

As for Si Wei, he thought of something slightly different.

Arnold is the former president of the Tribunal, Beverly is a judge of the Tribunal, but Norris is the most wanted criminal in the empire?

Is it possible that the gathering of these three people was someone's private manipulation? Such a dramatic role made Si Wei suspicious of such a thing.

Assuming that the guy who has been controlling the overall situation since Accra is still in control here, then...does he fall into a trap by mistake?


Many years have passed. Since I retired, people in the Pantheon Cult have probably ignored me.

Council President of the Tribunal, this name sounds so majestic and domineering, but in fact it is just a dog with a slightly higher status.

There is a saying that has been circulating in the empire, "When the gun of the Divine Inquisition is fired, the Inquisition will pounce on its prey like a hunting dog, and then bring it to its master."

This sentence was so vivid that the Inquisition itself treated him like a dog.

I got tired of this position after sitting there for less than a year, because everyone only remembered that there was a guy named Arnold Griffin who was very strong, and no Pantheist could escape from his grasp.

But no one ever knew my name.

I am Arnold Griffin, but no one knows me, only Arnold Griffin.

So I chose to retire, away from the hustle and bustle of the empire, came to the North Sea, opened a bar by myself, and sought peace.

But the "unknown" will never let you get what you want, and the shadow will always accompany you like a shadow, no matter where you go, it will follow you.

I also expected the incident in the North Sea, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Then, I met this young man named Norris Anderson.

He gave me a different feeling, a feeling that was completely different from the feeling I had when I talked to the "unknown" on the night I got the power of grace.

It was like something from another world invading our world.

In this world, gods that do not belong to the native faith are called alien gods. The faith of Pantheism is regarded as alien gods by the Empire, but it is only officially recognized as existing.

I hate these guys, who are complacent and even think that recognizing the existence of the "unknown" is a great gift to us.

Curtis Brandt was once my good friend. I witnessed her joy when the Empire recognized the existence of the "unknown", and I also witnessed her loss when the establishment of the Divine Court and the Court of Inquisition was confirmed.

I hate this kind of Empire.

So... I made a decision.

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