Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 62 Bee

Robust was anxious.

He could always feel that something was watching him, but he couldn't find that thing at all.

This feeling makes him uncomfortable. Ever since he followed Norris to fish out the coffin from the city of Halea, Robus has been unable to sleep at night. Something is chasing him in his nightmares. What is the source of it? A voice deep in his soul was calling him.

In his dream, he had been in the sea and witnessed row upon row of splendid palaces. The surrounding stone pillars broke through the understanding of three-dimensional creatures and were scattered around the palace in a three-dimensional shape.

There are giant beasts wandering around the palace, Robus is sure of this, because the eerie feeling is wrapped around him.

Whenever he was about to witness the appearance of the giant beast, he would wake up with a start. Sweat soaked the sheets and underwear, and the whole person was exhausted, and his head was tingling.

After being troubled by these strange phenomena for so long, he finally made a decision: he wanted to find Norris and let Norris solve this series of events. No matter how much he charges, he can no longer bear this feeling.

The most effective way to destroy a person's psychological defense is to make him feel negative emotions all the time and be trapped in place, unable to come out.

Robs felt that he was always on the verge of collapse, especially during the period before Norris was found. He tried various suicide methods, but there seemed to be a force stopping him, preventing him from successfully achieving his goal. Purpose.

After finding Norris, he felt a little more at ease, but it didn't let him relax completely.

Because the unknown follows you like a shadow.


Si Wei checked the address and glanced at the house number written on the wall, and then confirmed that the address was correct.

He asked for Robus's address from Norris. The latter said that he had some other things to deal with, so he handed over all the investigation matters to Si Wei.

Si Wei was too lazy to bother with Norris's behavior. Anyway, everyone was now a grasshopper on the same rope. He walked to the door of the townhouse apartment and knocked gently on the iron door.

An old woman opened the door. She was dressed simply and very frugally.

She looked at Si Wei with doubtful eyes, "Sir, what's the matter?"

"Hello, ma'am," Sweeney replied politely, "I am a friend of Mr. Hall Robes. Is he at home now?"

The old woman recalled for a while and then said: "Mr. Robus? He should have gone out. His mental state seems to be very bad these days, and he is walking staggeringly. I originally advised him to go to the hospital. But he refused. If you are his friend, I hope you can persuade him. He has been in arrears with the rent for two months. "

Hearing this, Si Wei nodded, and asked for other details: "Is it convenient to ask? Where has Hall gone now?"

"Mr. Robles seems to go to the city center alone recently," the old woman recalled as best she could. "I don't know why."

"Are you often alone? I understand, thank you." Si Wei bowed slightly and saluted the old woman. He did not intend to disturb others anymore and said goodbye to her.

After walking out of the townhouse, Si Wei stood on the street and began to think about the brief conversation he had just had with the old woman.

From the old woman's words, Si Wei could learn that Robust's recent mental state was very bad. Before coming, Norris also told himself a little bit about Robuss's excavation of Halea's coffin in the city of Halea with him. If Robles has been in this situation for some time, he is now in a very dangerous state.

Suicide may be a better situation, the most difficult thing is that Robus will become a degenerate.

The townhouse apartment Robles lives in now is one of those apartments where the rent is relatively cheap and the walls are like paper. Once Robles becomes a degenerate, who knows how many people will die at his hands!

Therefore, finding Robs as soon as possible has become Si Wei's top priority.

Buzz buzz——

Just as he was thinking about this, a very irritating sound of flapping wings reached Si Wei's ears.

Si Wei raised his head and looked at the thing in front of him.

A wasp-like insect that was far larger than an ordinary wasp flew past him. The pattern is beautiful, and the bright yellow and black complement each other, giving it a unique aesthetic.

but! Its body length has exceeded seventy-five millimeters. Even in Si Wei's previous world, there had never been such a huge bee! It is simply the aircraft carrier of the bee world!

It just flew past Si Wei, and the latter did not rush up to catch it. After all, the world is still full of unknowns to Si Wei. If this thing is very common in the eyes of others, he is Making a fuss out of a molehill.

But you have to think about the worst in everything. According to Si Wei's existing information, the situation in Beihai is tense. The followers of the Pantheon Cult gather here. There is also a guy who wants to satisfy his desire to kill and is hiding in the streets of Manburg City. In the alley, under such circumstances, Si Wei would not be surprised if a missionary created such a thing.

After all, humans are a strange enough species.

Besides, Si Wei didn't have the kind of scholar around him who could draw biological conclusions for him. Even if Si Wei went through all the trouble to catch it, his work would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Si Wei decisively gave up on the giant bee in front of him and focused his attention on Robs again.

Manburg City is not big. Si Wei, who had a map in his hand, found the location of the city center, estimated the distance, and chose to take a carriage.

For them now, time is money. Arnold's hint has already shown that the missionary is very dangerous, and he and others need to deal with him as quickly as possible.

Si Wei himself only has less than half a month to attend the royal celebration. It took a lot of time to sneak from Accra to Beihai, but it doesn't take that long to reach the imperial capital where the royal celebration is held from Beihai.

Raising his hand to stop a carriage, Si Wei negotiated the price with it and set off for the city center.


The bee that Si Wei let go dragged its bloated body and slowly flew to a hidden corner.

A man in a black windbreaker tied with bandages raised his right hand and let the bee stay on his finger.

"Hehe... three missionaries..." He spoke hoarsely, wearing a funny top hat, and only his right eye and a mouthful of yellow teeth were exposed under the bandages.

"I hope they are tasty enough... Otherwise, the people in this city won't be enough to feed me..."

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