Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 67 The Judge

Beverly stopped.

Ever since she separated from Norris, she had always had a feeling.

She was being followed.

Sure enough, after wandering aimlessly on the streets of Manburg for three minutes, Beverly confirmed that someone was following her, and the outfit was very obvious, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to find him.

Although she didn't know who the person who came to her door was, Beverly didn't care about these questions. She quickened her pace at a corner, hid in a protruding corner of the wall with a stealthy and fast speed, lifted her shirt with one hand, and held the warm handle of the hand axe.

The footsteps were getting closer, and the other party followed Beverly's footsteps into this corner. In addition to some downtown areas in Manburg, there are already very few pedestrians. As long as you don't commit crimes on the street, basically no one will notice your behavior.

This is why Beverly has chosen to take out the hand axe.

Listening carefully to the other party's footsteps with both ears, Baifuli quickly judged the other party's position, stretched out one arm suddenly, grabbed the collar of the newcomer, and pressed the arm with the hand axe against the axe handle on the other party's neck, knocking the newcomer directly against the wall!

"Don't move!" Baifuli warned, "If you don't want anything to flow out, you'd better be quiet!"

Baifuli felt him swallowing saliva, and the latter didn't dare to make a sound at all. Because the coldness of the hand axe had stimulated the fear deep in his heart, the words on it seemed to be twisting and jumping.

Baifuli's right elbow pressed against the man's ribs, slightly lifting his cloak. On the exposed dry arm, a tattoo unique to Pantheists was revealed.

"A believer of the Pantheist Church? Following me? You are really tired of living..." Baifuli exerted force with her hands, flipped the believer to the ground, rode on his back, locked the believer's hands with just one hand, and put her hand axe on his wrist, "If you still have a brain, it's better to answer each question I ask you, understand?"

"Woo woo woo!" The Pantheist suddenly whimpered, and Baifuli felt something was wrong and lifted his hood with her hand axe.

What came into view was a face full of wounds.

Countless silk threads sewed the man's lips together, and blood was still flowing out because of the rupture of the skin. Many wounds had already scarred.

Baifuli looked at the tattoo on his arm again, which was still very new. Obviously, he was not a believer who had joined the church for a long time!

Not good! It seems that I have been fooled!

With an extremely ugly face, Baifuli felt that the body of the guy under her was gradually becoming soft. Some kind of decadent music that did not belong to this world echoed in her and the believer's ears, stimulating the birth of something original!

"Woo woo woo..." This believer...or this man is crying. He knows what is happening, but he can't change the outcome.

So far, no missionary has ever changed the outcome of becoming a fallen person, let alone an ordinary person who has been tortured by the Pantheon.

Bai Fuli also wanted to help this man get rid of it as soon as possible, but she couldn't do it, because the power of grace had corrupted him. Even if Bai Fuli cut off his head, something from the depths of his soul would continue to torture him!

To be on the safe side, she quickly stood up and retreated to the back with a small jump, subconsciously trying to take out the gun tied to the inside of her thigh.

There is a reason for tying the gun there. Bai Fuli knows that the external image will affect others' judgment of herself. In addition, people usually wear long skirts or loose pants, so it is a better choice to focus on the gun in the lower body.

Here, women's upper body is more slim-fitting clothing, not suitable for hiding weapons, so tying the holster here is a helpless move.

This is only for the case of skirts. Wearing pants is more troublesome, so I won't go into details here.

The man has stood up, and a lot of liquid began to flow out of his seven orifices. There was no blood flowing out, only transparent liquid, like sea water, dripping down his body to the ground.

His face gradually turned pale and his body began to shrivel. Some kind of cracks spread all over his body, but it was not like before that his eyes bulged out from inside.

Bone spurs, rushing out of those cracks like newborns.

"Lord of the Deep Sea... I feel something is wrong..." Bai Fuli looked at the jagged bone spurs with disgust. The man had become a lifeless corpse, and he was controlled by only some invisible silk threads!

Just when she wanted to take out the gun, Bai Fuli suddenly sensed that a guy came out from behind her.

"Master of the Vigil, please allow me to find the final destination for this lost corpse."

Bevry turned her head and saw Bell in plain clothes standing behind her, holding a golden bell in his hand and shaking it gently.

"This guy..." Bevry's attention was all attracted by the bell. She knew what it was. "Is he the same type of missionary as me?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but reach out and touch the pocket watch hidden under her collar.

It's very cold, and it's still there. That's good.

The Fallen was attracted by the sound of the bell and cast his eyes on Bell. This ordinary-looking policeman had no fear at all. He gently shook the bell and walked towards the hideous monster.

But the suspicious thing is that this fallen one did not choose to attack Bell, but continued to stare at Bell with a puzzled look, without taking any action.

"Rest in peace." He said so, and suddenly took out an iron nail in his hand and pierced it into the chest of the fallen one.


White light was revealed from the cracks.

The fallen one did not turn into a pile of rubble and fell to the ground, but turned into liquid in an instant, leaving only a pile of broken clothes, all falling to the ground.

After putting away the bell, Bell slowly turned his head and looked at Bai Fuli who had just put away the hand axe.

"Who are you? Does the Court of Justice have time to send a group of judges to the North Sea to play recently?" Bell was very explosive as soon as he opened his mouth.

Bai Fuli would not pay attention to his offensive words, but replied: "Huh, there are not many judges who can wander around the North Sea without anyone to control them."

Yes, Bell and Bai Fuli are both so-called "judges". People like them are the only kind of existence that can directly suppress the fallen, and they are the real "gift". Compared with other missionaries, they have heavier responsibilities on their shoulders, but they are also more powerful.

For example, Bell just used his gift power to suppress the actions of the Fallen, and finally completed the "liberation" for him.

"With my status, it's not your turn to control me." Bell's words are also reasonable. Most of the people in power in the Court of Inquisition can't control him, let alone a small judge.

Bai Fuli thinks that it's better to talk to Norris and Siwei than to talk to this guy. At least the latter two have normal brains.

But before that, she still needs to get some information out of Bell's mouth.

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