Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 68 Beast Tamer

"Mr. Belle Clive, right?" Beverly was sitting by the glass window of the cafe. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on half of her delicate face, and even the waiter on the side couldn't help but stop and admire it.

Bell took a sip of black tea and replied: "It's me. I should have introduced myself on the way here, right? Miss Shelley, are you suffering from some kind of amnesia?"

Beverly adopted the same method that Norris used when confronting her, which was to not respond at all to these cynicisms. She pretended not to hear them and said, "Since you are not a member of the police department, you came to Manburg voluntarily." , then there must be some special reasons, right?”

"Who told you that I was voluntary?" Bell asked.

"It's not voluntary? Are you kidding," Beverly easily exposed his lie, "Since pirates began to be rampant in the North Sea and followers of the Pantheon Church gathered, the empire has assigned the first batch of guard members. And members of the Tribunal, I am quite sure that no one has been sent to Beihai since then. In this case, the 'Bell Clive' who does not appear on my list must have come here voluntarily. of?"

Bell calmly pointed out the loophole in her words, "In that case, how do you explain that I became a member of the police department? Could it be that I took office based on connections?"

"So, this explains another thing," Beverly said, "You, Mr. Clive, you are from Manburg."

Bell was suffocated by this guy's level of reasoning. Being able to perfectly avoid the correct answer was a skill.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you on this topic anymore," Bell rubbed his temples, "What's the reason for you to come to Beihai? As a member of the Tribunal, you shouldn't come to Manburg City at this time, right? "

Most of the members of the Tribunal have already gone to the North Sea to fight against the rampant pirates. Very few people from the Tribunal are still sitting in the offices of the police station. No one is wandering around outside like Beverly, and they are even targeted by the All Gods.

"I'm asking for leave, so you don't have to worry about this matter. Now you just need to treat me as an ordinary missionary who has nothing to do with the empire. That's enough." Beverly gave an unconvincing excuse, "We The thing that should be discussed now is the fallen person who attacked me just now. Who sent him? "

Bell also cooperated and changed the topic, "Only you know the details, but the information I have now is... there should be a wanted missionary who has been on the run for many years in Manburg City. The preliminary inference should be' The Beastmaster'.

"Beast Controller?" Beverly's expression was obviously distorted. "Being a wanted beast controler is quite high-level, right?"

"Currently, the beast masters recorded in the empire have only reached the fifth node, and the creatures they can control are only medium-sized creatures known to the human world. Being able to cause such large-scale death, if she is just an ordinary Beastmaster, I really don’t believe it.”

Beverly frowned, "Oh? You mean...she might be a fallen person?"

Bell shrugged, "Isn't it necessary to say 'outsiders'? There aren't that many outsider-type missionaries known so far, right? What if there are special circumstances?"

"Then according to your statement, doesn't the possibility of accomplices also exist?" Beverly objected very rationally, "In the final analysis, the amount of information we have is completely insufficient, otherwise we would not be discussing this kind of issue here at all. Bar?"

Taking a sip of black tea, Bell let out a long sigh of relief, "That's true, but where should you look for the missing information? Is it possible that clues will pop up on their own?"

Crossing her arms and tapping her left arm with her right index finger, Beverly said, "Don't I have to leave this kind of thing to you? You are now a member of the police department, and you have more information about these cases than There are many more anonymous immigrants like me, right?"

Seeing her acting like she wanted to sit back and enjoy the results, Bell helplessly rubbed his eyebrows, "Is your ability to manipulate people innate? Not to mention the extent of my daily workload, now Don’t you see any problems with the security environment in Manburg City? I don’t have the energy to deal with what you said.”

Of course Bell was lying. At this stage, he is the most powerful person in the police department. Who dares to give him extra work?

"Really? Since the security environment in Manburg City is so bad recently, and you still have time to hang out, it means you are not that busy, right?" Beverly also vaguely guessed that this guy is not a small person. .

She was originally a member of the Divine Inquisition Tribunal. As a person who was "transferred" from the Divine Inquisition Tribunal as a judge, Beverly was a celebrity in major institutions in the empire. As a very rare judge among missionaries, Bell's status cannot be low, so it is natural that he cannot not recognize himself.

From the few words just said, Beverly deduced that this guy actually didn't know her at all. So which organizations in the empire are so closed that they don’t even know their own news?

On this point, Beverly couldn't find a clue.

The jurisdiction of the Court of Divine Justice is actually very small, and its voice in the empire is not great. Many core secrets are inaccessible. The most typical case is a secret ceremony nearly thirty or forty years ago, which was discussed by the empire. Almost everyone except the Court of Divine Justice and the Court of Inquisition participated in this meeting.

In recent years, with the gradual growth of the Pantheon, the role of the Court of Divine Justice and the Court of Inquisition has finally gradually emerged in front of the public, and they have gradually gained the right to speak and decide.

This Bell Clive is likely to come from a secret organization that even Bofuli doesn't know. Since even they are not qualified to know, his power and status must be extraordinary. Combined with Bell being transferred to Manburg City during this period, Bofuli is 100% sure that as long as he needs it, the police station will give him an "indefinite" break time to allow him to fully investigate.

This is indeed the case.

Bell raised his eyebrows, unable to judge whether this woman was guessing blindly or after careful logical inference. But it is also a fact that she told the truth, which Bell also recognized.

"Okay, Miss Shelley," Bell chose to compromise and didn't bother with her any more. "I will conduct some investigations, and of course I hope you won't be idle, otherwise... your work efficiency will be greatly reduced."

Bervli scooped a teaspoon of sugar cubes into the coffee, stirring and nodding, "Okay, I understand."

Ber watched her facial expression, which showed no obvious emotions.

"Okay." Bell left this sentence and got up to leave.

After making sure Bell left, Bellvli sighed deeply.

"Aren't you going to pay the bill..."

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