Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 69 Crazy World

At night, the lights were dim.

Norris walked aimlessly on the street holding a paper bag of bread. He didn't find a place to stay, and he was reluctant to spend money, so he just wandered around the street.

In fact, Norris didn't need sleep much, because with his gift of power, Norris could never sleep. The so-called sleep is just to relax his brain, clear his mind, and organize all the information, which is completely different from the reason why ordinary people sleep.

Originally, he wanted to stay overnight at Arnold's bar, but he encountered some situations halfway to the bar.

A muffled sound rang in Norris's ears, and some very obvious strange sound that was suppressed at the moment of screaming came into his ears. Norris cast his eyes on the scene under the building wall. A tall man covered the mouth of another man who was struggling with resistance with one hand, trying to drag him to a place where no one was around.

Buzz buzz buzz --

At the same time, the bloated bees flew past Norris, but the latter ignored them, holding the paper bag and following the tall man into the alley between the buildings.

Keeping a certain distance, Norris stuffed the bread into his mouth in two or three strokes and put the paper bag on the window sill beside him. A very strong smell of excrement came from the inside of the window, probably from the toilet.

After swallowing the bread, Norris kept a certain distance from the other party and moved forward. The tall man seemed to have subdued the man, who had fainted. If the tall man used his strong arms to strangle his neck, suffocation would be a foregone conclusion.

Norris frowned slightly, grabbed a flower bed next to him and smashed it to the ground.


A crisp sound echoed in this remote goat path, and the tall man was startled. Even though the strength of his hands increased, he relaxed a little because of his exhalation, at least giving the man a chance to breathe.

In extremely tense situations, it is difficult for people to notice some tiny details. Norris grasped this point and did the behavior that almost exposed himself just now.

He judged that the other party was not a habitual offender or a mentally ill guy, because the tall man's method and route selection were quite rough, and there was no systematic research at all, so Norris thought he was just impulsive.

Sure enough, the tall man found a relatively open garbage dumping site, threw the victim directly on the garbage dump, and began to search for valuables on him.

"Tsk... another guy with nothing... What's the idea of ​​a group of people going out without money? Do you think there will be some technology in the future that can be used without money?"

He complained, rummaging around in the man's not-so-valuable suit, and finally found a wallet from the inner pocket.

The wallet was made of cloth, with many wrinkles and some faded colors. It looked quite old. It was estimated that it had been used for a long time and was reluctant to change it, or it might be forced by family conditions.

But no matter what, the tall man only took out a hundred lems in cash from his wallet, which was completely disproportionate to the risk of being caught by the guards and the police station.

"Damn! Unlucky! Pah!" The tall man threw his wallet aside and spat a mouthful of light yellow sputum on the unconscious man's face, "Damn, how can the current Manburg City support you, a bunch of poor trash?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to take out the sharp dagger from his waist and kill the man directly.

However, considering the trouble that would be caused by the man's death, the tall man chose to give up. After all, the current police station has no time to deal with robbery, but they can't ignore murder.

He kicked the unconscious man hard and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he saw the scene that almost caused his heart and lungs to stop.

Norris folded his hands on his chest, leaned against the wall, and looked at him with contempt.

For a moment, the tall man thought that someone from the police station had followed him all the way and witnessed everything. But when he saw that the other person was just a guy of the same height as him, but one level lower in physique, he immediately felt relieved.

"Who are you?" He tried to communicate, while reaching behind him with both hands, trying to take out the dagger.

"Does it matter who I am? You are just a gangster, I don't need to tell you my name." Norris raised his left hand, and a silver dagger was flying up and down in his palm, "If you want to find this... just give up, anyway, it's in my hand."

The tall man took a breath and patted his waist bag, and the dagger really disappeared!

Norris was not going to kill anyone, and threw the dagger behind him casually. He took a step forward and stopped the tall man. "You know what you did just now... right?"

"What does it have to do with you?" The tall man was furious. "Who do you think you are? A policeman? A guard? Or a vigilante? I tell you, Manburg City is not peaceful now, you'd better not make more trouble!"

"Even if I'm going to make less trouble...some people don't think so." Norris shrugged, and said something that the tall man couldn't understand, "Manburg City is not that simple now, all kinds of monsters and demons have gathered together..."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" The tall man didn't understand Norris' words at all, but he always felt that his words made him panic, "Are you sick? I'm going to do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Norris took the lead, raised his foot, and kicked the tall man's chest directly, kicking him onto the wall!

The uneven breath, stinging and panic mixed together, and his brain gave the most clear instructions: If you don't want to die, then faint now!

"No way, give up resistance?" Norris sighed, and said that this guy was so strong that he might be able to fight with him for a few moves, but he was still kicked unconscious by his kick...

Buzz buzz buzz--

The flapping sound of wings sounded again, and Norris began to reach into his pocket, took out the pack of reindeer cigarettes, and lit it for himself.

The bloated bee brushed past Norris's ear and slowly landed beside the tall man who had fainted, as if it had stabbed his neck.

After doing this, the bees took off again, staggering towards the outside of the maze.

Norris spit out his eyes and watched everything happen silently, but did not stop it.

"Is this what you want to see?" Norris didn't know who he was talking to, "Only proper sacrifice can bring out the truth. This truth... is really cruel..."

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