Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 75 Cranial Cavity

The night deepened.

Locke scratched his neck. He had bad luck recently. He fell down the stairs the day before yesterday, and his right ankle was still swollen and he walked with a limp. When he was doing financial statements for the company yesterday, someone splashed ink all over the table, so he had to start all over again. This morning, he was even stung by a super-large bee!

Fortunately, the bee didn't seem to be poisonous. He just felt a little itchy in his neck, without pain or difficulty breathing.

When he thought about facing an empty house when he returned home, Locke felt that life was gradually getting darker. He has lived for a total of 37 years, and he has never held the hand of the opposite sex. The opposite sex who originally had a good impression rejected him because of his not-so-rich family background.

Because of the situation in Beihai, his parents chose to temporarily avoid it. They probably rented a house in the suburbs of the city and lived there for the time being.

Locke didn't have a pet. First, he didn't have time to take care of it, and second, he really didn't have extra energy.

Almost all companies in Manburg City are short of staff. One person has to take on several jobs at the same time, but the salary is still pitifully small, just a little more than before.

Locke also thought about leaving. Before Manburg City was closed, he thought that if everyone fled, the company was short of staff, and he chose to stay, maybe he would be promoted later, and even his salary could be doubled.

But the cold facts awakened him. Many people stayed in the company with the same idea as him, but the company's decision made them feel chilled. Now it is basically impossible for Locke to leave Manburg City again.

The possibility of potential murderers, fighting between gangs, rampant pirates in the sea, and the wandering of Pantheists in the city... All of this is hindering him from leaving. If you want to leave Manburg City now, you must at least have a certain amount of connections and financial resources, otherwise no one in the police station or the guard will let you leave.

Smuggling is also a way, but Locke has been abiding by the law for more than 30 years. Now he is asked to do those illegal things. He is worried about something in his heart and he certainly dare not do it easily.

With a deep sigh, Locke took off his hat and scratched his messy hair. The daily fatigue made him not take a shower for several days, and the itchy feeling spread all over his body.

"Sir, the keeper of the spirits!" Locke wailed, "Please let me go, I can't stand this kind of life anymore..."

Locke would wail a few times like this to the night sky every day. As for whether the keeper of the spirits could hear him... Locke didn't know.

Buzz buzz buzz——

The annoying and dense sound echoed around Locke's ears, and he frowned. This sound seemed to be able to evoke the most primitive furious impulse in the depths of human hearts, disturbing thoughts and moods.

He quickened his pace, trying to get rid of this sound. But Locke did not choose to turn back, and even he himself didn't know the reason. It was a completely subconscious decision.

However, no matter how fast he walked or how many corners he turned, the annoying sound always echoed in his ears with the same frequency, tone and loudness, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"What is that?" He was angry, turned around suddenly, threw the briefcase in his hand out, and sank into the darkness.

In the darkness in front of him, there was nothing, but Locke felt that hundreds of eyes were staring at him.

Buzz buzz buzz --

The sound seemed to be approaching, and the tone was gradually rising, like a warning!

Locke's limbs were trembling slightly, but he himself did not notice it, because his attention had been attracted by something.

At this time, the light shining from behind Locke disappeared. The sound of flapping wings spread from in front of him to all around.

He was surrounded, surrounded by some kind of creature with wings, bloated body, and extremely large number!


The unclear whisper passed through the flapping sound that made Locke upset and entered Locke's ear, like the music of another world, stirring his fragile heartstrings and his soul that was gradually sinking into the deep pool.

Tick, tick--

If you look closely, you can see that there is a dark color in Locke's crotch. Some liquid has seeped out of the rough fabric, and some of it has flowed down the trouser legs, emitting a smell of urine.


Locke's pupils were dilating, and he knelt down on the ground with his knees softened, without any thought of resistance.

Those eyes were hovering around, watching him... watching him, the lamb to be slaughtered!

Finally, something came to Locke. He raised his head tremblingly and saw the black and yellow thing.

No, it was a person, but the dense bees wrapped his whole body, perhaps to cover his appearance, but this naturally made him even more terrifying!

Locke could see the outline of this person, he knelt on one knee, and gently lifted Locke's chin with his fingers wrapped by bees.

Those smooth and squirming things rubbed Locke's skin, and some of them even broke away from the bee man's body and climbed on his Adam's apple, neck and chest. The itchy feeling made Locke feel so painful that he wanted to die, and his fear of these creatures completely broke out!

The bees in the bee man's mouth suddenly scattered and fell on Locke. Locke saw a not-so-big mouth with neat teeth and no stains or debris.

However, its tongue was different.

It was a mouthpart similar to a tentacle, slender, with more than ten of them! It twisted strangely in the air, and sticky saliva dripped down the tip of the mouthpart, pulling out a long silver thread.

At the tip of the mouthpart, there was a dark round mouth. Locke didn't dare to imagine what was inside, which made him panic!

Gently, the bee man's lips kissed Locke's lips. Its lips were soft, with a faint smell of blood and the sweetness of honey.

Those tentacles slid in his mouth, approaching the cavity wall closest to the brain.

Then... it showed terrible strength, directly pierced the cavity wall of the upper layer of the mouth, and sank into his brain.

A strange sucking sound echoed in the alley, and another victim appeared. The brain was still being sucked out, and the empty cranial cavity was making a terrifying accusation to this chaotic world.

Victims will continue to appear, and the bee man will continue to command his pet to mark them.

Because... this is what it needs to do.

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