Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 77 The most devout believer

"What kind of magic did you become?!" Bell asked in an angry tone, snatching the pendant back and putting it back on his neck, looking very excited.

"Please don't be so impatient! Mr. Bell Clive!" Gunrick called out Bell's name, "You have to understand something. Many things are not as simple as you seem."

Bell directly took out his gun, and put the cold muzzle of the gun on Gondrick's forehead. It was obvious that the theft of the pendant had angered him, "But I think I can kill you if I shoot. It’s as simple as it looks to me!”

Gondrick's expression was normal, with a gentleman's smile on his face, but that smile seemed extremely ironic to Bell, "But you won't do that, right? Mr. Bell Clive, you are a sensible person." Man, you know very well that I still have information that can be used, so no matter how angry you are, you will not shoot."

The gun body was trembling. Gondrick judged this through the skin contact. He saw Bell's teeth trembling, and he was exerting strength all over his body, trying his best to restrain his behavior.

Bell's chest had ups and downs that were neither low nor high. Gondrick could see that the bones on the back of Bell's hands were about to break through the skin and be exposed to the air.

"Damn it!" Bell pressed down the hand that was holding the gun, turned his back and took several deep breaths in succession.

Taking advantage of this moment, Gunric continued: "Mr. Bell Clive, before you have a normal conversation with me, please clarify some things: Why did I come to you at this time? Why did I perform this magic? What is the hidden meaning behind this magic? Only after you fully understand these things can we truly communicate normally."

While Bell was adjusting his mentality, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about Gondrick's words.

Indeed, Gondrick's series of actions are worthy of further study, and the three questions he raised are also related to the reason why he came to find him.

Why...are you looking for me at this time? Is this a special time? Is the Lord of the Deep Sea about to resurrect? Pantheon believers gather together? Are pirates rampant in the North Sea? Or is the murderer in Manburg City fleeing to commit murder?

This magic is just a magic that "makes something out of nothing", but Gunrik's words hide a very deep secret.

"None of us can do without this table."

What does it mean? Why can't anyone live without this table? Is there any secret about this table?

Obviously this is not the case, but if Bell thinks from another angle and combines Gondrick's other two words, a breakthrough point will emerge.

"This tablecloth is a covering of sorts."

"A lot of things are not as simple as they seem."

If you think of this table as the basis for their existence in this world: the real world, and think of the tablecloth as a shadow that covers something in the real world, then you can understand the meaning of Gondrick's magic.

Something related to the wake doctrine has been hidden, and you need to find it!

"Who are you?" Bell's eyes changed when he looked at Gunric. This guy is not like the lunatics from the Pantheon Religion, nor is he like Arnold's pursuer of "truth" and "unknown". , let alone a complete anti-social lunatic like a tomb robber.

Gunric took off his hat again, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunric Kurt. I was guided by the gods and came here to convey his oracle to you."

Although Bell had the urge to question whether there was a mental problem with him, the facts before him told Bell that he should not do that and that he should trust this guy.

Just to be on the safe side, Bell asked, "Who is the spirit that guides you?"

As long as this guy dares to name any god, Bell will have reason to take out his gun and kill him.

Now in the eyes of the empire, all believers of the alien gods have been included in the wanted list of the Pantheon Cult. As long as Bell confirms that Gondrick is a believer of the Pantheon Cult, he has the authority to kill him directly!

"The spirit that guides me...is the waker."


Even Bell himself didn't react, his body moved subconsciously. He grabbed Gondrick by the collar and pushed him to the damp wall. The steam pipe was right next to Gondrick's face, emitting scorching heat. "You say it again?"

These words were very light, but they contained full murderous intent.

"If you don't want to believe me, then I don't think we have anything to say." Gunrick remained calm, hardly like a normal person. "Mr. Bell Clive, the most devout believer in the wake doctrine." However, he has received the gift of power from a strange god, how ironic.”

"Shut up!!" No one had ever seen Bell so furious. He took out his gun, put it against Gondrick's waist, and pulled the trigger!

Just listen to the dull roar echoing in No. 37 Street in Port Manburg. The bullet penetrated Gondrick's entire body from his waist. Blood bloomed and his flesh and blood were blurred!

Gondrick's expression remained unchanged, calm and composed, as if he was not the one who was shot at all.

At this moment, Bell understood one thing.

Gunrik is no longer human.

Now he is just a puppet, either a puppet sent by the Pantheists to deceive him, or... a guy controlled by the alien god to seduce him and make him fall into the abyss of the fallen.

He loosened Gunrick's collar, and the latter slid to the ground like a puddle of mud, but his eyes were still open, looking at Bell who was panting.

"Mr. Bell Clive, you should leave here." Gunrick made a cold voice, and the voice did not seem to come from the human world, but echoed from some more weird world, "You have caught the guy who endangers the safety of Manburg City, you need to leave here as quickly as possible, otherwise... the 'truth' you are pursuing will be far away from you."

Bell panted, and his mind gradually calmed down. He gritted his teeth and put away his gun.


Black smoke floated up, Bell moved his eyes away, walked a little outside of 37th Street, and sat on the dirty steps.

He touched his pocket, but took out a pack of Reindeer cigarettes.

This was what Arnold handed him before he left the Seaton Bar. He didn't explain the reason in detail, just that he could take it if he needed it.

He looked at his feet again, and a box of clean matches lay there like a miracle, as if it was deliberately prepared for him.

After hesitating for a moment, Bell took out a cigarette, picked up the matchbox, struck a match, and lit the cigarette for himself.

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