Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 8 Dream Eater

Si Wei scratched his head, looked at the coin in his hand, and looked up at the road sign in front of him.

Four big characters were clearly written on the road sign: Osins Street.

"This is too weird..." Si Wei said to himself, "I just gave me the coin and it's less than ten minutes before I ran into Osins Street. It turns out that this place is open not only from 10 pm to 5 am..."

Osins Street is a gloomy and damp street. The central street between the two rows of buildings is paved with black bricks and tiles. The ground is uneven and it is easy to embed some small ornaments. A careful person may find more than a dozen coins and valuable jewelry after searching here for a day.

On both sides of the street are steam pipes that are somewhat out of tune with this era. A small amount of steam overflows from the connection of the pipes and floats over the street, adding a bit of mystery.

Si Wei did not hesitate, put the coin back in his pocket, and walked into it.

Oxins Street was very quiet. Even though it was only seven or eight o'clock in the evening, no residents made any uncivilized noises.

There were residential houses on both sides, and only a few rooms still had white lights on. However, Si Wei could not observe any human figures, just like an empty house, no one lived there.

All the doors downstairs were locked. No matter how Si Wei tried to open the windows or doors, they did not move.

When Si Wei looked behind him, the T-junction that he had just entered had disappeared, replaced by a twisted street with no end in sight.

Si Wei was not going to stop there. Even if this place seemed to be gloomy and terrifying, it could not stop Si Wei's curiosity from growing.

After walking for an unknown period of time, when even the concept of time seemed to disappear with the increase in steps, Si Wei saw a high vermilion wall.

This wall was absolutely impossible to see the opposite side with human ability. The height was at least four or five meters. Even if Si Wei jumped up, he could not see it.

The bricks of the wall were stacked tightly together, and Si Wei couldn't even find a gap to see the other side.

In addition to the high wall, he also made a new discovery.

That is, there is a hotel next to the high wall, which is also the only open door in the entire Osins Street.

The hotel has no name, and it is more reliable to call it a famous hotel from the style. A melodious violin sound came from the store, which made Si Wei feel comfortable, as if he had some kind of magic.

After confirming that there was nothing worth investigating in the high wall, Si Wei walked towards the hotel, pushed open the half-closed door, and asked, "Hello, is anyone there?"

What appeared in front of Si Wei was a small space. The whole house seemed to be built with solid wood. Whether it was the floor, wall or ceiling, there was no trace of concrete.

The whole space was filled with a lot of clothes, books and sundries piled up here, leaving only a narrow road leading to the cashier and the duplex staircase.

Sitting at the cashier was an old man, who was old, with a withered face and a sallow complexion.

He sat in a wheelchair, his face full of wrinkles and age spots, and it seemed that he didn't pay much attention to maintenance.

Si Wei walked over from a pile of debris with difficulty and asked, "Hello, is this a hotel?"

"Yes..." he replied, and an indescribable bad breath drifted towards Si Wei through the air, but the latter remained calm.

"Can I stay here for one night? The shops around here are not open yet, and I can't find another place to stay."

The old man glanced at Si Wei, took a key from the shelf on the wall, and handed it to Si Wei, "Second floor, first room."

Si Wei was stunned for a moment, "Don't you have to pay? No ID card?"

The old man stared at him, "I, Ferry Rex, don't need charity for accommodation fees, just stay here if I ask you to, don't say so much nonsense!"

"Please don't be angry, I apologize to you," Si Wei pressed his hands down, made a gesture to make him relax, and changed the subject, "I want to ask, where does the violin sound here come from?"

"The attic," Fury took out a pipe from the drawer and lit it for himself, "A down-and-out mute who calls himself an artist lives there, playing the violin every night, making everyone unable to sleep, so my customer base is also bleak."

Si Wei was puzzled, "Why don't you try to let him live somewhere else?"

Fury smiled, "Because he lives in the attic, he has no way to leave that place."

Si Wei couldn't understand this sentence at all.

What does it mean that you can't leave the attic? Is there some kind of curse in the attic? Is this old man who calls himself Fury a mystic?

Fury urged Siwei, "Hurry up and don't disturb me if you have nothing to do. I'm very annoying."

Siwei nodded repeatedly, listening to the soothing violin sound, and came to his room.

There was only one room on the second floor, and that was Siwei's room. The scene outside the high wall could not be observed from the window on the second floor. It was estimated that he could only see it from the attic.

The window was completely locked, and Siwei had no way to open it. It might be to prevent Siwei from climbing out of the window and then climbing up to the attic to observe the high wall.

This further aroused Siwei's curiosity about the attic and the high wall.

The sound of the violin upstairs poured into Siwei's mind like a tide, and sleepiness continued to attack, pulling his consciousness into a bottomless abyss.

Yawning deeply, Si Wei sat on the wooden bed and observed the structure of the room with his remaining consciousness.

This is a very ordinary bedroom, with a desk, desk lamp, bookshelf, and ceiling fan.

The overall space is not large, about ten square meters, at least enough for one person to live.

The sleepiness came too suddenly, and Si Wei had no way to concentrate on searching for potential clues in the bookshelf and desk. He could only lie on the bed, helplessly feeling that he was gradually losing control of his body and his consciousness was gradually blurring.

The melodious sound of the violin carried Si Wei's consciousness, drifting with the flow, as if drifting in the endless blue sea.

There was no wind or waves, drifting alone.

This is the purest comfort, the peace of mind of a child lying in the arms of his mother, and the irreplaceable joy.

Thoughts sank into the sea, and the sound of the piano involved thoughts.

The night... quietly kicked off.


I am an ordinary human being.


I am a missionary.


I am a dream eater.


I am the apostle of Cthulhu.


My name is Siwei, I wander in dreams and make judgments in dreams.

I woke up in the cemetery, holding the knife called truth, and walked on the ground of the town.

My cognition is very clear, I know I am in a dream, but my body is not at my mercy.

Perhaps this is the power of a dream eater, but now I am only in the first stage of the dream, so I can't control my body.

The night in the town is very quiet, so quiet that it is terrifying. From my perspective, I can see the fog called fear and madness shrouding the sky above the city.

A golden beam of light sprinkled from the sky and gathered in a certain place.

And my body, unconsciously, took a step and went to that place.

When I arrived at the destination, I saw a man holding a dagger in his hand, pressing it against the lower abdomen of an unarmed woman, demanding her money.

The woman screamed in fear, but was blocked by the man. He wanted the woman to hand over the money in person.

I moved, holding the hatchet, and stood behind the man.

Then... I swung the knife.

A heart-wrenching scream broke the quiet night, the woman ran away, and the man twitched under my feet.

I stood up and looked at the glass in front of me.

I saw myself, a rotten corpse with a disfigured face and the man's blood on my face.

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